What can we say? We *love* MINI BAR. We love it enough to have our first art show in three years there. Hungry Ghosts will feature 10 artists and photographers Aug. 17 through Oct. 17. There will be a music night *and* a poetry night (more on that later).
Meet John Ordoña, co-owner of Mini Bar. Get to know this born-and-raised San Franciscan in Part 1 at the link in our bio or your favorite podcast spot.
* being born in the Kaiser maternity ward where his mom worked* going to the "hat trick" of Catholic schools in SF* partying but also working his way through college* deciding to act on the idea of opening a bar in The City
Check back Thursday for Part 2 w/John.
Photography by Jeff Hunt
#AAPI #BIPOC #immigrants #CatholicSchool #Esprit #NorthFace #SusieTompkins #boxing #TenderloinSF #bars #SFbars #NoSFDoomLoop #Divisadero #MiniBarSF #storytelling #podcasts #SanFrancisco #SoundsofTheCity
#AAPI #bipoc #immigrants #catholicschool #Esprit #northface #susietompkins #boxing #tenderloinsf #bars #sfbars #nosfdoomloop #divisadero #minibarsf #storytelling #podcasts #sanfrancisco #soundsofthecity
#ILoveTenderloinWeek continues with two events! Fundraiser for Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco at Hilton San Francisco Union Square from 5pm-8 (333 O'Farrell St, Tower 1, 46th Floor) & Marketplace Trivia Night at @lacocinamarket starting at 6pm (332 Golden Gate)!! Also visit www.visittenderloin.com!! Share Share Share!!
#BGCSF #GreatFutures #ReadyForLife #TenderloinSF #TheTenderloin #tenderloin #ILTW #MarketplaceTriviaNight #LaCocina #LaCocinaMarketplace #Familyfriendly #AllAgesWelcome #SFTrivia #BayAreaTrivia #SFPopup #TenderloinSF #TheTenderloin #tenderloin
#ilovetenderloinweek #bgcsf #greatfutures #readyforlife #tenderloinsf #thetenderloin #Tenderloin #iltw #marketplacetrivianight #lacocina #lacocinamarketplace #familyfriendly #allageswelcome #sftrivia #bayareatrivia #sfpopup
Big events today to kickoff #ILoveTenderloinWeek #ILTW ! The Beautification Event with TLCBD is already under way and it'll be followed by the Grand Opening of the new building/location for the Healing WELL! Hope to see you all soon!
#TLCBD #TLBeautificationDay #TenderloinSF #TheTenderloin #tenderloin #ILTW #TheHealingWell #GrandOpening
#ilovetenderloinweek #iltw #tlcbd #tlbeautificationday #tenderloinsf #thetenderloin #Tenderloin #thehealingwell #grandopening
Back to back events at La Cocina! On Thur May 4th Fluid Coop and TLCBD hosts "TenderMic" Open Mic Night from 5- 8pm. Then Fri May 5th come eat and dance where we will be serving food and drink specials along with a local DJ to enjoy from 11am-2:30pm!!
#FluidCoopSF #TenderloinSF #TheTenderloin #tenderloin #ILTW #CincodeMayo #LaCocina #LaCocinaMarketplace #LiveMusic #Marketplace #TenderloinSF #TheTenderloin #tenderloin
#fluidcoopsf #tenderloinsf #thetenderloin #Tenderloin #iltw #CincoDeMayo #lacocina #lacocinamarketplace #livemusic #marketplace
Market Street in SF was once home to some of the country's most extravagant marquee and cinema neon signs. Now, @TenderloinMuseumSF is bringing that history to their museum, 398 Eddy St, on May 2nd from 5:30-7:30pm for a special feature - Market Street Movie Marquees Neon Nirvana
#TLMuseum #NeonNirvana #SanFranciscoHistory #CommunityHistory #Neon #NeonSigns #HistoryTours #CinemaHistory #UrbanHistory #TenderloinSF #TheTenderloin #tenderloin #ILTW
#tlmuseum #neonnirvana #sanfranciscohistory #CommunityHistory #neon #neonsigns #historytours #cinemahistory #urbanhistory #tenderloinsf #thetenderloin #Tenderloin #iltw
Start next Monday off right by joining us for a happy-hour fundraiser at the Hilton in Union Square, 333 O’Farrell St. (Tower 1, 46th Floor), on May 1st, from 5-8pm. Proceeds will go towards sending kids at the Tenderloin Clubhouse to Camp Mendocino for the summer. We'll see you there! Share!! Share!!
