Tencent unveils ChatGPT rival in China amid continuing US AI chip ban - Despite heavy government regulations and ongoing struggles with h... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/tencent-unveils-chat-gpt-rival-china-us-ai-chip-ban #microsoft #tencent #chatgpt #wechat #openai #china
#china #openai #wechat #chatgpt #tencent #microsoft
Arcane, la seconda stagione uscirà il prossimo inverno secondo Tencent
#ArcaneLeagueOfLegends #netflix #RiotGames #tencent
Kotaku: Arcane Season 2 Will Reportedly Release Winter 2024 https://kotaku.com/arcane-netflix-league-of-legends-season-2-release-date-1850796722?utm_source=regular #gaming #tech #kotaku #legendsofruneterra #leagueoflegends #nicololaurent #riotgames #fortiche #arinotis #netflix #tencent #arcane #sports #jinx #vi
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #legendsofruneterra #leagueoflegends #nicololaurent #riotgames #fortiche #arinotis #netflix #tencent #Arcane #sports #jinx #vi
Rebecca Watson @rebeccawatson on how #maker Naomi Wu's wings got clipped by the Chinese government over a #privacy vulnerability in a keyboard app, and how she was effectively de-platformed by billionaires messing with social media algorithms
#maker #privacy #security #twitter #tencent
Gizmodo: YouTube Says Its Music AI Incubator Will 'Protect' Artists https://gizmodo.com/youtube-launches-music-ai-incubator-with-universal-1850758218 #recordingindustryassociationofamerica #artificialintelligenceart #musicstreamingservice #entertainmentculture #universalmusicgroup #technologyinternet #musicaiincubator #heartonmysleeve #contentidsystem #streamingmedia #luciangrainge #franksinatra #rosannecash #taylorswift #ryantedder #nealmohan #contentid #deepfake #youtube #protect #tencent #ai
#recordingindustryassociationofamerica #artificialintelligenceart #musicstreamingservice #entertainmentculture #universalmusicgroup #technologyinternet #musicaiincubator #heartonmysleeve #contentidsystem #streamingmedia #luciangrainge #franksinatra #rosannecash #taylorswift #ryantedder #nealmohan #contentid #deepfake #youtube #protect #tencent #ai
Kotaku: Report: Embracer's $2 Billion Deal That Blew Up Was With Saudi Arabia https://kotaku.com/embracer-saudi-arabia-dead-island-2-borderlands-deal-1850475619 #gaming #tech #kotaku #thepublicinvestmentfund #publicinvestmentfund #gearboxentertainment #activisionblizzard #mohammedbinsalman #savvygamesgroup #businessfinance #gearboxsoftware #electronicarts #embracergroup #larswingefors #brianward #microsoft #nintendo #karlstad #netflix #tencent #netease #amazon #sony
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #thepublicinvestmentfund #publicinvestmentfund #gearboxentertainment #ActivisionBlizzard #mohammedbinsalman #savvygamesgroup #businessfinance #gearboxsoftware #electronicarts #embracergroup #larswingefors #brianward #microsoft #nintendo #karlstad #netflix #tencent #netease #amazon #sony
#Cybersecurity #Encryption #Privacy #China #Tencent: "- We analyzed Tencent’s Sogou Input Method, which, with over 450 million monthly active users, is the most popular Chinese input method in China.
- Analyzing the Windows, Android, and iOS versions of the software, we discovered troubling vulnerabilities in Sogou Input Method’s custom-designed “EncryptWall” encryption system and in how it encrypts sensitive data.
- We found that network transmissions containing sensitive data such as those containing users’ keystrokes are decipherable by a network eavesdropper, revealing what users are typing as they type.
- We disclosed these vulnerabilities to Sogou developers, who released fixed versions of the affected software as of July 20, 2023 (Windows version 13.7, Android version 11.26, and iOS version 11.25).
- These findings underscore the importance for software developers in China to use well-supported encryption implementations such as TLS instead of attempting to custom design their own."
#cybersecurity #Encryption #privacy #china #tencent
#Tencent, géant chinois du numérique, raffermit son emprise sur #Ubisoft et le marché du #jeuvideo en prêtant 300 millions d'euros aux frères Guillemots, principaux actionnaires du studio, faisant ainsi l'acquisition de 49,9% des parts de leur holding.
