Both expelled members of ‘Tennessee Three’ win back their state House seats - to paraphrase Napoleon, if you’re going to march on Vienna, you’d better take Vienna. Or, if you’re going to attack two popular politicians, you’d better take them out. So in some delicious irony, the racist #Republicans in the #Tennessee legislature that ‘expelled’ these two duly elected legislators have ended up making them much more popular and powerful. How perfect is that? #racism #RacismInAmerica #politics #TennesseeLegislature #Fail
#republicans #tennessee #racism #racisminamerica #politics #tennesseelegislature #fail
Tennessee is already in the spotlight for racism. I think this story also deserves national attention.
#blackfarmers #Tennessee #FordMotor #fordmotorcompany #BlueOval #BlueOvalCity #NC5 #wkrn #cnn #nbc #cbs #eminentdomain #TDOT #BillLee #TennesseeLegislature
#blackfarmers #tennessee #fordmotor #fordmotorcompany #blueoval #blueovalcity #nc5 #wkrn #cnn #nbc #cbs #eminentdomain #tdot #billlee #tennesseelegislature
In the US and in all human society, truth-tellers and justice-seekers get knocked down and pushed aside.
That is a cosmic truth, as Christians know very well, and remember on Good Friday.
But there will be a rising. That day will get here.
And we shall overcome.
#Tennessee #Nashville #GunViolence #GunSafety #Easter #WeShallOvercome #TN #TennesseeLegislature #Racism #GoodFriday #BanAssaultWeapons
#tennessee #nashville #gunviolence #gunsafety #easter #weshallovercome #tn #tennesseelegislature #racism #goodfriday #banassaultweapons
To the #TennesseeLegislature for what they have done this day, I find the most appropriate words for them is the start of Exeter’s speech to the Dauphin in “Henry V” relaying what the King of England sends him:
‘Scorn and defiance, slight regard, contempt’
#Shakespeare always gets it right
#tennesseelegislature #shakespeare
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations /
Tennessee Speaker Sexton flat out admitted he cannot prove the three Tennessee members he’s moving to expel incited violence.
Blatant censorship. Blatantly anti-democracy.
you’re literally a fascist.
#TennesseeThree #tennesseelegislature #tenneseetaliban
#TennesseeThree #tennesseelegislature #tenneseetaliban