Action movies released in 2019…pick your favorite. Poll 1 of 2.
#johnwickchapter3parabellum #fastandfurious #meninblackinternational #terminatordarkfate #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #actionmovies
SciFi movies released in 2019…pick your favorite.
#adastra #terminatordarkfate #meninblackinternational #geminiman #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #scifimovies #SciFi
Gizmodo: James Cameron Is More Worried About an AI Apocalypse Than an AI Movie Script for Now #existentialriskfromartificialgeneralintelligence #generativeartificialintelligence #artificialgeneralintelligence #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #emergingtechnologies #terminatordarkfate #theterminator #jamescameron #chatgpt #oscar
#existentialriskfromartificialgeneralintelligence #generativeartificialintelligence #artificialgeneralintelligence #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #emergingtechnologies #terminatordarkfate #theterminator #jamescameron #chatgpt #oscar
I guess I’m a “granddad“ because I thought #TerminatorDarkFate was pretty great. There are some contrived plot elements—they really didn’t need to invent a new future machine organization—but it ticks along, there’s a whole motif of border patrol being evil, and the themes of humanity and sacrifice are all there. It’s a pity people didn’t like it.
Other than the first two #Terminator movies (the original and Judgement Day), which do you pick?
#TerminatorRiseOfTheMachines #TerminatorSalvation #TerminatorGenisys #TerminatorDarkFate
#terminator #terminatorriseofthemachines #terminatorsalvation #terminatorgenisys #terminatordarkfate
#TerminatorDarkFate ist doch besser als erwartet mit allerlei Anspielungen auf aktuelle politische Situationen. Und natürlich mit den weiterhin bestehenden Fragen der Computerethik in Hinblick auf autonome Waffensysteme und KI.
Slate had a decent #TerminatorDarkFate review, though it's from a specific perspective 🏳️🌈
And deffo funny that he was like 'make it not sexy' and while that may have worked (?) for the straight eye it totally didn't for the queer
also, *mega* crappy job, #slate , on making it possible for a site user to 'manage their data sharing preferences'
like I thought tumblr's 'manually toggle 155ish switches to off' was bad at least I could eventually find the switches
Terminator: Dark Fate Review – Come With Me If You Want a Kill Box #TerminatorDarkFate #Terminator #moviereview #LindaHamilton #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #MackenzieDavis #NataliaReyes #GabrielLuna #TimMiller #JamesCameron #scifi #sciencefiction #action #sequel #Movies #ParamountPictures #20thCenturyFox #newrelease #nowplaying
#moviereview #lindahamilton #nataliareyes #terminatordarkfate #terminator #movies #paramountpictures #20thcenturyfox #newrelease #gabrielluna #scifi #sciencefiction #action #sequel #arnoldschwarzenegger #mackenziedavis #timmiller #jamescameron #nowplaying
Mit #Terminator 2 erschien Anfang der 90er einer der wegweisendsten Action-Blockbuster überhaupt. Knapp 30 Jahre später kommen Arnold Schwarzenegger und Linda Hamilton in ihren Paraderollen zurück. Ob der Terminator Rost angesetzt hat, liest du in meiner #Filmkritik. #TerminatorDarkFate
#filmkritik #terminator #terminatordarkfate
T-STUDIO ハタナカマコトさんはTwitterを使っています: 「ターミネーター新作が「T2の直接的続編」と判明してからずっと編集したかった映像 。運命に翻弄されつつ、戦士へと変貌を遂げる彼女の姿を1分半に凝縮。ぜひ音声も併せてどうぞ #SarahConnor #terminator #ターミネーター #terminatordarkfate #TDF #サラコナー #リンダハミルトン #LindaHamilton」 / Twitter
#lindahamilton #リンダハミルトン #サラコナー #tdf #terminatordarkfate #ターミネーター #terminator #sarahconnor