If you don't already know it, #TeriKanefield ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ has secret sauce that she puts on her legal explanations to make them extra delicious and double extra funny. I just read her latest updates on the additional indictments and I'm trying to chuckle softly so I don't wake the family. And as for the people helping him? Oy vey. Truly you can't make this stuff up.
Look what book arrived! Can’t wait to start it! I noticed a glossary of legal terms in the back. This woman, author #TeriKanefield is giving me quite the education—#history #legal #SCOTUS @Teri_Kanefield@law-and-politics.online @Teri_Kanefield@counter.social
#RuthBaderGinsburg #FreeToBeRuthBaderGinsburg
#terikanefield #history #legal #scotus #ruthbaderginsburg #freetoberuthbaderginsburg
Teri Kanefield gives us some news and plainly lays out some of the choices we face as a Country.
Plutocracy/Authoritarianism/Oligarchy is where we are headed, but it’s by no means a given we will go there.
We have a choice and it’s past time to get serious and vote. Non-voters need to be swayed that their “status quo” will be destroyed by an illiberal minority and they need to vote to end that threat.
#USPol #USPolitics #TeriKanefield
#terikanefield #uspolitics #USpol
The Tyee: The War on Journalists, Part Two (in Analysis) https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/04/14/War-Journalists-Part-Two/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #CanadianJournalismForumonViolenceandTrauma #DavidBeersHarveyStevensonSouthamLecture #OverstoryMedialayoffs #CapitalDailylayoffs #OverstoryMediaGroup #CambridgeAnalytica #mediafundingmodels #DavidBeerslecture #AndrewWilkinson #DavidBeersUVic #RogerBerkowitz #FarhanMohamed #mediaindustry #TeriKanefield #CapitalDaily #HannahArendt
#BCNews #TheTyee #canadianjournalismforumonviolenceandtrauma #davidbeersharveystevensonsouthamlecture #overstorymedialayoffs #capitaldailylayoffs #overstorymediagroup #CambridgeAnalytica #mediafundingmodels #davidbeerslecture #AndrewWilkinson #davidbeersuvic #rogerberkowitz #farhanmohamed #mediaindustry #terikanefield #capitaldaily #hannaharendt
Great thread from Teri about the Trump / Georgia affair.
Usually I run away from 10 part threads due to the fact that I have the attention span of an over-caffeinated squirrel.
She held my attention and calmed me down a bit as I too, have been losing my mind over this.
Do yourself a favor, give it a read.
#trump #georgia #terikanefield #politics #law #news
Dominion Voting Machines v. Fox News (and more) - Teri Kanefield https://terikanefield.com/dominion-voting-machines-v-fox-news-and-more/
#fox #dominion #goplies #FoxEntertainmentLies #uspol #TeriKanefield #truth #disinformation
#fox #dominion #goplies #foxentertainmentlies #uspol #terikanefield #truth #disinformation
The John Eastman memo about Mike Pence made no sense legally - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2021/09/23/eastman-memo-jan-6-trump/
#terikanefield #uspol #gop #sedition #treason #justice
Excellent and well balanced piece by Teri Kanefield. I regret scrolling away from the original Post that showed it to me. 😞 (Say hi!)
Covers pros and cons of:
#Journalism #Journalists #TeriKanefield #SocialMedia #TwitterMigration
#postsocialmedia #spoutible #countersocial #socialmedia #mastodon #journalism #journalists #terikanefield #twittermigration
Hey everybody!
You can now #FindTeri (Teri Kanefield) at her new location --> @Teri_Kanefield.
If you followed her at her old location, you may need to refollow her again. My request was marked as "pending" or some such -- clicked on it and refollowed and immediately was added.
Please reboost.
If you want reliable and valid info about court stuff related to gangsters like DJT follow @Teri_Kanefield@counter.social or @Teri_Kanefield@law-and-politics.online you will be thrilled. (I think she is secretly a psychologist.) Also good dog content! #terikanefield
Following suggestions, I will redo this with hashtags.
Before I switched servers, I had close to 17,000 followers.
It's been 5 days.
Some of my followers are therefore stuck in the La Brea Tar Pits.
If you are in the Tar Pits, you will see a "pending" notice. If you hit, that it will turn to 'follow' and you will be rescued.
I miss all the people who are lost 😢
@stux (can you help by reinitiating the redirect? The problem may be that my server was fairly new)
Hey everybody!
You can now #FindTeri (Teri Kanefield) at her new location --> @Teri_Kanefield.
If you followed her at her old location, you may need to refollow her again.
Please reboost.
@Teri_Kanefield @EubieDrew @kimberleon We can all boost your posts to others. Another option is to create a hashtag #TeriKanefield & people can find you that way, too <3
It looks like #TeriKanefield lost about 8k followers when moving instances. If you were following but suddenly are Teri-less, give her new account a follow! @Teri_Kanefield #mastadonmigrarion
#terikanefield #mastadonmigrarion
A thoughtful piece on #twittertransition from #TeriKanefield
#twittertransition #terikanefield
@GottaLaff you might already but have you ever checked out #TeriKanefield blog? It’s always so insightful and explains it so well.