The windows of the Venetian Gothic facade of William Leiper's 1889 Templeton Carpet Factory on Glasgow Green. This one of the city's most distinctive buildings and it's one I can never resist photographing whenever I pass it.
#glasgow #architecture #glasgowbuildings #windows #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowgreen #templetoncarpetfactory
#templetoncarpetfactory #glasgowgreen #glasgowarchitecture #windows #glasgowbuildings #architecture #glasgow
Details on the roof line of the former Templeton Carpet Factory in the east end of Glasgow. Designed by William Leiper with a Venetian Gothic facade and built in 1889, I just love this building.
#glasgow #glasgowgreen #templetoncarpetfactory #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings
#glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #templetoncarpetfactory #glasgowgreen #glasgow
Bronze crest over the Templeton Street entrance to the Templeton Carpet Factory in the east end of Glasgow.
#glasgow #designdetails #sculptures #design #templetoncarpetfactory
#templetoncarpetfactory #design #sculptures #designdetails #glasgow
Window details on the old Templeton Carpet Factory, Glasgow Green, Glasgow.
How can you not love a building that has windows like this?
#glasgow #glasgowgreen #templetoncarpetfactory #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #buildingphotography #designdetails #architecturephotograhy #windows #coolwindows
#coolwindows #windows #architecturephotograhy #designdetails #buildingphotography #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #templetoncarpetfactory #glasgowgreen #glasgow