れお(森野夏)🍥 · @creoque
41 followers · 382 posts · Server social.vivaldi.net


#fukushimanuclearwastewater #fukushimawaterrelease #fukushimawater #tepco #汚染水の海洋放出に反対します #汚染水放出への個人プロテスト

Last updated 1 year ago

れお(森野夏)🍥 · @creoque
41 followers · 378 posts · Server social.vivaldi.net


#汚染水放出への個人プロテスト #fukushimanuclearwastewater #fukushimawaterrelease #fukushimawater #tepco #汚染水の海洋放出に反対します

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1413 followers · 18499 posts · Server kolektiva.social

What's going on with these days?!! Last week, they have someone on the air promoting nuking the atmosphere, today they interviewed two pro-nuke scientists justifying 's dumping of water, and only had a recorded statement by WHOI's Ken Buesseler, while the "experts" pooh-pooh'ed his statements without him being able to defend himself! Then I heard some piece about digging for more oil and carbon credits, which sounded like BS to me. Way more quality news can be found in a half-hour of a broadcast. Ugh!

#npr #tepco #fukushima #greenwashing #democracynow

Last updated 1 year ago

れお(森野夏)🍥 · @creoque
40 followers · 371 posts · Server social.vivaldi.net


#汚染水放出への個人プロテスト #fukushimanuclearwastewater #fukushimawaterrelease #fukushimawater #tepco #汚染水の海洋放出に反対します

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1408 followers · 18447 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Tritium Fact Sheet | SimplyInfo.org

"Tritium concentrations in the stored water vary greatly. Some tanks have lower levels of tritium concentrations while other tanks are incredibly high in tritium. A spot review of tritium concentrations found in the storage tanks ranged from 140,000 Bq/L to 2.5 million Bq/L per Japan’s nuclear regulator’s records.

"Tritium isn’t the only contaminant in this water TEPCO plans to dump into the Pacific ocean. The total of “other nuclides” that remain in the post-ALPS water is almost equal to the amount of tritium in the water. We have older reports that confirm the concentration of some of these other contaminants but don’t have specific values for some of the other ones such as Co-60, Sb-125, or the trace amounts of Cs-137 or Sr-90.

"Contaminants we are able to provide an estimated total for include:
I-129 82,633,197,600 bq
Ru-106 122,886,990,000 bq
Tc-99 78,381,972,000 bq

"TEPCO and other vested interests have attempted to distract from the volumes of contamination that would be dumped into the Pacific Ocean by claiming they will dilute it before dumping. This is akin to putting an equal amount of something into a tub with an eyedropper or pouring it in all at once out of a cup. The same amount ends up in the body of water. The delivery method is largely irrelevant to the concerns for the environment and public health."


#tepco #tepcolies #fukushima #FukushimaWater #waterislife #hormesisisbullshit

Last updated 1 year ago

T.Palenco · @TPalenco
61 followers · 1143 posts · Server mstdn.jp
Moto · @123456Moto
9 followers · 93 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1397 followers · 18285 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@madomado Um, I don't trust or the government of . TEPCO has LIED for years about radiation levels. What makes you think they've changed their ways?

#tepco #japan #tepcolies #exxonlied #corporatocracy

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1380 followers · 18118 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"The press have repeated a statement initially peddled by , that this contaminated water only includes . This is untrue, and tritium is not without its own risks. The water being discussed has been through the various filtration systems on site used to remove . Each system removes some of the radioactive elements in the water. ALPS is the last of these systems. It can remove much of the remaining contamination but not all of it, some radioactive contamination remains in this water.

"We [SimplyInfo] documented back in 2018 that this water contains other problematic radioactive elements including:

(238, 239, 240)

Iodine 129
Cobalt 60
Curium 244
(152, 154)
Selenium 79
Nickel 63
Tin 126 (aka: Sn-126)

"As of 2018 the stored post ALPS water contained 200 billion becquerels of iodine 129, 106, and technetium 99. As stored water increases, so does the total volume of contamination within that water.

"TEPCO and the Japanese government have tried to ease concerns by claiming the water will be diluted before it is dumped into the Pacific ocean. This is a meaningless step. The total amount of radioactive contamination is still dumped into the ocean, you just dumped some additional water beside it at the same time."


#tepco #tritium #radioactive #Isotopes #plutonium #americium #technetium #europium #cesium #strontium #ruthenium #japan #japangovernment #tepcolies #FukushimaDaiIchi #fukushima #FukushimaWater

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1380 followers · 18117 posts · Server kolektiva.social

TEPCO Begins Dumping Contaminated Water

August 24, 2023

"TEPCO began dumping contaminated water at 1pm Thursday (Japan time). International opposition and outcry have not been resolved. We document that along with the scope of the contamination here. While TEPCO has insisted the water only contains Tritium that is untrue. The long list of other contaminants can be found here [link in comments]."


, , , , , , ,, , , ,

#contaminated #water #dumping #FukushimaDaiIchi #pacific #release #tepco #tritium #fukushima #nodumping #waterislife #pacificocean

Last updated 1 year ago

wutti · @wutti
121 followers · 2377 posts · Server digitalcourage.social

Ein interessanter Beitrag der zur Entscheidung von das kontaminierte Kühlwasser von in den Pazifik abzuleiten.

Interessant ist, ob sich die angeblich so niedrigen Werte u.a. von durch unabhängige Stellen nach der Filterung bestätigen.

In jedem Fall klärt der Artikel überhaupt mal ordentlich darüber auf, was das Ableiten überhaupt bedeutet.


