Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story, rilasciato un nuovo trailer di anteprima
#RiotGames #SongOfNunuALeagueOfLegendsStory #TequilaWorks #Video
#RiotGames #songofnunualeagueoflegendsstory #tequilaworks #video
Gylt – Análisis
#Anlisis #IndieGames #GYLT #IndieGames #MakeGoodArt #SurvivalHorror #TequilaWorks
#anlisis #indiegames #gylt #makegoodart #survivalhorror #tequilaworks
He probado el #videojuego #GYLT del estudio madrileño #TequilaWorks. Simplificando mucho es un #AlanWake ligero que narra / trata el acaso en edades escolares. Funciona perfecto, pero las cinemáticas no. Lo cual, te quita mucho contexto en un juego narrativo. Una pena. Si lo solucionan, dicen en #Steam que están en ello, podría estar bien echarle un ojo. Este juego fue una exclusiva de #GoogleStadia ahora disponible para todas las plataformas.
#gylt #tequilaworks #alanwake #steam #googlestadia #videojuego
In part 2 of playing #RiME, as part of my Backlog Conquering series, i solved the puzzle i got stuck on and continued for nearly another hour. head to to see the new area and puzzles i came across. #PS4 #PSN #TequilaWorks
(#ICYMI) The new Backlog Conquering game is #RiME from #TequilaWorks. I'm playing this on my #PS4 and it's a download from the #PSN. head to to watch the first 55 minutes of the game. It lets the player work out what to do, which was fun until i got stuck!
#PSN #ps4 #tequilaworks #Rime #icymi
The new Backlog Conquering game is #RiME from #TequilaWorks. I'm playing this on my #PS4 and it's a download from the #PSN. head to to watch the first 55 minutes of the game. It lets the player work out what to do, which was fun until i got stuck!
GYLT, de Tequila Works, ya está disponible
#IndieGames #Noticias #buying #GYLT #IndieGames #TequilaWorks #TerrorAccesible
#indiegames #noticias #buying #gylt #tequilaworks #terroraccesible
Enfréntate a una #aventura de #terror junto a Sally un hermoso título que #TesuraGames y #TequilaWorks traen en formato físico
#noticias #gylt #aventura #terror #tesuragames #tequilaworks #tags #PS4 #ps5 #xboxone #xboxseries #steam
¡Lo quiero ya! GYLT anuncia su lanzamiento en formato físico, incluye una Edición de Coleccionista
#Noticias #GYLT #IndieGames #ListaDeDeseos #Steam #TequilaWorks
#noticias #gylt #indiegames #listadedeseos #steam #tequilaworks
GYLT, de Tequila Works, anuncia su fecha de lanzamiento en pc y consolas
#Noticias #GYLT #IndieGames #ListaDeDeseos #Steam #TequilaWorks
#noticias #gylt #indiegames #listadedeseos #steam #tequilaworks
La multinacional Tencent inverteix en l’estudi barceloní Novarama
La macrocorporació xinesa es converteix en accionista dels creadors de la saga Invizimals
#Catalunya #Notícies #Invizimals #Novarama #Tencent #TequilaWorks
#catalunya #notícies #Invizimals #Novarama #tencent #tequilaworks
Tencent buy majority stake in Rime and Song Of Nunu developers - #TheSexyBrutale #TencentGames #TequilaWorks #SongOfNunu #Deadlight #Indie #Gylt #Rime
#TheSexyBrutale #TencentGames #tequilaworks #SongOfNunu #Deadlight #indie #Gylt #Rime
Have You Played... The Sexy Brutale? - #CavalierGameStudios #TheSexyBrutale #HaveYouPlayed #TequilaWorks #Feature
#cavaliergamestudios #TheSexyBrutale #haveyouplayed #tequilaworks #feature
#Gylt, un #survivalhorror amb estètica infantil de dibuixos animats, és un dels primers títols en arribar a #Stadia,la plataforma de #videojocs streaming de #Google basada en #Linux.
Què us sembla? Massa "cartoon" per al seu concepte?
#gylt #survivalhorror #stadia #videojocs #google #linux #tequilaworks
Groundhog Day's VR sequel, Like Father Like Son, is out today - #TequilaWorks #PCGameNews #VRgames
#tequilaworks #pcgamenews #vrgames
Have You Played… Rime? - #FeaturedArticles #HaveYouPlayed #TequilaWorks #feature
#featuredarticles #haveyouplayed #tequilaworks #feature
With reason: Rime free on the Epic Games Store now - #EpicGamesStore #TequilaWorks #FreePCGames #PCGameNews #freegames
#epicgamesstore #tequilaworks #freepcgames #pcgamenews #freegames
Have You Played… Deadlight? - #FeaturedArticles #HaveYouPlayed #TequilaWorks #feature
#featuredarticles #haveyouplayed #tequilaworks #feature
Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son will be a VR adventure game sequel to the movie - #virtualreality #SonyPictures #TequilaWorks #PCGameNews #moviegames #VRgames #movies
#virtualreality #sonypictures #tequilaworks #pcgamenews #moviegames #vrgames #movies
Some video games that are like Bandersnatch, but better - #CavalierGameStudios #FeaturedArticles #CrowsCrowsCrows #DevolverDigital #charliebrooker #NoCodeStudios #TequilaWorks #DaveyWreden #WilliamPugh #SamBarlow #Question #zoequinn #feature #Netflix #TobyFox
#cavaliergamestudios #featuredarticles #crowscrowscrows #devolverdigital #charliebrooker #nocodestudios #tequilaworks #daveywreden #williampugh #sambarlow #question #zoequinn #feature #netflix #tobyfox