TRUE HEROES! #snowden #relevations #x #tenyears #nothingchanged #nsa #hero
#hero #nsa #nothingchanged #tenyears #x #relevations #snowden
Dieci anni di #Miniprint all’Aquila, il connubio perfetto tra arte e la bella città!
L’Aquila – Dieci anni fa la #Miniprint dell’imprenditore Michele Maria Biallo approdava nella città dell’Aquila. Una ricorrenza che l’owner ha voluto celebrare con grande enfasi rivolgendo un tributo sentito alla affascinante città dell’Aquila. Trentadue gli anni complessivi di attività e dopo tanti anni a Castel di Sangro la #Miniprint apriva i battenti in via Tradardi.
L'articolo Dieci anni di #Miniprint all’Aquila, il connubio perfetto tra arte e la bella città! sembra essere il primo su AbruzzoLive.
#Tenyears of #Miniprint in L'Aquila, the perfect combination of art and the beautiful city!
L'Aquila - #Tenyears ago, entrepreneur Michele Maria Biallo's #Miniprint landed in the city of L'Aquila. An anniversary that the owner wanted to celebrate with great emphasis by paying a heartfelt tribute to the fascinating city of L'Aquila. Thirty-two years of activity in total and after so many years in Castel di Sangro, #Miniprint opened its doors in Via Tradardi.
The article #Tenyears of #Miniprint in L'Aquila, the perfect combination of art and the beautiful city! seems to be the first on AbruzzoLive.
19-5-2023 9:37 #AbruzzoLive
#miniprint #tenyears #abruzzolive
#Impreseartigiane, in #Abruzzo 9mila in meno in dieci anni
#Pescara. Inizia male il 2023 per le imprese artigiane abruzzesi, con un decremento di 210 unità tra iscrizioni e cancellazioni nel primo trimestre: numeri che fanno della regione la penultima d’Italia dopo il #Molise. In valore assoluto l’#Abruzzo tocca il minimo storico con 27.796 imprese attive, circa novemila ne sono scomparse in dieci anni. […]
L'articolo #Impreseartigiane, in #Abruzzo 9mila in meno in dieci anni sembra essere il primo su #AbruzzoLive.
Artisan enterprises, in #Abruzzo #9,000 fewer in #tenyears
#Pescara. #Theyear2023 is off to a bad start for #Abruzzo's craft businesses, with a decrease of 210 units between registrations and cancellations in #thefirstquarter: numbers that make the region the #second-last in #Italy after #Molise. In absolute terms, #Abruzzo is at an all-time low with #27,796 active companies, #aroundninethousand of which have disappeared in #tenyears. [...]
The article #Craft enterprises, in #Abruzzo #9thousand fewer in #tenyears seems to be the #first on #AbruzzoLive.
3-5-2023 17:3 #AbruzzoLive
#impreseartigiane #abruzzo #pescara #molise #abruzzolive #tenyears #theyear2023 #thefirstquarter #second #italy #aroundninethousand #craft #9thousand #first
The Book of Do: A Manual for Living | The Do Book Company #tenyears
Thank you to Sarah for agreeing to do this story, and to Erica for sharing the story with me.
#survivor #recovery #tenyears #sandyhook
Thank you to Sarah for agreeing to do this story, and to Erica for sharing the story with me.
#survivor #recovery #tenyears #sandyhook
For us they’ve never stopped! #tenyears #London2012 #keeptheflamealive
#tenyears #london2012 #keeptheflamealive
Looking for an moving read?
💌Enemies to Lovers
💌Forced proximity
Join Becca and Charlie as they try to complete a loved one’s bucket list in spite of hating each other. Just 99p in ebook #TenYears #books #romance #romancereads #bookstadon #bookish
#tenyears #books #romance #romancereads #bookstadon #bookish
Quick intro while I sort myself out here; I’m Pernille (rhymes with Vanilla), I’m a romance author, writing for One More Chapter at HarperCollins. I live in the U.K. and have three books out to date; Ten Years, Probably the Best Kiss in the World and Punch-Drunk Love. you can find my links at www. #PernilleHughes #TenYears #ProbablyBestKiss #PunchDrunkLove #BookMastodon #bookcommunity #romancereader #romancewriter #writingcommunity #bookish #bookstadon
#pernillehughes #tenyears #probablybestkiss #punchdrunklove #BookMastodon #bookcommunity #romancereader #romancewriter #writingcommunity #bookish #bookstadon
Quick intro while I sort myself out here; I’m Pernille (rhymes with Vanilla), I’m a romance author, writing for One More Chapter at HarperCollins. I live in the U.K. and have three books out to date; Ten Years, Probably the Best Kiss in the World and Punch-Drunk Love. you can find my links at
#PernilleHughes #TenYears #ProbablyBestKiss #PunchDrunkLove #BookMastodon #bookcommunity #romancereader #romancewriter #writingcommunity
#pernillehughes #tenyears #probablybestkiss #punchdrunklove #BookMastodon #bookcommunity #romancereader #romancewriter #writingcommunity