OG plays Tempest Rising (Preview)!
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#Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #TempestRising #RTS #Strategy #IndieGameTrends #IndieWatch #IndieDev #GameDev #IndieGameDev #IndieGame #IndieGames #Gameplay #letsplay #gaming
#blaugust #blaugust2023 #tempestrising #rts #strategy #indiegametrends #indiewatch #indiedev #gamedev #indiegamedev #indiegame #indiegames #gameplay #letsplay #gaming
im an old Command & Conquer Gamer...
so i wait for this game to be released finally...
"Tempest Rising"
it has some of the old Westwood people who make it and it is as near as it gets to C&C
it has a PlayTest (DEMO) added thats free playable until august 28.
#TempestRising #Game #gaming #RTS #THQNordic #CommandandConquer #CandC #OldskoolGamer #PlayTest #Demo
#demo #playtest #oldskoolgamer #CandC #commandandconquer #THQNordic #rts #Gaming #game #tempestrising
Die RTS Hoffnung #TempestRising ist inzwischen im Playtest… beizeiten werde ich reinspielen und hoffe es wird so ein wenig wie früher!
Tempest Rising lanza por sorpresa una previa jugable en Steam, ¡gratis!
#Noticias #3DRealms #SlipgateIronworks #TempestRising #ThqNordic
#noticias #3drealms #slipgateironworks #tempestrising #thqnordic
For anyone who longs for a return of Command & Conquer #RTS, #TempestRising is it. There is a playtest on #steam and if you're on #linux I needed to use GE-Proton8-11 to get it to play perfect.
#linux #steam #tempestrising #rts
Besides #Outcast A New Beginning, #TempestRising was definitely the most interesting game for me at TQH showcase 2023. Even though I'm not that much of an RTS player these days, I'm looking forward to it.
#outcast #tempestrising #thqshocaste2023 #games #gaming #rpg #scifi #rts
The Return of #CommandAndConquer! #TempestRising https://youtu.be/uEV3S80M9RE
#commandandconquer #tempestrising
The Return of #CommandAndConquer! #TempestRising https://youtu.be/uEV3S80M9RE
#commandandconquer #tempestrising
Testing out a RTS made by 3D Realms and THQ.
Yes, I, too, thought that none of those wordsexisted anymore.
Tempest Rising od studia Slipgate Ironworks vypadá jako slušný nástupce legendárních Command & Conquer. Pokud se tohle povede, budu moc rád. Něco takového mi už dlouho chybělo.
¡Viajeros al tren! THQ Nordic asiste a PAX East 2023
#Noticias #AloneintheDark #Outcast2-ANewBeginning #PAXEast #TempestRising #thqnordic #Wreckreation
#noticias #aloneinthedark #outcast2 #paxeast #tempestrising #thqnordic #wreckreation
Hey #gamedev #gamedesign #realtimestrategy people on Mastodon, looking to get some more interaction on this platform
I am a game designer focused on real time strategy games. I've been working on games since 2017 and am currently game designer on #Warpaws and lead designer on #TempestRising
I love talking design, tech, and play in theory and practice
#gamedev #gamedesign #realtimestrategy #warpaws #tempestrising