I know in some cultures, children who are fussy about food are seen as a burden, but in my culture it made me a legend.
My grandparents’ fave story to tell was the one about how, at the age of 4, I was presented with a silver pomfret and a black pomfret, and I chose to eat the ‘better fish’.
Fish (eating of, choosing of, cooking of, preparing of) is super important in my #Teochew culture. My parents weren’t sure I was ready to live abroad until they saw I could select and gut fish on my own!
I’ve had a very weird and stressful week (mostly because my baby dog best friend has been sick) so I am making myself my comfort food: Teochew muay 潮州糜, fried pompano, chai poh nerng (radish omelette) ; topped with olive preserves and red chillies, like my ancestors intended
#recipes #food #cooking #teochew
@skinnylatte I love her too - vicariously!
I feel similar about you as well.
You're one of the first people I connected with here who even knew about #Teochew #Chinese peoples ❤
You're now part of my global #gaginang 👊
We're stocked up on rice now.
Mom's rice supplies anxiety is reduced for awhile.
#AsianMastodon #Teochew #Chinese #JasmineRice #FromThailand #AsianEssential #RiceShortage #StockedUp #TraditionalDiet #CulturalDietEssential #RoosterBrand #AsianPantry #ChinesePantry
#asianmastodon #teochew #chinese #jasminerice #fromthailand #asianessential #riceshortage #StockedUp #traditionaldiet #culturaldietessential #roosterbrand #asianpantry #chinesepantry
I identify as a loud mouthed squinty eyed #Teochew bitch with a lot to say about injustice. I also post a lot about my plants/garden, rewilding & conservation works, visual arts(my own & others), frequently share music, randomly share life experiences & am highly confrontational with bigots/racists - before I block their asshats. I'm a longtime #POC activist & don't tolerate sealioning or mansplaining or greenwashing douchenozzles.
I have MASS HATE ONS for #RCMP & #BCNDP #NewDeathParty 👊
#teochew #poc #rcmp #bcndp #newdeathparty
@staringatclouds The Satanist claims to get rid of JWs seem to be popular with many white ppl 😂
I'm Teochew Taoist so I just need my small 150 yr old gong (with hella big sound) & a strong, steady monotonous voice & a resting bitch face to freak out JWs 🤣
@fmhilton Yes, we have witches in our culture.
#asianmastodon #teochew #hokkien #witchcraft #sorcery
Mom just saw Jehovah's Witnesses doing door to door recruiting outside & laughed when they looked at our house & skipped knocking on it. Mom's howling with laughter & telling me I should go ring my gong a couple times to see if they'll jump/run back to car. Last time JWs came to our door & wouldn't accept 'We're Taoists & not interested' answer - I stopped talking. Grabbed my gong, banged it & chanted 'Leave Now' in #Teochew, until they got scared & left. They never came back👍
With my nonbinary Korean fellow activist friend, from Vancouver, at VGH. We met over 2 yrs ago on remote frontlines & were one of very few Asian activists with boots on the ground at protest camps in BC. They're an amazing human being. We worked on deescalation training, accessibility solutions & nonviolent defense tactics together.
#AsianMastodon #Teochew #Chinese #Korean #POC #Asians #POCactivists #environmentalists #AsianActivists #Unity #friends #StrongerTogether
#asianmastodon #teochew #chinese #korean #poc #asians #pocactivists #environmentalists #asianactivists #unity #friends #strongertogether
Homemade #BanhMi sub for late lunch.
#AsianMastodon #CholonDistrictRefugees #Teochew #ChineseDiaspora #VietnameseFood #AsianFood #EthnicEats #CulturalFoods #POCfood #lunch
#banhmi #asianmastodon #cholondistrictrefugees #teochew #chinesediaspora #vietnamesefood #asianfood #ethniceats #culturalfoods #pocfood #lunch
Mom brought home some #rambutans from Chinatown 😊
They're closely related to lychee & longan #TropicalFruits from #SoutheastAsia areas.
