in no particular order (all are us versions)
1) The Legend of Zelda (NES)
2) Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (SNES)
3) Final Fantasy II (SNES)
4) Final Fantasy III (SNES)
5) Super Metroid (SNES)
6) Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1)
7) Super Mario bros 3 (NES)
8) Super Mario World (SNES)
A) Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (NDS)
Here are #TenGamesToKnowMe:
- #LegendOfZelda
- #Sonic
- #SuperMarioBros
- #KingdomHearts
- #Persona
- #MassEffect
- #Metroid
- #EarthBound
- #AceAttorney
- #XenobladeChronicles
#tengamestoknowme #legendofzelda #sonic #supermariobros #kingdomhearts #persona #masseffect #metroid #earthbound #aceattorney #xenobladechronicles
Sitting on the train home, so I suppose #tengamestoknowme it is!
#XCOM (reboot)
#tengamestoknowme #jetsetwilly #blacktiger #sttngpinball #sonic #shiningforce #quake #everquest #xcom #gorogoa #factorio
I’m not sure if it should be #7GamesToKnowMe or #TenGamesToKnowMe, but either way here’s a list in rough chronological order.
Horace Goes Skiing
Prince of Persia
Sonic the Hedgehog
Doom etc., Quake etc. Half-Life etc.
World of Warcraft
Final Fantasy XIV
#7gamestoknowme #tengamestoknowme
Chrono Trigger
Super Metroid
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Final Fantasy 4
Paradise Killer
Return of the Obra Dinn
Castlevsnia: Symphony of the Night
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Wizards and Warriors 3
• Red Dead Redemption 2
• Stardew Valley
• Skyrim
• Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
• The Sims 4
• Super Mario Sunshine
• Jurassic World Evolution/2
• Breath Of The Wild
• No Mans Sky
• Minecraft
#tengamestoknowme #reddeadredemption #stardewvalley #skyrim #assassinscreed #thesims4 #supermario #jurassicworld #botw #nomanssky #minecraft #shareyourgames
@BrendanSinclair Oh, so we shifted from #TenGamesToKnowMe to #7GamesToKnowMe now? 😂
#tengamestoknowme #7gamestoknowme
I may as well! #TenGamesToKnowMe
- SaGa: Scarlet Grace
- Etrian Odyssey IV
- Pokémon Soul Silver
- Mega Man 3
- Castlevania: Bloodlines
- Kid Icarus (NES/FDS)
- R4: Ridge Racer Type-4
- Ys Origin
- Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
- Dragon Quest III
@hedgefield #TenGamesToKnowMe
But it's Game Franchises edition!
#tengamestoknowme #sonicthehedgehog #legendofzelda #dancedancerevolution #portal #finalfantasy #ragnarokonline #teamfortress #kingdomhearts #nights #mariobros
Here are #TenGamesToKnowMe:
- #worldofwarcraft
- #minecraft (modded)
- #civilization
- #battlefield
- #katamaridamacy
- #overwatch
- #nethack
- #Galaga
- #forza
- #twodots
What are yours?
#Gaming #Videogames #Games #PCGaming #Gamers #GameDev
#tengamestoknowme #worldofwarcraft #minecraft #civilization #battlefield #katamaridamacy #overwatch #nethack #Galaga #forza #twodots #gaming #videogames #games #pcgaming #gamers #gamedev
Here are #TenGamesToKnowMe:
- #BrokenSword
- #TombRaider
- #DeusEx
- #MaxPayne
- #Hitman
- #Mafia
- #MetalGearSolid
- #TheWitcher3
- #DiscoElysium
- #Control
- #MortalShell
- #AlbaAWildlifeAdventure
What are yours?
#tengamestoknowme #brokensword #tombraider #deusex #maxpayne #hitman #mafia #metalgearsolid #thewitcher3 #discoelysium #control #MortalShell #AlbaAWildlifeAdventure #gaming #videogames #games #pcgaming #gamers #gamedev
#SimCity (1989)
#TheSecretOfMonkeyIsland (1990)
#Ultima VII Part 1 & 2 (1992)
#Doom (1993)
#CommandAndConquer (1995)
#X-COM: Terror From The Deep (1995)
#Diablo (1997)
#SystemShock 2 (1999)
#DarkAgeOfCamelot (2001)
#NeverwinterNights (2002)
Bonus Game:
#WingCommander: Privateer (1993)
#tengamestoknowme #simcity #thesecretofmonkeyisland #ultima #doom #commandandconquer #x #diablo #systemshock #darkageofcamelot #NeverwinterNights #wingcommander
I don't normally do stuff like this, but it seemed like a fun idea.
