🔥 #AMDlabnotes presents another new article - this time to assist data scientists/ML practitioners get their #PyTorch or #TensorFlow environment up and running on #AMD #GPUs 🔥
Head over to #GPUOpen now to have a read: https://gpuopen.com/learn/amd-lab-notes/amd-lab-notes-pytorch-tensorflow-env-readme/?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=amdlabnotes
#amdlabnotes #pytorch #tensorflow #amd #gpus #gpuopen
This weekend I was experimenting with Tensorflow Lite Micro running on MCUs and got some unimpressive results. The people_detector example takes 5 seconds per inference (96x96 mono image) on an ESP32-S2 and 18 seconds per inference on a Nano 33 BLE (Cortex-M4 @ 64Mhz). Obviously this is not optimized C++ code. It appears that Google removed all the optimized code from their TFLM repo. Anyone know where it went?
Sure, you can buy the whole bundle for $18, but for $1, the 3-book bundle provides the best bang for the buck for the Python programmer who wants to get into AI. The offer’s good for another 16 days, but you know what happens to procrastinators...
#HumbleBundle #books #deals #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Python #programming #TensorFlow #scikitlearn #PyTorch
#humblebundle #books #deals #ai #artificialintelligence #python #programming #tensorflow #scikitlearn #pytorch
🙄 Es geht doch nichts über gut abgehangenen legacy code.
#pymvpa 8 Jahre nicht mehr angefasst, eigentlich #python2 , so halb nach #Python 3 portiert, mit Imports aus scjpy, numpy,nibabel die es heute nicht mehr so gibt.
Wo sind die Nutzer alle hin? #tensorflow ?
#pymvpa #python2 #python #tensorflow
I would like starting #machinelearning
My little goal would be to see if I can predict a program runtime by analysing current log printed so far, and a database of previous complete runs logs.
Any advice on where to start (I know Python code quite well already)
#pytorch vs #tensorflow vs any other advice?
#machinelearning #pytorch #tensorflow
(1/2) I always enjoy seeing my LinkedIn friends publishing books, particularly on MLOps topics ❤️.
Enjoy reading Yuan Tang's Distributed Machine Learning Patterns. As its name implies, the book focuses on machine learning at scale using tools such as #Tensorflow , #Kubernetes , #argo , #python , etc.
#deeplearning #MachineLearning #DataScience #Python #argo #kubernetes #tensorflow
Simple ML for Sheets: https://www.meetup.com/deep-learning-adventures/events/295350470/ #datascience #machinelearnng #tensorflow
#datascience #machinelearnng #tensorflow
I am surprised this paper received so little attention. It dramatically reduces RAM requirements for very big #statistical #generalizedlinearmodels while offering #computational speed ups ~x500. A #recommender system used it in a #neuralnetwork with #tensorflow to get substantial time & memory savings.
Languages with #array/ #tensor features should take note, as this is a serious contender to sparse matrix computations #datascience #machinelearning
#statistical #generalizedlinearmodels #computational #recommender #neuralnetwork #tensorflow #array #tensor #datascience #machinelearning
And the source-code is licensed under a homebrewed license cooked up by Meta's lawyers, a license that only glancingly resembles anything from the #OpenSourceDefinition:
Core to Big Tech companies' "open AI" offerings are tools, like Meta's #PyTorch and Google's #TensorFlow. These tools are indeed "open source," licensed under real OSS terms.
#opensourcedefinition #pytorch #tensorflow
Is it possible to use Ubuntu 22.04 with GeForce GT 610 (390.157 driver) and CUDA 12.2 with TensorFlow 2.13? #nvidia #2204 #cuda #jupyter #tensorflow
#nvidia #cuda #jupyter #tensorflow
Is it possible to use Ubuntu 22.04 with GeForce GT 610 (390.157 diver) and CUDA 12.2 with TensorFlow 2.13? #nvidia #2204 #cuda #jupyter #tensorflow
#nvidia #cuda #jupyter #tensorflow
[Blog] Exploring Neural Networks with TensorFlow in Visual Studio Code Dev Containers: https://www.sqlpassion.at/archive/2023/08/09/exploring-neural-networks-with-tensorflow-in-visual-studio-code-dev-containers/ #tensorflow #vscode #neuralnetworks #ai #machinelearning #gpu #docker
#docker #gpu #machinelearning #ai #neuralnetworks #vscode #tensorflow
🛬 Touchdown in Lima!
Lilly Thomas & Ryan Avery meet up with Ruben Mendoza & Junior Flores Martinez to teach a TensorFlow for Earth Science training with SERVIR-Amazonia and Conservación Amazónica – ACCA
#machinelearning #tensorflow #earthscience #earthdata #remotesensing
#machinelearning #tensorflow #earthscience #EarthData #remotesensing
Review: UDOO KEY Raspberry Pi RP2040 und ESP32 im Test vorab https://www.pocketpc.ch/magazin/testberichte/zubehoer/review-udoo-key-raspberry-pi-rp2040-und-esp32-im-test-vorab-90858/ #internetofthings #Testberichte #raspberrypi #TensorFlow #udoo_board #Bluetooth #Espressiv #Tinkering #Zubehör #Arduino #SECOSPA #UDOOKEY #coding #hacker #RP2040 #TinyML #ESP32 #raspi #btle #edge #pico #udoo #Wlan #diy #iOt #MCU #rpi #AI #KI
#internetofthings #Testberichte #raspberrypi #tensorflow #udoo_board #bluetooth #espressiv #tinkering #zubehor #arduino #secospa #udookey #coding #hacker #RP2040 #tinyML #esp32 #raspi #btle #edge #pico #udoo #wlan #diy #iot #mcu #rpi #ai #ki
This is an example that compares fitting a #logistic regression as a #generalized #linear #model #GLM & as an #AI #MachineLearning using #tensorflow. Marvel at the computational waste (number of epochs ; a typical IWLS #GLM fit converges in <10 iterations) https://atm.amegroups.org/article/view/30334/html
#logistic #generalized #linear #model #glm #ai #machinelearning #tensorflow
Keras Core is the latest release of the popular python keras package, that is widely used in deep learning.
In Keras Core you can use Keras, Pytorch,Tensorflow and JAX all in one package.
#howcomputerslearn #keras #pytorch #tensorflow
Im going to post this again because it is still so cool. I asked GPT4 how to build a transformer model using both pytorch and tensorflow. It wrote all the code for both tutorials as well as the verbage to explain how they work.
#AI #chatgpt #GPT4 #machinelearning #transformers #pytorch #tensorflow
#ai #chatgpt #gpt4 #machinelearning #transformers #pytorch #tensorflow
HIRING: Founding Backend/AI/ML Engineer / Washington, DC 👉 https://ai-jobs.net/J57393/ #AI #MachineLearning #DataJobs #Jobsearch #MLjobs #bigdata #DataScience #AIjobs #techjobs #hiringnow #job #jobposting #TensorFlow #startupjobs #MLengineer #PyTorch #JavaScript #pythonjobs #engineer #hiring #ml
#ml #Hiring #engineer #pythonjobs #JavaScript #PyTorch #mlengineer #startupjobs #tensorflow #jobposting #Job #hiringnow #techjobs #AIjobs #DataScience #bigdata #MLjobs #JobSearch #DataJobs #MachineLearning #AI
Let the #tensorflow happen. #ai #opencv #frigate #coral
#tensorflow #ai #opencv #frigate #coral