I spend on average 3 hours a day on my phone according to screen time data provided by Apple.
That is 1095 hours spent on my phone in one year. A 31 day month has 744 hours. Every year, I am spending more than one month on my phone. Rarely does it make me feel good. I generally end up wanting more junk or upset about some political opinion of someone I don’t know who is probably a bot. Hours of my life gone.
This makes a little sad.
#terminallyonline #internetaddiction #digitalminimalism
Powinienem ograniczyć internety a głównie socjale
Nawet ograniczenie używania Twittera na 1 minutę max to za dużo wiec jego odinstalowanie z telefonu brzmi jak kolejny dobry pomysł
Co za dużo to nie zdrowo
Najlepiej jest się odkleić kompletnie jednak mało kto chce wyjść z domu wiec zostaje tylko przeczytać książkę albo w końcu obejrzeć te wszystkie animy o których tak każdy gada
To anyone else who was #TerminallyOnline in the 90s (and in particular on #AOL), do you remember the Antagonist (ANT) gaming…site?page?hub? I don’t recall what AOL called their internal pseudo-websites. But a poll about early social networks reminded me just how much time I spent on there as a kid, especially the discussion forums.
#Elitism is a real problem with the #Linux and #FOSS communities.
Very nearly a symptom of #TerminallyOnline and #Neckbeard types these responses help no-one.
A solution of "get a new computer duh". Isn't a solution, it's a #bypass that pretends the issue doesn't exist in the first place.
Reminder for those who want #TheYearOfTheLinuxDesktop: Linux needs to be able to work with and run almost everything without fail, even if you considering that something #childish.
#elitism #linux #foss #terminallyonline #neckbeard #bypass #theyearofthelinuxdesktop #childish