#BGCSF #GreatFutures #ReadyForLife #TenderloinSF #TheTenderloin #tenderloin #ILTW
#bgcsf #greatfutures #readyforlife #tenderloinsf #thetenderloin #Tenderloin #iltw
"this Whole Foods... made such dubious decisions, like putting the liquor section by an exit and hiring poorly trained guards who tended to escalate confrontations into violence."
"McCormick fears that simply flooding the area with more police officers will harm food access in the neighborhood... 'I actually think the policing strategy at Civic Center has made things more dangerous and more hot.'"
https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/article/whole-foods-civic-center-17906567.php #SFPol #WholeFoods #TenderloinSF
#sfpol #wholefoods #tenderloinsf
The highlight of my day: absolutely waking up to see a pineapple bun float around my head in a video.
Spokes and folks, the best SF YouTube series, is giving away vouchers to my fave Tenderloin restaurants (Sweet Glory, Lapats and Cantoo)
#sanfrancisco #Tenderloin #tenderloinsf #ilovetl
I 💗TL, our friend Adrianna @skinnylatte saxophonist, photographer, digital service extraordinaire & fellow food lover adores her community, the Tenderloin. It is a COMMUNITY of culinary diversity filled with delishusness, love & heart. Because Adrianna is so awesome & knowledgeable about food we are GIVING AWAY 3 gift certificates for restaurants in the Tenderloin!!! That’s right 3. @sweetglorysf @cantoosf @lapatssf
To enter:
1. Follow @SpokesandFolksshow
2. Leave a comment on the episode on youtube to enter to win. (Link in bio)
3. Get an extra entry by heading to the TL & snagging a photo of your favorite spot & tagging us in the photo
See our stories for more 💗🎨🖼️🚲
Giveaway ends on 05/02/2023! *folks with previous wins not eligible. 😉
#ilovetenderloinweek #tenderloinsf #thetenderloin #ILTW #spokesandfolksshow #madeinsf #filmedbybike #madeonbike #bicycleporn #bicycleshow #foodgiveaway #foodie #food #snfshow #bikejoy #bikelife #sf #sanfrancisco #california #bikelove #bikedonut #giveaway #gosloyo
#ilovetenderloinweek #tenderloinsf #thetenderloin #iltw #spokesandfolksshow #madeinSF #filmedbybike #madeonbike #bicycleporn #bicycleshow #foodgiveaway #foodie #food #snfshow #bikejoy #bikelife #sf #sanfrancisco #california #bikelove #bikedonut #giveaway #gosloyo
TLCBD is starting off I Love Tenderloin Week with a Tenderloin Beautification Day to bring together community members and make our collective vision of a more beautiful Tenderloin a reality. Please join us on Sunday, April 30th at TLCBD’s office at 512 Ellis St from 9am-12pm!
#CodeTenderloin #CodeTL #KickoffEvent #TenderloinSF #TheTenderloin #tenderloin #ILTW #TLCBD #TLBeautificationDay #TenderloinSF #TheTenderloin #tenderloin #ILTW
#codetenderloin #codetl #kickoffevent #tenderloinsf #thetenderloin #Tenderloin #iltw #tlcbd #tlbeautificationday
We’re thrilled to announce that I Love Tenderloin Week begins this Sunday, April 30th—a week-long celebration of our community through fun-filled
activities in the neighborhood we call home. Be sure to
mark your calendar for this fantastic series of events! SHARE SHARE!!!
#KickoffEvent #TenderloinSF
#TheTenderloin #tenderloin #ILTW
#ilovetenderloinweek #kickoffevent #tenderloinsf #thetenderloin #Tenderloin #iltw
SF Nonprofit Wants to Permanently Close Tenderloin Street for a ‘Green Oasis’
#sf #bikesf #sfbike #walksf #carfree #tenderloinsf
This seems like a bad idea.
#sanfranisco #tenderloinsf
Continued mural progress as of a couple days ago. #mural #tenderloin #tenderloinsf
#mural #Tenderloin #tenderloinsf
A mural I saw 08.23.2022. Walking to work.