#chine #jeuvideo #ubisoft #tencent
Yup. #Twitter is so far from #WeChat and #TenCent in terms of technical infrastructure and stability, that the notion is laughable at the moment
Then of course there is the need to actually spend money to make that happen. Since #Twitter is now private we really don’t have a sense of it’s financial state. Anecdotally, it’s burning through cash.
I’m guessing the #oligarchs that invested in the takeover are going to be wary of ponying up more cash
#twitter #wechat #tencent #oligarchs #socialmedia
Visual Arts, publisher di visual novel tra cui Clannad, Air e Kanon, diventa di proprietà di Tencent
Nachdem 2012 die #chinesische #Variante von #Twitter - #Weibo, das als #Werkzeug für #demokratischen #öffentlichen #Diskurs #Verwendung gefunden hatte, mit #Zensur, #Strafen und #Verhaftungen #bekämpft wurde, hat #Tencent mit der #KP zusammen #Wechat hervorgebracht, bei dem ein #Zusammenschluss nur in #kleinen #Gruppen von #maximal 500 #Personen #erlaubt und #möglich ist.
#China #Diktatur #Autoritarismus #Regime
#SZ 27.07.23 #Feuilleton S. 9, Kai #Strittmatter - Alles eins, alles meins
#Chinesisch #Variante #twitter #weibo #werkzeug #demokratisch #offentlich #diskurs #verwendung #zensur #strafe #verhaftung #bekampft #tencent #kp #wechat #zusammenschluss #klein #Gruppe #maximal #person #erlaubt #moglich #china #diktatur #autoritarismus #regime #sz #feuilleton #Strittmatter
【花澤香菜】ほぼSEVENTEENファンのどアウェイ状態の中で… / Tencent Music Entertainment Awards 2023(TMEA 2023)、マカオ https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1821995/voice-actress/
#2023TMEA #2023マカオ #awards #entertainment #Music #Tencent #Vlog #voiceactress #声優 #女性声優 #花澤香菜 #花澤香菜ほぼSEVENTEENファンのどアウェイ状態の中で..
#2023tmea #2023マカオ #awards #entertainment #music #tencent #vlog #voiceactress #声優 #女性声優 #花澤香菜 #花澤香菜ほぼseventeenファンのどアウェイ状態の中で
"#Tencent, the billion-dollar Chinese holding company that owns either wholly or in part game studios like #RiotGames, #EpicGames, [...] is in the process of [buying] #Techland. Techland is a Polish studio known for its zombie survival games, including the #DyingLight and #DeadIsland series" | https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/24/23805592/tencent-buys-techland-dying-light
#tencent #riotgames #epicgames #techland #dyinglight #deadisland
Tego się nie spodziewaliśmy 😮
#tencent #techland #giereczkowo #gry #pograne
Tencent diventa azionista di maggioranza di Techland, studio di Dying Light
Too little, too late.
"For the past few years, the private sector has been a target for high-profile crackdowns by the Chinese Communist party (#CCP), worried that companies such as #Tencent and #Alibaba were enjoying too high a profile. Now, it says it wants to make the atmosphere for entrepreneurs 'bigger, better, and stronger' ."
#China’s race for growth is fading. So too is its dream of middle-class security | Rana Mitter | The Guardian
(please see the above thread) 👆
The #ChinaCoal Transportation and Distribution Association (#CCTDA)
#TitanInternational (#Titan)
#Trumpf GmbH (Germany)
#tencent #tenneco #tepco #teva #tgifridays #chinacoal #cctda #titaninternational #titan #toppan #Trumpf #tupperware #turkishairlines
Assassin’s Creed Codename Jade Beta Launches in August
#futuregamereleases #Assassin_sCreed_Codename_Jade #Tencent #ubisoft
#futuregamereleases #assassin_screed_codename_jade #tencent #ubisoft
LightSpeed Studios di Tencent acquisisce Lucid Games, studio di Destruction AllStars
#lightspeedstudio #lucidgames #tencent
Wonder does this acquisition "increase competition" too like the #Xbox / #Gamepass fanboys would have us believe #Microsoft's acquisition of ABK would have us believe. Regulators need to start really scrutinising every acquisition attempt in the #VideoGames industry
#Tencent subsidiary LightSpeed Studios acquires Lucid Games
#xbox #gamepass #microsoft #videogames #tencent