Bryce's review of Holy Moutain Shaker convinced me I still need to buy it. So, I guess both.
#ose #necroticgnome #ttrpg #osr #NSR #tenfootpole
@HeyeBodo Nimm Dein #TenFootPole mit, damit Du nicht in eine Fallgrube fällst.
Viel Spaß und schöne Feiertage.
I use #xbps or #xbps-src first, but if the package doesn't function properly or isn't available, then I use #flatpak.
#AppImage fell over last time I tried to use it, so I don't use it, and I won't touch #snap with a #tenfootpole.
#xbps #flatpak #appimage #snap #tenfootpole #linux #PackageManagers
#swinginutters #teenagebottlerocket #tenfootpole #theataris #thebouncingsouls #thebriggs #thebusiness #thecramps #TheDamned #thedecline #thedickies #thedistillers #thedwarves #theexploited #theflatliners #TheHives #theholymess #thehumpers #thejoykiller #thelawrencearms #thelovedones #themarsvolta #themenzingers #TheMightyMightyBossToneS #theoffspring #thestooges #theuntouchables #TheVandals #thisisastandoff #tomwaits #totalchaos #tsol #undeclinableambuscade #union13 #venerea