#Diecimila volontari in azione La grande generosità di Imola "Non lasciamo indietro nessuno"
Tra cibo e attrezzature sono state distribuite un centinaio di tonnellate di materiale. Intanto la raccolta fondi promossa dal Municipio ha totalizzato 40mila euro.
#Tenthousand volunteers in action The great generosity of Imola 'We leave no-one behind
About a hundred tonnes of material were distributed between food and equipment. Meanwhile, the fund-raising campaign promoted by the Municipality has totalled 40 thousand euro.
24-5-2023 7:16 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/feedservice/compilations/1/ https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/imola/cronaca/diecimila-volontari-in-azione-la-grande-generosita-di-imola-non-lasciamo-indietro-nessuno-e436fe89
#diecimila #tenthousand #tutte
In diecimila attendono la visita per l'invalidità, i sindacati chiedono un incontro urgente ad Asl e #Inps
Nessun passo avanti sui ritardi, denunciano le segreterie regionali di #Cgil, #Cisl e Uil e i rispettivi patronati che sottolineano come si vada a negare un diritto e un aiuto a chi un'invalidità ce l'ha
#Tenthousand wait for disability check-ups, unions call for urgent meeting with #AslandInps
No progress has been made on the delays, denounce the regional secretariats of #CGIL, #CISL and UIL and their respective patronages, which stress how they are denying a right and help to those who have a disability.
4-5-2023 17:16 #IlPescara https://www.ilpescara.it/ https://www.ilpescara.it/attualita/ritardi-visite-invalidita-sindacati-incontro-asl-inps.html
#inps #cgil #cisl #tenthousand #aslandinps #ilpescara
#Festa dei lavoratori con record negativo in #Abruzzo, persi 10mila posti in un anno
L’Aquila. “Questo #PrimoMaggio si apre con una notizia preoccupante: nel #2022 l’#Abruzzo ha perso 10.000 posti di #lavoro, un dato in controtendenza rispetto al resto d’Italia, che ha visto invece un aumento dell’occupazione. Diecimila posti di #lavoro persi significano diecimila famiglie abruzzesi cui viene sottratto un reddito, e non sappiamo quante di esse fondavano […]
L'articolo #Festa dei lavoratori con record negativo in #Abruzzo, persi 10mila posti in un anno sembra essere il primo su #Abruzzo#Live.
#LabourDay with a negative record in #Abruzzo, #10,000 jobs lost in #oneyear
#L'Aquila. "#ThisMayDay opens with worrying news: in #2022, #Abruzzo lost #10,000 jobs, a figure in contrast with the rest of #Italy, which instead saw an increase in employment. #Tenthousand jobs lost means #tenthousand families in #Abruzzo are being deprived of an income, and we do not know how many of them were [...]
The article #LabourDay with a negative record in #Abruzzo, #10thousand jobs lost in #ayear appeared #first on #Abruzzo#Live.
1-5-2023 10:28 #AbruzzoLive https://abruzzolive.it https://abruzzolive.it/festa-dei-lavoratori-con-record-negativo-in-abruzzo-persi-10mila-posti-in-un-anno/
#festa #abruzzo #primomaggio #lavoro #labourday #oneyear #l #thismayday #italy #tenthousand #10thousand #ayear #first #abruzzolive
I definitely just spent $300 on an assortment of new #JedNorth and #TenThousand workout clothes (mostly shorts) and some new #NastyPig jeans. Must look cute working out in my own garage and sitting inside playing computer games! 💃🏻🤡
#jednorth #tenthousand #nastypig #retailtherapy #gaysbuyingthings #summeriscoming
Amazon plans to lay off about 10,000 employees, largest in company history, report says
> #Amazon plans to lay off about 10,000 employees in what would be the largest reduction in the company's history, according to reports.
> The New York Times reported the mass #layoffs could begin as soon as this week and will focus on Amazon's devices organization, retail division and human resources, citing people with knowledge of the move who were not authorized to speak publicly.