Cute stunt, but that's all it is. Once you reach a height where terminal velocity can be achieved, going any higher doesn't change anything. With an egg, terminal velocity can be achieved from a height of probably less than 50ft. Taking it up to the edge of space is just glitter for the cameras.
#eggDrop #science #space #TerminalVelocity
#eggdrop #Science #Space #terminalvelocity
"Terminal Velocity" seems like a game that could benefit from modern gamepad controls.
@dosnostalgic, and there is a version for Nintendo Switch as well:
#terminalvelocity #NintendoSwitch
Only just realised that #TerminalVelocity is getting a #NintendoSwitch port.
Embarrassed to admit how excited I got seeing this in the coming soon section. I adored this game back on my MS-DOS gaming days. Pushing my shiny new Pentium 100 to show its power.
#terminalvelocity #nintendoswitch
Classic shooter Terminal Velocity is making a comeback
Get boosted with this updated version
#News #3DRealms #nostalgia #retro #TerminalReality #TerminalVelocity #ZigguratInteractive
#zigguratinteractive #terminalvelocity #terminalreality #retro #nostalgia #3drealms #News
News des Tages: #HiFiRush von Tango Gameworks enthüllt und jetzt schon im Game Pass erhältlich*#TurboGolfRacing hat über 1 Mio. Spieler*#Redfall am 2. Mai*#HogwartsLegacy-Mitentwickler Studio Gobo arbeitet an #Horizon-Marke*#StrayedLights & #TerminalVelocity: Boosted Edition angekündigt*#Xbox auf E3*The Last of Us: Neil Druckmann spricht über Zukunft der Serie*Metal Black S-Tribute für PS4 und Switch gestrichen*Minecraft Legends am 18.04.*Redemption Reapers am 22.02.*
#hifirush #turbogolfracing #Redfall #HogwartsLegacy #horizon #strayedlights #terminalvelocity #xbox
Ziggurat Interactive has announced Terminal Velocity: Boosted Edition, an updated version of the combat flight simulator for consoles and PC. #TerminalVelocity