¡Hola a todos! Hoy os traigo una especial rutina de ejercicios centrada en aliviar ese molesto dolor de tobillo. Ya sea por una #torcedura, un #esguince o simplemente #tensión acumulada, el dolor en esta área puede limitar tus movimientos diarios y actividades físicas. Pero no te preocupes, porque con la rutina que te presentaré, podrás ayudar a aliviar y prevenir futuras molestias en tu tobillo.
#rutina #ejercicios #dolor #tobillo #torcedura #esguince #tension
Après le succès inespéré de son #PadamPadam, #KylieMinogue enchaîne avec un nouveau titre efficace, qui n'est pas une redite de Padam, bref, elle embrasse les sonorités 90es actuelles plutôt brillamment : #Tension
#padampadam #kylieminogue #tension
Waking up and listening to new #Kylie in bed is like being a kid on my birthday. #Tension #CallMeKylie-lie-lie
such an interesting song structure. Five different verses/refrains, five melodies, but not so many words...
Then how do I encounter so many people whining about #Taiwan 🇳🇫 and the #US 🇺🇸 "provoking" #China 🇨🇳? 🤔
❝#World 🌎🌍🌏 knows #PRC cause of #tension: [Taiwan #Vice_President #William_Lai (#賴清德)]❞
#賴清德 #william_lai #vice_president #tension #prc #world #China #US #Taiwan
#Ramanujan: The Greatest #Mathematical #Prodigy : Medium
Europe spent €600 million to recreate the #Human #Brain in a #Computer. How did it go? : Nature
New #JWST data confirms, worsens the #Hubble #Tension : Big Think
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #tension #Hubble #JWST #Computer #brain #human #prodigy #mathematical #ramanujan
@jollysea Die hier von mir (und teils anderen Co-Autorinnen) funktionieren normal ab 2 Spielenden (alle SL-los und auf Deutsch und Englisch erhältlich): #VivaLaQueerBar #ImproVeto #HasiWirHabenEinenDungeonGekauft #DollyWirHabenEinTraumhausGekauft
Ansonsten habe ich von #Tension von Adira Slattery und #IHaveTheHighGround von Jess Levine gute Dinge gehört (beide auf Englisch), bin aber selbst nicht so die Duettspielerin und kann daher keine eigenen Erfahrungen damit teilen.
#vivalaqueerbar #improveto #hasiwirhabeneinendungeongekauft #dollywirhabeneintraumhausgekauft #tension #ihavethehighground
Los exámenes y #RevisionesMédicas de rutina que debe hacerse luego de los 50 años.
#revisionesmedicas #mamografias #citologia #tension #salud
Usurped port
Ukraine attacks Russian base
Clashes ensue, tension grows
#russiaukraine #war #droneattack #tension #cinquain #poetry
#RussiaUkraine #war #droneattack #tension #cinquain #poetry
@aethelshane #haiku #575prompt
Cup full of water
Add just one more little drop
Still no overflow
(surface tension)
#haiku #prompt #575prompt @aethelshane
Pulled beyond limits,
Increasing tension mounts.
Catastrophe waits.
#tension #575prompt #prompt #haiku
there is no mention
no hint of apprehension
in lives of tension
#haiku #575 #poetry #writing #WritingCommunity #MastoPrompt #tension
#tension #MastoPrompt #writingcommunity #writing #poetry #haiku
I think I have a solid premise and destination for the novel I’m working on (#WIP), but there isn’t enough #tension, and my protagonist isn’t clearly making #choices. I need to tweak that. The thing that works about other stuff I’ve written is that I have loads of both: tension and choices. I had hoped that what I’ve written is intriguing enough that tension/goals can wait until later, but I’m not so sure any more.
#Fossils in #Laos #Cave imply modern humans were in #Asia 86,000 years ago : New Sci
How to Proactively #Defuse #Tension on Your Team : HBR
We can use #Stem #Cells to make #Embryos. How far should we go? : Tech Review
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #Embryos #cells #stem #tension #defuse #Asia #cave #laos #fossils
On June 9, 1952, Tension debuted in Italy. Here’s some Tom D’Andrea art to mark the occasion!
#Tension #JohnBerry #TomDAndrea #FilmNoir #40sNoir #CrimeThriller #Noir #CrimeFilm #ThrillerFilm #FanArt #PenDrawing #BlackAndWhiteArt #ClassicFilm #Art #PopArt #ModernArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#tension #johnberry #tomdandrea #filmnoir #40snoir #crimethriller #noir #crimefilm #thrillerfilm #FanArt #pendrawing #blackandwhiteart #classicfilm #art #popart #modernart #portrait #movieart #moviehistory