Since the last update to #privacy focused #eOS my #teracube 2e from @murena has been losing its charge much more rapidly than it was. This phone was a little underpowered when I got it, but now it's looking like I'm going to have to switch it out for something else.
I wonder if I can send it back for refurbishing. 🤔
My #iPhone 8, on the other hand, will be 6 years old this Fall and it is not going to receive the update to #iOS 17.
#Apple will probably support it with security updates for a while longer, but it's time for me to start seriously thinking about getting my next phone.
It will probably be a #Murena #Teracube 2e:
Or I will buy a refurb Android phone and flash /e/OS on it.
#iphone #ios #apple #murena #teracube
My first post from my #Murena #Teracube e2! It's going to take a bit to get everything transferred over but I'm excited for it to have finally happened. Running just fine on #Xfinity Mobile, don't let their sales reps lie to you.
Overall experience was amazing. Lack of Sim card tool was a minor problem until I found my #ifixit kit. The fact that this phone comes with a case and a screen protector is above and beyond. If you're sick of #Google not respecting your #privacy then you should definitely get one of these phones.
The first thing I did was install #fdroid and get my FOSS apps back, followed by tying in my #nextcloud account.
Thank you so much @murena you guys did an amazing job with the hardware and packaging.
Thank you to the e foundation (I'm sorry for not tagging you!) for the great privacy ecosystem!
#nextcloud #fdroid #privacy #google #ifixit #xfinity #teracube #Murena
PSA: If you buy a #Teracube 2e you will find some sources claiming it is compatible with the AT&T network (by all rights, it should be compatible with the AT&T network, given its specs). It is not. The issue appears to be on AT&Tʼs side. Teracube has given up and removed AT&T from its list of compatible carriers.
@jordinn It's a walled garden and despite all it's #greenwashing, #Apple never cared for #sustainability (e.g. batteries soldered into devices). And #privacy with a #megacorp that scans your pics?
Google of course is even worse. Therefore: #Fairphone running #FairphoneOpenOS or #LineageOS.
#Teracube's an option, too. It's a bit cheaper and also supports #Lineage, but Fairphone has a longer track record, more transparency and the overall better product from my experience.
#greenwashing #apple #sustainability #privacy #megacorp #fairphone #fairphoneopenos #lineageos #teracube #lineage
@8xTeilzeit @Erdrandbewohner Habe eOS auf ein neues #Teracube Smartphone für unter 220€ gekauft. 4 Jahre Garantie und Akku lässt sich ohne Werkzeug von Hand wechseln.
Hier für 200€ mit eOS bei eBay Kleinanzeigen.
Gibt es auch von #iode fix und fertig etwas teurer
Danke für den Tipp, @stefan!
Ich hatte nicht auf dem Schirm, dass #Murena geflashte FP4 verkauft. Die Codebasis für /e/ ist doch max. Android 10, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe? Bringt der Rückschritt von Android 11 auf 10 dann beim FP4 keine Probleme mit Treibern etc. mit sich?
Das Konzept von #Teracube klingt gut - aber mit 4 GB RAM und ohne 5G ist es eher nicht so zukunftsgewandt, wie ich es mir wünschen würde :mastoface_with_rolling_eyes:
@Herbstfreud @Erdrandbewohner @Lady_Amalthea
Moin Herbstfreund, Nein, geht wunderbar ohne, das ist ja das schöne an #Ferdi
PS: Habe mittlerweile die ca. 6 Stunden Radio-Aufzeichnungen von Euch angehört (über USB im Auto, Küche, Wozi und auf mein neuen #Teracube 2e Smartphone! Ist super, Vielen Dank für die tolle Mischung, macht bitte weiter so! Grüsse auch an Amalthea
#Teracube phone just came in. The case that came with it is really made of plants.