I think it will be fun - and useful - to invent some collective nouns for end of life work. Who else is excited??!
Based on the seven roles of end of life work I have some starting ideas - let's hear yours in the comments. ☺️
Advance planners:
An Articulate
A Folder
A Pocket
End of life / Death doulas:
A Compassion
A Vigil
A Dignity
After-death body care and ritual specialists:
A Revel
A Focus
Funerals - Home Funerals in particular:
A Haven
A Help
Legacy project creators:
A Joy or a Leap
Memorial project creators: A Myth or a Meaning
Death literacy advocates: A Dialogue or a Den
Compassionate community networkers: a Circle or a Connection
Grief therapists:
A Wonder
A Guide
#GDEP #AskAnnetta #EndOfLife #TermsOfAssembly #fun #CollectiveNoun #teamwork #ideas #language
ID: a pale cream background, purple border, text and the trademark purple dandelion logo for Gentle Death Education and Planning. "Collective nouns for end of life work. Let's have new year fun together and create some 'terms of assembly'. Dr Annetta Mallon"
#gdep #askannetta #endoflife #termsofassembly #fun #collectivenoun #teamwork #ideas #language