#Tritium #fukushima #tepco #DeutschenWelle

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1368 followers · 18056 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@GMIK69 "Purified"? Hardly. ALPs does not remove all the contaminants. Plus the fact that has used faulty dosimeters to measure the radioactivity.

#tepco #fukushima #FukushimaWater

Last updated 1 year ago

Giuseppe Michieli · @GMIK69
101 followers · 1950 posts · Server mstdn.science

specialists have begun dumping the first batch of purified into the ocean from the exploded -1 . This was announced on Thursday, August 24, by the energy company Tokyo Electric Power ().
Читайте на WWW.KP.RU: kp.ru/online/news/5421391/

#japan #water #fukushima #npp #tepco #tritium #radionuclides #radiation #food #safety #environment #politics #disasters

Last updated 1 year ago

Ichiro Nishiyama · @i_nishiyama
82 followers · 4517 posts · Server mstdn.jp



午前1:16 · 2023年8月24日

(引用、本文および画像) announces they will be holding an extraordinary presser from 10:00AM JT today on Aug 24. They also revealed they will be providing live streaming of the operation room for effecting the . They have not disclosed WHEN the release will happen.

午前2:49 · 2023年8月24日

#fukushimawaterrelease #tepco

Last updated 1 year ago

· @PARTEIBonze
215 followers · 213 posts · Server die-partei.social

Ekelhafter Menschenmüll seid ihr, ! Jeder Einzelne von Euch.

@Bundesregierung , welche Sanktionen folgen? Genauso harte wie gegen unsere transatlantischen Pipelinesprenger-Freunde?


#japan #staatsversagen #nordstream2 #fukushima #tepco

Last updated 1 year ago

Moto · @123456Moto
9 followers · 90 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Let's gather voices from the world to protect the sea.
Japanese people are idiots, so if there are no voices of the world, they can't be stopped.
🟡【 】in progress🚩
Tell the Japanese government: don’t dump nuclear waste into the ocean!

#fukushima #tepco #iaea #汚染水の海洋放出に反対します #署名活動 #キャンペーン #petition

Last updated 1 year ago

Moto · @123456Moto
9 followers · 90 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

「いつまでも岸田政権が続くわけではない」 原発処理水 24日海洋放出へ 二木氏が指摘する"政府の責任"(ABCニュース) u.lin.ee/xU6GJDQ?mediadetail=1

#fukushima #tepco #汚染水の海洋放出に反対します

Last updated 1 year ago

Moto · @123456Moto
23 followers · 1585 posts · Server mstdn.jp

「いつまでも岸田政権が続くわけではない」 原発処理水 24日海洋放出へ 二木氏が指摘する"政府の責任"(ABCニュース) u.lin.ee/xU6GJDQ?mediadetail=1

#汚染水の海洋放出に反対します #tepco #fukushima

Last updated 1 year ago

Berliner Wassertisch · @berlinerwassertisch
1109 followers · 722 posts · Server bewegung.social

Niemals vergessen: ist gefährlich. "Japan beginnt Ableitung von -Kühlwasser". "Fachleute verweisen darauf, dass in aller Welt schon seit Jahrzehnten routinemäßig belastetes ins ableiten." DAS MACHT ES NICHT BESSER! tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/fu

#atomkraft #fukushima #atomkraftwerke #kuhlwasser #meer #atomkraftneindanke #tepco #wasser #right2water #energiewende

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1346 followers · 17653 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Hacker group attacks websites over water release plan

August 18, 2023

"International hacker group has launched cyberattacks against nuclear power-linked groups in Japan in protest at the planned release of treated radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea, a Japanese IT security firm said.

"Anonymous has been intensifying its cyber offensives since last month, shortly after the said in its final report that the planned discharge would comply with global safety standards, NTT Security Japan said.

"'Vigilance is needed, as the attacks could further escalate after the discharge,' a representative of the Tokyo-based firm said.

"The organizations targeted by the international hacktivist group are the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan Atomic Power Co and the Atomic Energy Society of Japan.

"Anonymous have carried out distributed denial-of-service, or attacks, in which networks are overwhelmed by hackers who unleash a flood of data from multiple sources over a short period, with the assault being led by a group based in Italy.

"Activities by a group based in Vietnam have also been confirmed, NTT Security said.

"The Japan Atomic Energy Agency said its website saw about 100 times more than its usual traffic, but users could continue browsing the site as it took countermeasures.

"According to NTT Security, Anonymous released a 'target list' of its attacks after the Japanese government formally decided in 2021 to release treated water from Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s nuclear power plant.

"In addition to the three nuclear power-related organizations, TEPCO, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Liberal Democratic Party were on the list, NTT Security said.

"A member of Anonymous told Kyodo News recently that the Japanese government's policy to release treated water lacks transparency as citizens were not able to participate in its decision-making process.

"'We must put an end to the senseless act of making the a ground for economic benefit,' the member said.

"Massive amounts of water have been generated in the process of cooling melted reactor fuel after the Fukushima plant was devastated by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

"The water has been kept in tanks after going through the advanced liquid processing system that removes most radionuclides except tritium [AND 62 OTHER RADIONUCLIDES], but the storage vessels are nearing capacity. Tritium is known to be less harmful than other radioactive materials, such as cesium and strontium.

"Local fishermen and some neighboring countries remain opposed to the plan, with China introducing blanket radiation testing on Japanese seafood."


#japan #nuclear #fukushima #Anonymous #iaea #ddos #FukushimaDaiIchi #sea #dumping #contaminated #optepco #tepcolies #OpFukushima #waterislife #waterpollution #tepco #jgov #hactivists #FukushimaWater #nucleare

Last updated 1 year ago