My #TenFavoritePhotos from 2022 (3/3)
1. #HotAirBalloonGlow, The Villages
2. #Cornwall #CT #CoveredBridge
3. #HeubleinTower #Simsbury CT
4. #RobertoClementeField #ColtPark Hartford
#tenfavoritephotos #hotairballoonglow #Cornwall #ct #coveredbridge #heubleintower #simsbury #robertoclementefield #coltpark
My #TenFavoritePhotos from 2022 (2/3)
4. Bobby Dibble runs the chimes during an #UncleBobsRockShop show.
5. Dave Sanders up close playing his #GibsonSG #UBRS
6. Mark Rewis keeps time with Bobby during an UBRS show @photography
#tenfavoritephotos #unclebobsrockshop #gibsonsg #ubrs
My #TenFavoritePhotos from 2022 (1/3)
1. My son's friend Josh plays with a metal bull in #TheVillages
2. Jonathan the Husky statue at #UConn
3. Just one of the many flowers at #ElizabethPark in #Hartford
#tenfavoritephotos #thevillages #UConn #elizabethpark #hartford