In 2021 the #ClubOfRome, #Netherlands branch asserted that #pollution from shipping has a #globalCooling effect. Ie. toxic #sulphur emissions have blocked out #sun and cooled.
They credit less polluting #shipping regulatons + #covid reductons with "#AerosolTerminationShock" that *boost* #globalWarming.
Some spin this to justify #pollution…
Stop! Prison.
#sulphurEmissions #poisons #terminationShock #imprisonList #degrowth
#ClubOfRome #netherlands #pollution #globalcooling #sulphur #sun #shipping #covid #aerosolterminationshock #globalwarming #sulphuremissions #poisons #terminationshock #ImprisonList #degrowth
The Ships supplement for Termination Shock by @CrankshaftConstellation is up on Kickstarter for 20 more days as I type this.
I am not affiliated with this company or this campaign in any way but I would like to have this thing so I now encourage you to check it out.
#ttrpg #terminationshock #kickstarter
The difference in elevation between the flooded parking lot, across which Rufus’s truck made a spreading V-shaped wake, & the road was less than the height of a man.
And yet it was everything.
People above the water drove around in clean vehicles & live their whole lives unaware that the sea, globally, was coming for them. Those finding themselves just 1.5m closer to the earth’s center either had to stew in shantytowns or, like the Cajuns, master amphibious lifestyles
For starters Rufus learned that pigs, like white people, were an invasive species from Europe.
@bookstodon Currently reading #TerminationShock by Neal Stephenson. Interleaved humour, tragedy, and huge geeky infodumps.
#TerminationShock #FeralHogs
[you will see pigs die]
G: Just got wind of this bundle deal on SF gaming maps, which seems extremely relevant to TERMINATION SHOCK and my personal interests.
#ttrpg #maps #sf #sciencefiction #terminationshock
G: I was going to put up a thread of all the individual episode covers I’ve made for the TERMINATION SHOCK actual play podcast, but for some reason the only one that wants to upload is the one with George Clinton.
#ttrpgs #SF #ActualPlay #Podcast #TerminationShock #GeorgeClinton
#ttrpgs #sf #actualplay #podcast #terminationshock #georgeclinton
Until then Rufus’s life had followed a trajectory that was run-of-the-mill in that part of the world:
- Grew up in a broken home,
- Played some football in high school but not at a level that would get him a college scholarship or a wrecked brain.
- Joined the army.
- Became a mechanic.
- Fixed elaborate weaponry in some of the less good parts of the world.
- Ended up close to home at #FortSill.
- Was surprised to discover that 20 years had gone by.
RUFUS: Is there some kinda legal situation I should know about?
SASKIA: Maybe with immigration? Not drugs or anything like that..
[He hesitated, trying to get the story to add up. She could see this. Key information was lacking.]
S: I am the Queen of the Netherlands. I am here on a secret mission to save my country.
R: Rufus. Most people address me as Red. My not-so-secret mission is now accomplished.
S: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Red.
기후위기, 특히 온난화에 대한 지오엔지니어링 찬반론. 기사에도 나온 '터미네이션 쇼크'는 닐 스티븐슨의 최근소설의 이름이기도 하다. 바로 그 거대 지오엔지니어링과 지정학 파워게임이 펼쳐지는 이야기. #terminationshock
Too much?
I've just finished reading #TerminationShock.
Maybe a non-fiction book for book no. 4?
crossposting test
#terminationshock #nealstephenson #deluge #stephenmarkley #books
Review Edited: Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Climate Emergency
#bookreviews #NealStephenson #TerminationShock
#terminationshock #nealstephenson #bookreviews
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#voynichmanuscript #oldcrowclub #georgesmiley #majestikmøøse #seethelovelilakes
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#cryptonomicon #snowcrash #BaroqueCycle #enochroot #Shaftoe #athena #anathem #societaseruditorum #terminationshock #cyberpunk #scifi #neuromancer #williamgibson #jackpot #theperipheral #frankherbert #DiamondAge #dune #nealstephenson #voynichmanuscript #oldcrowclub #georgesmiley #majestikmøøse #seethelovelilakes
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#voynichmanuscript #oldcrowclub #georgesmiley #majestikmøøse #seethelovelilakes
[We apologise for the fault in the tags. Those responsible have been sacked.]
#nealstephenson #enochroot #Shaftoe #DiamondAge #BaroqueCycle #anathem #terminationshock #cyberpunk #scifi #neuromancer #williamgibson #jackpot #peripheral #majestikmøøse #cryptonomicon #snowcrash #athena #societaseruditorum #frankherbert #dune #voynichmanuscript #oldcrowclub #georgesmiley #seethelovelilakes
I guess it was inevitable... A startup that claims to be putting sulfur into the stratosphere as #geoengineering to mitigate climate change. Oversight is minimal at best.
If this reminds you of the plot of Neal Stephenson's recent novel Termination Shock, apparently that's not an accident.
#Geoengineering #climatechange #neilstephenson #terminationshock
These clowns are trying to manifest #NealStephenson’s #TerminationShock…
How many more of Stephenson’s dystopias are there left for idiot tech bros to implement? One: #TheDiamondAge.
We’re 80% there with: #Oligarchies, #wealthcliques #SurveillanceStates, #mediaglyphs/emoji, permanent #underclasses, etc. TBD: #MatterCompilers.
#nealstephenson #terminationshock #thediamondage #oligarchies #wealthcliques #SurveillanceStates #mediaglyphs #underclasses #mattercompilers
Now, trying to get Dutch people to prepare for disasters was a little like trying to get English people to watch football on the telly or Americans to buy guns. They were receptive to the message, to a degree that made the queen’s efforts on this front completely superfluous.
T.R. SCHMIDT: I got a call from our Dutch friend.
RUFUS: Which one?
TR: The jet pilot.
Rufus now had some cause to regret that he had turned on the video, because his heart started pounding and he was afraid that some consternation might be visible on his face. But if he was about to be fired for fornicating with the queen, there was really nothing he could do but take it like a man.
Another pig came oinking & snuffling
from the other side of the plane, seemingly drawn—just as this man
had foretold—to the blood. The man began to unlimber his Kalashnikov but
then there was a bang that made the queen go deaf in one ear. 👑Saskia looked up
at Amelia in time to see Amelia discharge a 2nd round at the pig. The pig
fell over & stopped moving. The man turned half around & favored Amelia
with a nod.
RED: Double-tap was definitely your correct move, sister.