#AsianMastodon #Teochew #TootSEA #AsianDiaspora #iLoveFruit #AsianFoods #BowlOfFruit #monochrome #ImFruity #Saanich #VictoriaBC
#rambutans #tropicalfruits #southeastasia #asianmastodon #teochew #tootsea #asiandiaspora #ilovefruit #asianfoods #bowloffruit #monochrome #imfruity #saanich #victoriabc
We're having Vietnamese prawn & pork salad rolls for lunch today 😊
#AsianMastodon #Teochew #VietnameseFood #CholonFoods #EthnicEats #CulturalFoods #SaladRolls #AsianFoods #VietEats
#asianmastodon #teochew #vietnamesefood #cholonfoods #ethniceats #culturalfoods #saladrolls #asianfoods #vieteats
My first time enjoying Pease Lake in the Highlands. 2019.
My friend, Lyrica, introduced me to this lake 🥰 We've been back a few times since this day. We took a small inflatable boat out & paddled to far end of lake. There was only 4 other people at lake at other end.
You can see part of my atrophied legs here - left is thinner than right.
#GoodMemories #LakeDay #AsianMastodon #Teochew #Chinese #PolioSurvivor #Fab40s #scoliosis #osteoporosis #DisabledJoy #Saanich #vanisle
#throwbackthursday #goodmemories #lakeday #asianmastodon #teochew #chinese #poliosurvivor #fab40s #scoliosis #osteoporosis #DisabledJoy #saanich #vanisle
En route to Mom's ultrasound appointment.
#asianmastodon #teochew #chinese #fab40s
It's currently 25C° in the shade 🌡
My feet are soaking in cold water in a bucket on the deck.
#Saanich #SummerHeat #ItIsHotOutside #AsianMastodon #Teochew #Chinese #VictoriaBC #vanisle #VancouverIsland #vanisle #PNW #PacificNorthwest
#saanich #summerheat #itishotoutside #asianmastodon #teochew #chinese #victoriabc #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest
@rowenamonde I'm almost always the only masked person in indoor public places. It fucking sucks that so many people treat covid like it's over/not serious. I only got 3 racist glares today & that's an improvement here. Been attacked for wearing a mask several times over past 3 yrs. One guy spat on my Mom after calling her a stupid Chinese disease carrier. That's what we had to experience in public. It's not OK.
#asianmastodon #teochew #chinese #racismincanada
@fyrfli @edd I love the salted fish a lot too.
We use #SaltedFish in our #Teochew cooking too. It was really awesome to find out as a teenager that salted fish is used in many different cultures all around the world 🥰
#saltedfish #teochew #pocfoods #multiculturalfoods
Current event.
I'm cozy & comfy.
Found a couple of things for me & Mom to watch because our first 2 picks were unavailable. My radsome cat, Asher, is snuggling between our feet ❤❤❤
#asianmastodon #teochew #chinese #fab40s
It comes after our traditional 49 days of daily respect/honouring ceremonies at home altar for Dad. We are a very traditional #Teochew #Taoist family. I'm more connected to my Matriarch family in terms of cultural traditions & am very grateful for important teachings by my elders & ancestors. I feel like a fucking alien a lot - living in diaspora in Canada.
#teochew #taoist #asianmastodon #chinese #diaspora
I wanted to host a wonderful multicultural potluck gathering early Fall but can't host anything like that or host any big cultural holiday events like Chinese New Year until a full year has passed since Dad's passing.
This is one of the ways us traditional Teochew Taoist Chinese honour our most beloved family loved ones. It is not a huge sacrifice. It is showing enduring respect & honour for my deceased Dad ❤
#AsianMastodon #Teochew #Chinese #CulturalTraditions #RespectForAncestors #Reverance
#asianmastodon #teochew #chinese #culturaltraditions #respectforancestors #reverance