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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
Scientists demonstrate #terahertz wave camera can capture 3D images of microscopic world @lborouniversity
Graphen macht Terahertz-Wellen zu Licht. Neuartiger Frequenzwandler könnte 6G-Signale zu Glasfaser-Lichtpulsen konvertieren. #6G #Graphen #Terahertz #Glasfaser #Mobilfunk #Physik
#6g #graphen #terahertz #glasfaser #mobilfunk #physik
Team @HZDR, the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), University of Exeter Centre for Graphene Science, and TU Eindhoven shows that #graphene-based materials can be used to convert #terahertz pulses ultrafast and tunable into visible light, opening a path to novel information and communication technologies.
Now out in @Nature : #Terahertz light pulses stabilise #ferromagnetism in YTiO3 at three times its usual transition temperature!
A brilliant collaboration by Ankit Disa and the MPSD's Cavalleri group with @Harvard, Jon Curtis and Prineha Naranag at the University of California - Los Angeles, the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research and the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research.
NDT and Inspection Market
The global NDT and Inspection market size is estimated to be USD 10.3 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 18.5 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 10.1% during the forecast period.
NDT and Inspection market includes stringent government regulations regarding public safety
#NDT #NDTInspection #VisualTesting #MagneticParticle #LiquidPenetrant #EddyCurrent #Ultrasonic #Radiographic #Terahertz #Imaging #Acoustic #Emission
#ndt #ndtinspection #visualtesting #magneticparticle #liquidpenetrant #eddycurrent #ultrasonic #radiographic #terahertz #imaging #acoustic #emission
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
Researchers create metasurface that enables multichannel #terahertz transmission @opticalsociety
"The devices operate on the basis of electrostatic control of collective electromagnetic interactions at deep subwavelength scales, as an alternative to controlling the flow of electrons in traditional devices, such as diodes & transistors..enables a new class of electronic devices with cutoff frequency figure-of-merit well beyond ten terahertz, record high conductance values, extremely high breakdown voltages & picosecond switching speeds",picosecond%20switching%20speeds.
#Terahertz #spectroscopy can be used to explain the spontaneous formation of #protein-rich droplets, which may lead to #neurodegenerative #diseases.
#Chemistry #Neuroscience #sflorg
#terahertz #spectroscopy #protein #neurodegenerative #diseases #chemistry #neuroscience #sflorg
Here's an interesting new #terahertz science result: #cyclotron emission from #Landau levels in HgTe quantum wells. Typically, emission from Landau levels is hard to observe with parabolic bands, because of the equally spaced ladder of states. Emission always loses to absorption.
But in a 2D #topological system, bands are non-parabolic and the Auger mechanism is suppressed. This portends future developments in Landau lasing, covering 0.5-3 THz. Very exciting!
#terahertz #cyclotron #landau #topological
Well, I was going to toot about some cool new results in #terahertz science but oh gosh look at the time.
So instead here's a photo of our dog. Ain't she cute.
Woof @ Wednesday.
Magnet-Sandwich als Mittler zwischen zwei Welten: Ein Forschungsteam unter Leitung @HZDR hat eine Methode zur effizienten Kopplung von #Terahertz-Wellen mit deutlich kurzwelligeren #Spinwellen entwickelt. Die Experimente klären im Zusammenspiel mit theoretischen Modellen die grundlegenden Mechanismen dieses bisher für unmöglich gehaltenen Prozesses auf. Die Ergebnisse sind ein wichtiger Schritt für die Entwicklung neuartiger Technologien zur Datenverarbeitung.
Magnet-Sandwich als Mittler zwischen zwei Welten: Ein Forschungsteam unter Leitung @HZDR hat eine Methode zur effizienten Kopplung von #Terahertz-Wellen mit deutlich kurzwelligeren #Spinwellen entwickelt. Die Experimente klären im Zusammenspiel mit theoretischen Modellen die grundlegenden Mechanismen dieses bisher für unmöglich gehaltenen Prozesses auf. Die Ergebnisse sind ein wichtiger Schritt für die Entwicklung neuartiger Technologien zur Datenverarbeitung.
I'm really impressed with this work!
describing an on-chip lithium niobate #terahertz #waveform synthesizer.
Cristina is definitely one of the rising stars in the field.
NDT and Inspection Market worth $18.5 billion by 2028
• Informational PDF Brochure :-
The major factors contributing to the high demand for the NDT and Inspection market includes stringent government
#NDT #Inspection #VisualTesting #MagneticParticle #LiquidPenetrant #EddyCurrent #Ultrasonic #Radiographic #Terahertz #Imaging #AcousticEmission
#ndt #inspection #visualtesting #magneticparticle #liquidpenetrant #eddycurrent #ultrasonic #radiographic #terahertz #imaging #acousticemission
A new terahertz wireless link that could be an order of magnitude faster than 5G
@oldmapgallery I enjoy pointing out that the #terahertz portion of the #spectrum is always centrally located in these diagrams. Hey terahertz folks! We're at the center of it all!
Things that annoyed me the most about #terahertz science and technology in 2022:
n) the rise of the "terahertz wand" which somebody is apparently SELLING as a therapeutic device. It is one of the most common things that comes up when I search twitter for "terahertz".
I know, I know, snake oil salesmen have been around since forever, but this is a little close to home, intellectually speaking.
Caveat emptor.
Well, I can't decide on the best #terahertz stories of 2022, but I can point to the result that I most wish I had thought of doing, but somebody else got to it first. It's this one, published back in March:
This describes terahertz #circular_dichroism measurements on polycrystalline samples of various different amino acids. The data indicate the presence of #chiral terahertz #phonons in some cases. Very difficult experiments, but very impressive results!
#terahertz #circular_dichroism #chiral #phonons
I've been trying to come up with a list of the top #terahertz stories of 2022 (my personal opinion).
The trouble is, there are too many cool things to include.
Maybe I'll get there before 2023.