#MakeGreeceSafeAgain #tempi Είμαι η Ευδοκία και επέζησα ενός εγκλήματος που δεν έπρεπε ποτέ να συμβεί. Πριν 3 μήνες, 57 αθώες ψυχές, οι περισσότεροι φοιτητές έχασαν την ζωή τους σε 1 μετωπική σύγκρουση 2 τρένων στην Ελλάδα. Δεν ήταν ατύχημα, ήταν δολοφονία. Απευθύνομαι στους πολίτες της Ελλάδας, της Ευρώπης, να ρίξουμε φως στην υπόθεση. Κοινοποιώντας το μήνυμα, ασκούμε πίεση για δικαιοσύνη, για να κάνουμε την Ελλάδα πάλι ασφαλή για τους κατοίκους, για τους επισκέπτες
#DiEM25 discussion video w/Yanis Varoufakis, others on inexcusable fatal #Tempi #Greece passenger/freight rail head-on collision ☹️😡 When Privatization Kills #YanisVaroufakis #privatization #austerity #railway #railroad #safety #RailwaySafety #Unions #GreeceTrainCrash #HellenicRail https://www.youtube.com/live/XWkrt6xqbBc
#hellenicrail #greecetraincrash #unions #railwaysafety #Safety #railroad #railway #austerity #privatization #yanisvaroufakis #Greece #tempi #diem25
"Ich werde mich von meinen Verletzungen erholen. Die 57, die in #Tempi ihr Leben verloren haben, nicht. Und der Schmerz ihrer Familien kann nicht behandelt werden."
@yanisvaroufakis bei seinem ersten Auftritt seit dem Angriff am Freitag in Athen.
Yanis Varoufakis zum ersten Mal seit dem brutalen Angriff auf ihn wieder in der Öffentlichkeit, kommentiert den Angriff und sprach auch über die aktuellen Massenproteste hauptsächlich junger Menschen in #Griechenland, #Politikverdrossenheit, #Tempi usw.
#griechenland #politikverdrossenheit #tempi
🔴 @yanisvaroufakis äußert sich zum ersten Mal nach dem brutalen Angriff auf ihn während eines Abendessens mit #DiEM25 Mitgliedern aus ganz Europa.
"Ich werde genesen, aber die 57 Opfer des Zugunglücks in #Tempi werden es nicht!"
Hier anschauen: https://youtu.be/XsG1dsJpoQ0
The companies running the railways and implementing safety upgrades are not Greek. The fully privatised passenger rail company belongs to Italy’s Ferrovie dello Stato group. The firm tasked with installing a new automated signalling system from Athens to the northern border, meant to be delivered by 2016 but still not in operation, is France’s Alstom. Experts are adamant that if this system was in place, the devastating crash wouldn’t have happened.
New research by Reporters United and Investigate Europe reveals that the consortium in charge of the signalling project – Alstom, and Aktor, a major Greek construction company – was, for years, violating the terms of the contract. Oversight by Ergose, the public company responsible for the network, has been suspiciously lax.
"Greek media have reported that the automated signaling system in the area of the crash was not functioning, making the stationmaster’s mistake possible. Stationmasters along that part of Greece’s main trunk line communicate with each other and with train drivers via two-way radios, and the switches are operated manually."
Greece train crash disaster: Stationmaster faces homicide counts
Πορεία μαθητών σχολείων του Πειραιά σε εξέλιξη αυτή την ώρα για το έγκλημα στα Τέμπη
Φώτο Yannis Kemmos
#τεμπη_εγκλημα #κρατικο_εγκλημα #τεμπη #tempi #antireportGR
"Greece has a poor record of railway passenger safety compared with other countries in Europe, recording the highest railway fatality rate per million train kilometers from 2018 to 2020 among 28 nations on the continent, according to a 2022 report from the European Union Agency for Railways."
Greece train crash: Protests flare despite apology from Greek PM - CNN
Riot police today in #Athens, #Greece, punched people, chased them, and threw tear gas.
People were demonstrating peacefully for the recent #train crash, at #Tempi
The #farright government expects people to keep their mouths shut and when they do not, they're terrorized.
These incidents confirm the hideous state of politics in this country at the moment.
#politics #democracy #sociology @politicalscience #EU #terrorism #police #policing #fascism #autocracy
#athens #greece #train #tempi #farright #politics #democracy #sociology #eu #terrorism #Police #Policing #fascism #autocracy
Past 3 days have been tragic for all Greeks, with a train disaster that currently counts more than 50 victims...
«Πάμε και όπου βγει» ("let's go and whatever happens")
could have been the motto of the governments of the country of the past many many decades...
Life is cheap in Greece. It's all about profit. None really cares...
Good luck to those that have stayed behind "guarding the Hot Gates"...
#Tempi, #Greece freight-passenger #train #collision area #maps:
#OpenStreetMap #OSM: https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit#map=16/39.8487/22.5188
#Mapillary: https://www.mapillary.com/app/?lat=39.8484391069469&lng=22.51902668049081
Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/@39.8489513,22.5190113,750m/data=!3m1!1e3!5m1!1e4
Microsoft Bing Maps: https://www.bing.com/maps?cp=39.847634%7E22.517152&lvl=16.0&style=a
Helpful USA Today article w/annotated drone photo for reference https://www.usatoday.com/story/graphics/2023/03/01/greece-train-crash-map-aerial-photos/11372918002/
#Mapillary #OSM #OpenStreetMap #Maps #collision #train #Greece #tempi
#Tempi, #Greece freight-passenger #traincollision area #maps:
#OpenStreetMap #OSM: https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit#map=16/39.8487/22.5188
#Mapillary: https://www.mapillary.com/app/?lat=39.8484391069469&lng=22.51902668049081
Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/@39.8489513,22.5190113,750m/data=!3m1!1e3!5m1!1e4
Microsoft Bing Maps: https://www.bing.com/maps?cp=39.847634%7E22.517152&lvl=16.0&style=a
Helpful USA Today article w/annotated drone photo for reference https://www.usatoday.com/story/graphics/2023/03/01/greece-train-crash-map-aerial-photos/11372918002/
#Mapillary #OSM #OpenStreetMap #Maps #traincollision #Greece #tempi
RT from Greece at NATO (@GreeceNATO)
The #Greek flag at half mast today in sign of grief for the victims of the horrific railway accident in #Tempi. We thank Allies for their messages of support and solidarity.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/GreeceNATO/status/1630924786309160961
Der neue #Thomaskantor Andreas Reize hat die #Matthäuspassion so wunderbar umgesetzt.
Ich liebe das "Gebt mir meinem Jesum wieder"; seine harten Stops und die Tempovariationen.
The new #Thomaskantor Andreas Reize has impressed me yet again with his interpretation of the St. Matthew Passion.
I love his hard stops and tempi variations.
#thomaskantor #matthauspassion #baroque #bach #tempi