Una pequeña sesión de esbozo para encontrar a Aracne, un personaje clave en esta historia de resistencia desesperada que es La Primavera en la que contamos La Caída de Constantinopla de una manera diferente. https://youtu.be/WsRs-yAedFI
/wXIVcdgbXDY #tempera #gouache #watercolor #acuarela
#tempera #gouache #watercolor #acuarela
Una pequeña sesión de esbozo para encontrar a Aracne, un personaje clave en esta historia de resistencia desesperada que es La Primavera en la que contamos La Caída de Constantinopla de una manera diferente. https://youtu.be/wXIVcdgbXDY #tempera #gouache #watercolor #acuarela
#tempera #gouache #watercolor #acuarela
La Morte che uccide la Morte. Una pistola che non ci doveva essere per la vita di una famiglia. Il paradosso del caso Vicentini pluriomicida-suicida - Di Gaetano Barbella
Conoscere lo stato di salute energetico della persona
É ormai chiaro, che stiamo attraversando un’epoca di risveglio generale delle coscienze.
#casoVicentini #causaeffetto #frazionediLAquila #Kerma #malattianeurodegenerativa #pluriomicida #primarioCarloVicentini #Psicostasia #stragedifamiglia #Tempera
#casovicentini #causaeffetto #frazionedilaquila #kerma #malattianeurodegenerativa #pluriomicida #primariocarlovicentini #psicostasia #stragedifamiglia #tempera
Painting Experiment!
I've been recently trying to experiment with a new style that combines both watercolor and tempera color, and this was the very first attempt.
The goal was to have a more "painterly" style that is not as reliant on lineart as my current one, and I think I've been quite successful!
#watercolor #watercolour #tempera #painting #forest #autumn #TraditionalArt
#TraditionalArt #autumn #forest #painting #tempera #watercolour #watercolor
Ascoltando "Tutta la Città ne parla" su Radio Tre dedicata al #Terremoto in #Abruzzo del 2009 sono ritornato a #Tempèra e alle persone, ai volti, alle lacrime e ai sorrisi di quei giorni. Da quel #Servizio sono tornato senza cappellone, regalato l'ultima notte a Marco ma con la sicurezza che nulla è vano e nulla andrà perduto. Qui il diario di quei giorni: https://invernoerosa.blogspot.com/search?q=cronache+di+bas+35 #agesci #protezionecivile #BAS35
#terremoto #abruzzo #tempera #servizio #AGESCI #protezionecivile #bas35
How to make Medieval Paint - Egg Tempera Paint Like DaVinci Made
#art #tempera #davinci
hello world 💙
#tempera #painting #naturalpigments #art #waterspirit #illustration #feminine
#tempera #painting #naturalpigments #art #waterspirit #illustration #feminine
An interesting manual (in English) on covering newly painted egg #tempera paintings (#icons) with oldschool resin-and-oil-based varnish (olifa)
#icon #iconography #painting #varnish #artsupplies #traditionalart #craft #traditionalcraft
#tempera #icons #icon #iconography #painting #varnish #artsupplies #TraditionalArt #craft #traditionalcraft
This is how I started painting! It was all for fun, did not expect anything. Took me quite a while to figure out the difference between #tempera, #gouache, #watercolors and #acrylics.
Five years later I finally fkd my credit card... but I own every tube of #watercolor cobalt teal there is on the market. And other stuff, like sweet brushes, paper... awww, I love to take pics of my stuff.
And my credit card? Well, I think it is a zombie now. Don't work, just causes worries :)
#tempera #gouache #watercolors #acrylics #watercolor #art #painting
Pian ei nähdä yhtäkään valoa
Tempera ja öljy kankaalle.
76 x 91 cm.
Livenä paremman näköinen, ei kännykän kameralla saanut oikein kunnollista kuvaa.
#tempera #oilpainting
Prints in a while - I've got a massive queue ahead of this one - but I just finished the final bits 20 minutes ago, and holy crap I'm happy with it. Totally lost count of the number of layers.
#art #mastoart #layers #watercolor #ink #painting #tempera #abstract
When prints do go up, they'll be over here: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/?query=wetdryvac%20stp%20wdvmm%20recent
#tempera #art #layers #mastoart #watercolor #ink #painting #abstract
How far can we digitally tweak it before the wheels fall off? About this far. From the second most recent set of work, probably online in about two months as prints at: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/?iaCode=all-masks&query=wetdryvac%20mandala%20painting%20recent
#art #mastoart #painting #mandala #tempera #watercolor #ink #digital #editing
Or, how to go completely looped in 3000+ easy steps.
#painting #art #mastoart #watercolor #digital #ink #editing #mandala #tempera
Insane amount of scripting built in to *finally* not have to babysit processes for days and months. Completed WDVMM run to Mandalas at last. Until, y'know. More #painting - but that's always the way.
#paint #tempera #ink #watercolor #art #mastoart #programming
Too. Many. Tags.
Still technical issues with getting this stuff to print, so here's relatively similar older material: https://www.redbubble.com/portfolio/search_works?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=wdvmm
#paint #watercolor #art #painting #tempera #mastoart #programming #ink
In progress: A set of tempera and a dilution of India ink + water. Prints once I have brains for building 'em.
#art #mastoart #painting #tempera #ink
Three mandalas, all with wide brush strokes, drags, and splatters. Blue and white against black backgrounds.
#tempera #mastoart #painting #ink #art
Oh, look, cats = awake at 0330. Here. We. Go!
STP Screen Transfer Process - 0156 - Circle Opened. Four variations, new project built on older materials I didn't have the computing horsepower to build before.
Prints and other nifty stuff available: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/wetdryvac+stp+recent
#art #mastoart #abstract #traditional #painting #watercolor #tempera #latex
#art #mastoart #abstract #traditional #painting #watercolor #tempera #latex