#TheLastNinja (Commodore 64)
#DefenderOfTheCrown (Commodore 64)
#CastleOfIllusion (Game Gear)
#EccoTheDolphin (Genesis/MegaDrive)
#AssaultRigs (PSX)
#PokemonYellow (Game Boy)
#Morrowind (Xbox at the time, PC ever since)
#MonsterSanctuary (Game Pass, bought for Xbox, bought again for PC, it's that damn good)
#RedDeadRedemption2 (PC)
#CavesOfQud (PC)
#tengamestoknowme #thelastninja #defenderofthecrown #castleofillusion #eccothedolphin #assaultrigs #pokemonyellow #morrowind #monstersanctuary #reddeadredemption2 #cavesofqud
To reflect on my #TenGamesToKnowMe list, a 25 game version would include games like:
Oil Imperium, Yuppi's Revenge, Doom, Quake, EU IV, RtCW, UT99, Columbus, Inve$t, Gunship, M1 Tank Platoon, Mortal Kombat, Falcon 1-4
The point is, most of these carry quite unapologetic and unreflected messages that strongly read as pro-capitalism, pro collonialism, or pro-war, or pro-violence.
I grew up to be a communist, pacifist, no-borders no-nations hippie.
So maybe video games aren't that bad for kids?
- 🗺️ Sid Meier's Pirates! ( 🦜🏴☠️ )
- 🌌 Stellaris ( 💖)
- 🚀 Kerbal Space Program ( thousands of hours well spent )
- 🦁 Armello ( ⚔️🏴☠️)
- 🌍 FAForever ( ❓)
- 🎴 Magic: The Gathering Arena ( 😭💸 )
- 👮♀️ Counter-Strike (👏don't👏talk👏to👏cops👏)
- 🔫 Turrican 2 - The Final Fight ( what's a Samus? )
- 🗺️ Battle Isle ( )
- 👨👩👧👦 The Sims 3 ( taught ND me much about interpersonal dynamics )
(+many more)
I'll try chronologically too
- #SonicTheHedgehog 2 (only sega genesis one)
- #Jak3
- #Black
- #GodOfWar 2 (ps2 one)
- #Okami
- #Penumbra
- #RiseOfNations
- #DwarfFortress
- #TeeWorlds
- #CataclysmDDA
#cataclysmdda #teeworlds #dwarffortress #riseofnations #penumbra #okami #godofwar #black #jak3 #sonicthehedgehog #tengamestoknowme
10 games to get to know me 🎮
#TenGamesToKnowMe (thx to @mike)
♟️ Archon
👽 Doom
🏙️ SimCity
🐶 Creatures
🌍 Civilization
🧝 Ultima Online
🎢 Rollercoaster Tycoon
💼 The Sims
⚔️ The Witcher
👑 Crusader Kings
1️⃣ Sonic (Master System)
🎖️ Star Fox 64
🇧🇷 Tibia
🎼 Chrono Trigger
📖 Final Fantasy Tactics
🛃 Paper's Please
📚 Sil
❤️ FTL: Faster Than Light
❄️ Frostpunk
🧩 Return of the Obra Dinn
10 games I worked on to know me 🎮
🃏 Hoyle Card Games (GBC)
🦙 The Emperor's New Groove (GBC)
🦕 Jump*Start: Dino Adventure (GBC)
🛵 Diva Starz: Mall Madness (GBC)
🕵️♀️ Secret Agent Barbie (GBA)
🏄♀️ Polly Pocket: Super Splash Island (GBA)
🙆♀️ Barbie: Gotta Have Games (PS1)
👩🚀 Atomic Betty (GBA)
😊 Smiles (Indie)
🛡️ Arena Stars
10 games to get to know me 🎮
😈 Diablo
🦖 Monster Hunter: World
👹 Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
👻 Persona 4
🛹 Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
🤖 One Must Fall 2097
🧑💻 Neuromancer (C64)
🧾 Master of Magic (C64)
🗡️ Creepy Castle
🦎 Seventh Cross: Evolution