If you've read Jakkyl Raid, and maybe the whole Island Survival series, you might enjoy a short story about how Jack Lawrence, founder of the Jakkyls, reacted when the world as we knew it came to an end.
You can grab a #free #ebook copy of Spark of the Jakkyl until the end of this month via this link:
#postapocalyptic #shtf #teotwawki #reading #ebooks #freebie #prepper #fiction
#fiction #prepper #freebie #ebooks #reading #teotwawki #shtf #postapocalyptic #ebook #free
#aihype #peakoil #y2k #ai #herewegoagain #teotwawki
Los científicos adelantan el Reloj del Apocalipsis a «90 segundos antes de la medianoche» (-10 segundos) #mundoreal #actualidad #TEOTWAWKI #FinDelMundo #Apocalipsis | por @alvy https://microsiervos.com/archivo/mundoreal/xcientificos-reloj-apocalipsis-90-segundos-antes-medianoche.html
#mundoreal #teotwawki #actualidad #findelmundo #apocalipsis
Well, for what it's worth, I have arrived on Mastodon. Whatever that means. Lets see what this button does...
#collapse #climatebreakdown #climatecrirsis #endoftheworld #societalcollapse #teotwawki #emergencypreparedness #prepping #preppers
#preppers #prepping #emergencypreparedness #teotwawki #societalcollapse #endoftheworld #climatecrirsis #climatebreakdown #collapse