Very, very occasionally, #NZ makes me so proud.
#Aotearoa #terfsfuckoff #transrights #auckland #Wellington
#nz #aotearoa #terfsfuckoff #transrights #auckland #wellington
I am angry about the #transphobes coming to #Wellington but I can't attend a counter-protest: Are there other ways I can help? I've seen people suggest donating but I don't know to whom #transRights #nz #nzpol #terfsfuckoff
#transphobes #wellington #transrights #nz #nzpol #terfsfuckoff
#bellhooks #Feminism #Patriarchy #Sexism #Intersectionality #Ally #TERFsFuckOff #DirectAction #FeministTheory #AnarchaFeminism
Sexism is not just a personal attitude, but an expression of a hierarchical system called patriarchy. Regardless of gender, anyone can in some way perpetuate patriarchy. Regardless of gender, anyone can in some way be oppressed by patriarchy. And regardless of gender, anyone can in some way advance, and benefit from, feminism: a group of political movements aimed at ending patriarchy.
That said, some people really are personally sexist and do harm on a personal as well as systemic level. It is mostly cis men who perpetuate patriarchy, because it is mostly cis men who recieve relative benefits from it. It is mostly genders other than cis men who are oppressed by patriarchy, and no cis man can fully understand those experiences. And feminism primarily centers genders other than cis men, for good reason. Intersectionality in particular is a vital part of feminism, acknowledging that no two forms of hierarchical oppression are separate, and all must be abolished together. This necessarily includes, but is by no means limited to, capitalism and the state.
If you're wondering why I'm sharing what may seem like such basic information, it's probably not for you. In my part of the world, there has for a while been a serious problem with feminism being co-opted by liberals and "apolitical" lifestylists, with no basis in any actual revolutionary movement for liberation. This is absurd, of course, but it's long been the most common usage of the term and its imagery here. It's not limited to women; some of the worst are cis male "allies" who seem to think that simply saying it makes it so. This was largely what motivated bell hooks to write "Feminism is for Everybody", which I highly suggest you read if you haven't.
To be absolutely clear: calling yourself a feminist and using feminist symbolism do not actually make you a feminist, any more than merely flying a hammer and sickle makes someone a communist. It's not an individual thing. It has to be backed up by revolutionary direct action in a movement. You cannot be a feminist and also be a liberal, a bioessentialist, or a non-intersectionalist.
Full disclosure: While I have read some feminist theory and been advocating for the intersectional anarcha-feminist movement for a few years, I am an AMAB, genderflux man. I am not the most privileged gender, but I am close and I work to recognize that. I don't claim to be an "expert" or even a particularly credible perspective on feminism, and I highly encourage you to critically prioritize perspectives from more marginalized genders above my own.
#bellhooks #feminism #patriarchy #sexism #intersectionality #ally #terfsfuckoff #DirectAction #feministtheory #anarchafeminism
Live shot from Dave Chappelle’s show at the Chase Center when he brought Apartheid Clyde up on stage with him:
(#DaveChappelle #ApartheidClyde #ChaseCenter #ElonMusk #TERFsFuckOff )
#davechappelle #ApartheidClyde #chasecenter #elonmusk #terfsfuckoff
If you're "Pro-JK Rowling", I'm Anti-You. TERFs fuck off.
#fuckterfs #antiterf #terfsfuckoff #antijkr #antijkrowling