Super humid the last few days. For almost all of the summer our house has stayed within the 40-60% relative humidity ‘safe zone’. In these conditions (moderately warm and very wet) however, no matter how well you ventilate, it becomes difficult to stay below 60% RH. 22° and 55% relative humidity feels very comfortable to me, 65% starts to feel uncomfortable, and starts to stray out of the safe zone.
#passivhaus #temperaterainforest
Encountered a tiny fragment of old woodland on the north Cornish coast, just 5 or 6 trees, and one of them plastered in this indicator of #temperaterainforest : tree lungwort! Very sensitive to air pollution & most usually found in west Scotland, it was a real gem to find!
#treelungwort #lobariapulmonaria #lichen #lichenology #mycology #rainforest #nature
#temperaterainforest #treelungwort #lobariapulmonaria #lichen #lichenology #mycology #rainforest #nature
Encountered a tiny fragment of old woodland on the north Cornish coast, just 5 or 6 trees, and one of them plastered in this indicator of temperate rainforest: tree lungwort.
I felt at once the thrill & sting of the once-common now-rare. Sensitive to air pollution, lungwort are now mostly found only in western Scotland. To find it here was both very special (I squealed!) and a sad reminder of what we could lose
#lobariapulmonaria #treelungwort #lichen #temperaterainforest #lostrainforests
#lobariapulmonaria #treelungwort #lichen #temperaterainforest #lostrainforests
#WildlifeTrusts have 4⃣ posts being advertised to help deliver their new, £38 million UK Rainforest Scheme:
Carbon and Research Manager,
Programme Manager,
Programme Coordinator,
and Rural Advocacy Officer.
Go to & search for 'rainforest'.
#WildlifeTrusts #temperaterainforest #wildlifejobs #nature #carbon
RT @smartyfish
Britain’s biggest landowners have big responsibility in a #ClimateCrisis & #AttackOnNature
We are about to launch a new campaign 👀 👑 🌳
Please give @wildcardrewild a follow 👇💚
#RewildTheRoyals #TemperateRainforest
#temperaterainforest #rewildtheroyals #attackonnature #ClimateCrisis
#ForestFriday #ClayoquotSound 🌲🌲🌲
#SaveOldGrowth #protectOldGrowth #SacredForests #Ancientforests #WorthMoreStanding #OldGrowth #StopEcocide #StopClearcuts #PNW #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia #BritishColumbia #Canada #TemperateRainforest #LungsOfTheEarth #CarbonSinks #ClimateChange #environmental #biodiversity #ecosystems #Nature #DisabledHiker #HikingPhotos #WorldInMyEyes #samsung8 #CellphonePhotos #MyNaturePhotos #Trees #ThinkTrunks #ElderTrees #ecology #SaveOurForests #StopDeforestation
#forestfriday #clayoquotsound #SaveOldGrowth #protectoldgrowth #sacredforests #ancientforests #WorthMoreStanding #oldgrowth #stopecocide #stopclearcuts #pnw #pacificnorthwest #cascadia #britishcolumbia #canada #temperaterainforest #lungsoftheearth #CarbonSinks #climatechange #environmental #biodiversity #ecosystems #nature #disabledhiker #hikingphotos #worldinmyeyes #samsung8 #cellphonephotos #mynaturephotos #trees #thinktrunks #eldertrees #ecology #SaveOurForests #stopdeforestation
Es i mynd am dro yn Allt Pontfaen, welais i Usnea cornata #lichen #temperaterainforest
Forest by the beach.
#tofino #vancouverisland #treestuesday #trees #temperaterainforest
Went for a mooch along the #TemperateRainforest pocket that is Otterhead, up on the #Blackdowns. One of my favourite places for #fungi spotting.
#fungi #blackdowns #temperaterainforest
Thanks to the moss, even our non evergreens, are evergreenish.
#Evergreenish #WaterIsLife #TemperateRainForest #OregonLife
#evergreenish #waterislife #temperaterainforest #oregonlife
Oh YES! #Mosstodon
I can join in this one with my recent trip to the #celtic #rainforest of #Mull.
#Mosstodon #celtic #rainforest #mull #lichensubscribe #temperaterainforest #westernisles
@littlerachyb I've just finished reading books by #GuyShrubsole #merlinsheldrake and #GeorgeMonbiot on this topic. Keen to hear any other recommendations for books and podcasts on #temperaterainforest and related topics
#guyshrubsole #merlinsheldrake #georgemonbiot #temperaterainforest
In the spirit of temperate rainforest, Here's our more-or-less naturalised Tetrapanax papyrifer doing its thing on the edge of Dartmoor #temperaterainforest
Have just twigged it's #NationalTreeWeek!
These from one of my favourite walks above and through Lustleigh Cleave, one of the few areas of #TemperateRainForest in the UK
#nationaltreeweek #temperaterainforest #autumn #dartmoor #Holly #ferns #Mosstodon
so lucky that this kind of thing is part of my extended commute ...
#whymingbrook or is that #padleygorge ? Didn't ride that far.
#temperaterainforest #padleygorge #whymingbrook #Mosstodon
Swapped out all my “add trees” kit from Wales and loaded up with my “subtract trees” kit to head off to Cornwall. Chainsaw (electric obvs), hatchets, bill-hooks, slashers, and bowsaws.
Come and help me if you’re near Liskeard Tuesday to Thursday. There’s a temperate rainforest that needs your help, and there will be some imperfect-but-free Christmas trees up for grabs.
#rewilding #temperaterainforest #AncientWoodland #AncientWoodlands
#rewilding #temperaterainforest #AncientWoodland #AncientWoodlands
Here's a little story of my #walk yesterday. A swift 3.5 miles around East Water, the south end of a wooded area nestled in #Exmoor. I found a pocket of #TemperateRainforest, remains of an ancient settlement and some really nice #lichen. LET'S GO
#lichen #temperaterainforest #Exmoor #walk
@nickferguson you are in part of the 1% of the #UK thats #TemperateRainForest