I wanted to work on this article into the wee hours but guess what, Masto? My eyes can't stay open. And that's a GOOD THING because I'm a serial insomniac.

Here's some Ryuichi Sakamoto


😴 πŸ›Œ πŸš€ πŸͺ ✨

ps: I dreamed of Klingons in Ten Forward again last night, hahaha idek


#hauntology #startrek #klingon #tenforward #ryuichisakamoto #newmusic #japanesecomposers #music #goodnightmasto

Last updated 1 year ago

Kristoffer Lawson · @Setok
571 followers · 5010 posts · Server attractive.space

Sharing as I feel it’s good for people to know what the instance is doing. However I very vehemently disagree with this.

From: @guinan


Last updated 1 year ago

Okay, goodnight, masto. πŸ’œ

Here's a new video since I always seem to feel I need to give a music video in my posts.

Official Audio: (music only): youtube.com/watch?v=NmSkLHHzTs

Official Video with interviews: youtube.com/watch?v=qEw--v19Wy

ps: I actually did briefly dream last night I was in ! I was stuck in a music rave and was squashed between dancing Klingons 😬 -- woke up to find I'd smooshed my face into the pillow. Haha! Well, I'll take any dream about even if it has inebriated Klingons improbably dancing.

#sigurros #music #goodnight #tenforward #startrek

Last updated 1 year ago

And surely there's room for a Kira Nerys analogue of Annoyed O'Brien.

Of course, I discover that there's barely anything at , and that I can't see any posts at @tenforward.social, so someone must be jamming the subspace relays. Maybe if I change instances, all of my desires for nostalgic shitposts will be satisfied.

I fear that will have to wait until we have sufficient energy levels to divert spoons from Immune Defense to Internet Bureacratics.

β€” Cmdr McKenna


Last updated 1 year ago

Crafty ツ · @craftykraken
1445 followers · 1466 posts · Server mstdn.games

Re-binged - all seasons and caught up with current.

The journey is so much better on re-watches. It still has it's flaws - as all series do - but the way they navigate the nostalgia, the plot, the exceptional casting. It's just so good.

#picard #tvshows #picardseason3 #startrek #tenforward

Last updated 1 year ago

Paula Samila πŸ¦ŠπŸ–– · @alyrah
247 followers · 133 posts · Server mastodon.world

Is it worth of changing server like to tenforwards? I'm not seeing as much Trekkies here that I thought in my timeline.

#mastodon #timeline #serverjump #tenforward

Last updated 2 years ago

Tiesa Meskis · @tiesa
104 followers · 550 posts · Server ceilidh.online

I recently realized that carried on the "It's Green" gag into !
This was first done in the Original Series with Scotty and a Klingon and they finally found something that pleased them both but neither knew what it was so Scotty proclaimed, "It is Green".
Fast forward to where Scotty and Data are in and Data procures a bottle of green liquid from the bar and again after trying to determine what it is Data Proclaims, "It is Green"

#katemulgrew #orangeisthenewblack #startrek #tng #tenforward

Last updated 2 years ago

There is a Mastodon instance called β€œTen Forward” tenforward.social and the admin is, of course, . ❀️ Love it!

#Guinan #startrektng #tenforward #startrek #mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

It just now occurs to me I've found , but where are my peeps at?

#tenforward #moseisley #cantina

Last updated 2 years ago