(A local #womans #legacy of #generosity is #inspiring the #launch of a #NewHome for #OlderWomen facing #homelessness in #LondonON .
The #TransitionalHome for #women over 50 years old is just weeks from having its first residents move in. Located in London's #Woodfield neighbourhood, it has 5 bedrooms for women experiencing homelessness to stay for up to 2 years.)
#Ontario #HousingCrisis #HelpingWomen #WomensSafeSpace #TemporaryHousing #GoodNews #Canada
#womans #legacy #generosity #inspiring #launch #newhome #olderwomen #homelessness #londonon #transitionalhome #women #woodfield #ontario #housingcrisis #helpingwomen #womenssafespace #temporaryhousing #goodnews #canada
I unfortunately just lost my job. If anyone has any leads on employment in the property insurance industry please let me know. I worked in #insurance #temporaryhousing for almost six years. My experience is in #customerservice and #callcenter #management.
#management #callcenter #customerservice #temporaryhousing #insurance