Soundtracks de Star Wars · @soundtracksstarwars
25 followers · 424 posts · Server

El 22 de julio de 1938 nace el actor Terence Stamp, el Supremo Canciller Valorum en Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

On July 22, 1938, actor Terence Stamp, Supreme Chancellor Valorum in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, was born.

#supremechancellorvalorum #terencestamp #starwars

Last updated 1 year ago

Classic Movies Today · @classicmovies
197 followers · 805 posts · Server

57 years ago:
Modesty Blaise (UK)
Modesty Blaise, a secret agent whose hair color, hair style, and mod clothing change at a snap of her fingers is being used by the British government as a decoy in an effort to thwart a diamond heist. She is being set up by the feds but is wise to the plot and calls in sidekick Willie Garvin and a f...

#modestyblaise #josephlosey #MonicaVitti #terencestamp #dirkbogarde #20thcenturyfox #classicmovies

Last updated 2 years ago

12pt9 · @12pt9
248 followers · 591 posts · Server

April 7: A production in a on

The global TV audience of -Vision, a live broadcast experiment, determines through their emotional investment in the lead's screened experience what the man's destination will be. Even so, the spectators' collective energy should serve as a powerhouse, enabling a televised leap into the future. The man whose faith determines it all is Terence Stamp – played by the actor with the same name. He agrees to partake in the hope that enough emotional energy can be harvested for him to travel back in time so he can reunite with his lost love.

While definitely taking a cue or two from Resnais' Je t'aime, je t'aime (1968), Jérôme Laperrousaz's Hu-Man (1975) has a much grimmer feel to it. The seventies were not a time of or even for optimism, including Stamp's career and personal life. Noun Serra's dizzying editing and the real-world danger both the in-movie actor and real-world actor are exposed to makes Hu-Man a much more self-referential and personal experience for this future's reality-fatigued viewer.


#bales2023filmchallenge #television #movie #publictelevisionday #mondo #timetravel #film #cinema #france #jeromelaperrousaz #memory #realitytv #terencestamp #jeannemoreau #scifi #filmastodon #cinemastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Classic Movies Today · @classicmovies
94 followers · 486 posts · Server

37 years ago:
Link (UK)
Young graduate student Jane Chase becomes the new assistant to an eccentric zoology professor at the remote home he shares with two brilliant chimpanzees and an elderly orangutan butler named Link. But when one of the chimps is found dead and the professor mysteriously disappears, Link becomes dange...

#link #elisabethshue #terencestamp #davidohara #horror #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
403 followers · 1842 posts · Server

A young, introverted butterfly collector (Terrence Stamp) in a secluded big house with a separate cellar, moves up his territory when he kidnaps a pretty art school student (Samantha Eggar). After begging and pleading and escape attempts, they sort of agree on their terms - he will let her go after 4 weeks, hoping she will fall in love with him.
With only two principal actors (plus one small character in the middle), this John Fowles adaptation feels more like a play. Young Stamp is intense, playing the role of creepy, shy man with chips on his shoulders. Is it sex that you want from me? Miranda the art student asks him. No. He wants to respect her as a proper woman. There is a big confrontation over Catcher in the Rye. Their class differences are highlighted and the gap between them is obviously too wide. Intriguing psychological drama.

#thecollector #williamwyler #terencestamp #samanthaeggar #adaptation #johnfowles

Last updated 2 years ago

Dustin Kiyeon Chang · @Dustin
173 followers · 387 posts · Server

Not quite thoroughly a modern woman, Bath is conflicted by her ever shifting feelings. No one in Madding Crowd is truly evil or has harmful intentions. Who gets her heart at the end? Trusty servant/long time friend whom she can always depend on? A dreamboat who stirs fire in her? A wealthy, kindly benefactor who'd tolerate her equivocation til kingdom come? is very lovely indeed.

#thomashardy #adaptation #juliechristie #johnschlesinger #alanbates #peterfinch #terencestamp #farfrommaddingcrowd

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @Null_dev
120 followers · 217 posts · Server

Theorem (1968)
Pier Paolo Pasolini

Finally saw this. In a pornographic film there is often this flimsy plot device to connect the scenes were different characters feel compelled to have sex with the main protagonist. Here Pasolini removes the explicit sex scenes. It isn't even clear that the main protagonist is the protagonist and the result is this strange enigma that has something to do with miracles and class struggle.

#film #cinemastodon #pierpaolopasolini #teorama #theorem #terencestamp

Last updated 2 years ago

Cinéfilos · @cinefilos
2 followers · 8 posts · Server

Última noche en el SOHO

Este filme es diferente: Mezcla el thriller, trastornos psicológicos , actividad lparanormal y viajes en el tiempo.

Una joven llena de sueños que padece dificultades sociológicas y visiones con su madre muerta, se va a Londres para iniciar sus estudios en la moda. La chica proviene de una modesta familia en un lugar campestre en donde reside con su abuela.

Las cosas no salen como espera con sus compañeras de cuarto así que debe buscar donde vivir y trabajar.

Renta una habitación y allí experimenta una serie de sucesos escabrosos en medio de un viaje en el tiempo durante sus horas de sueño.

Precisamente a ella, le son revelados los eventos que vivió una joven aspirante a cantante en los años 60 en donde se muestra la realidad de un Londres crudo y muy cruel con las jóvenes de esa época.

El SOHO es el escenario que da vida a esta trama mostrándonos una historia interesante enlazando dos vidas, una en el pasado y otra en el presente.

La banda sonora no te dejará indiferente.

Sobre la película en 👇🏻
Last Night in Soho (Última noche en el Soho en España y El misterio de Soho en Hispanoamérica) es una película británica de 2021 de terror psicológico dirigida por Edgar Wright, escrita por Wright y Krysty Wilson-Cairns. Es protagonizada por ,

. La película marca las apariciones finales de Diana Rigg y Margaret Nolan, quienes murieron en septiembre y octubre de 2020, respectivamente. La película está dedicada a la memoria de Rigg. La puedes ver en

#wikipedia #thomasinmckenzie #anyataylorjoytaylor #mattsmith #terencestamp #dianarigg #suspense #ultimanocheenelsoho #hbo #hbomax

Last updated 2 years ago

🏳️‍🌈Nunz💀 · @nunz
329 followers · 109 posts · Server

Spirits of the Dead - Louis Malle, Roger Vadim and Federico Fellini (1968) - an intriguing horror omnibus adaptation for big screen based on Edgar Allan Poe’s anthology of the same name (1809-1849).

#FilmMastodon #cinemastodon #Arthouse #fellini #terencestamp #JaneFonda #BrigitteBardot #horror #HorrorFam #films #film #horrorfilm #edgarallanpoe #anthology #horrormovies #HorrorCommunity #horrorbooks

Last updated 2 years ago

Gordon Horspool · @larrydisgusted
5 followers · 84 posts · Server