Workibg on a set of concrete walls for OnePageRules. Still need a bit of weathering but I think they're coming along nicely :)
#wip #terrainbuilding #TerrainPainting #wargaming #wargamingterrain #onepagerules
#wip #terrainbuilding #terrainpainting #wargaming #wargamingterrain #onepagerules
I have to admit that I'm a bit of a hoarder at times... and I tend to save a lot of the offcuts from my crafting projects in a couple of small boxes (one for the paper printouts, and one for scrap card/foamcore).
And every now and again I like to dig through them and have a go at making something... I don't really have a plan... anything will do.
So here's tonight's experiment - a narrow dungeon entrance/exit:
#dndterrain #rpgterrain #dnd #rpg #miniatures #terrainbuilding
#dndterrain #rpgterrain #DnD #rpg #miniatures #terrainbuilding
Having a go at making a few simple tents :)
(note that the one on the right is still a prototype - I still need to draw the textures for that one)
And I think they'll work reasonably well :)
#dnd #ttrpg #terrainbuilding #terrain #papercraft #paperterrain #minis
#DnD #ttrpg #terrainbuilding #terrain #papercraft #PaperTerrain #minis
Here's a (rare) blog post where I show/talk about some of the stuff I've been up to recently (spoilers, it's mostly about making bits and pieces for #rangersofshadowdeep )...
#rangersofshadowdeep #RoSD #ttrpg #DnD #miniatures #terrainbuilding
Back at it again, trying out the 3d printed brick roller. It came out a bit crookedy, but acceptable for what it's meant to be (a haunted house fence/wall).
It's air dry clay on a foam backing. Everything I've watched online seemed to show applying the clay to the backing with PVA glue while the clay was still wet. Now we see how long everything takes to dry! Fingers crossed it works!
Printing the roller for the cobblestone now.
#MiniaturePainting #3dprinting #TerrainPainting #terrainbuilding
#miniaturepainting #3dprinting #terrainpainting #terrainbuilding
Updated all of my ruins with some of the new detail/accent pieces...
...and about to start work on a bunch of Mantic ghoul minis.
That's my Monday night sorted :)
#ttrpg #TTRPGs #dnd #terrainbuilding #miniatures #minipainting
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #DnD #terrainbuilding #miniatures #minipainting
A week or two ago I posted a video showing how I've started to make some basic ruins (by gluing paper textures to bits of foamcore)...
...and in the next video I'll be adding some extra details to them (and an upper floor) - which should result in them looking something like this:
(though I still need to actually add the wooden upper floor section - but that's next on the to-do list :) ).
#dnd #ttrpg #40k #warhammer #frostgrave #mordheim #terrainbuilding
#DnD #ttrpg #40k #warhammer #frostgrave #mordheim #terrainbuilding
Not a great pic... but here's the starting layout for tonight's Shadow Deep game (the lower level of Tor Varden):
(note that it's lacking scatter terrain at the moment - as the rooms are determined randomly as you make your way through)
#rosd #rangersofshadowdeep #ttrpg #terrainbuilding #papercraft #rpgs #rpgterrain
#RoSD #rangersofshadowdeep #ttrpg #terrainbuilding #papercraft #rpgs #rpgterrain
As I mentioned at the end of my latest terrain video... the next episode will be expanding upon the DIY ruins with some extra details and multiple levels :)
The textures are (mostly) done... and with any luck, I'll start filming the tutorial early next week!
#dnd #ttrpg #terrainbuilding #dndterrain #rpgterrain #paperterrain
#DnD #ttrpg #terrainbuilding #dndterrain #rpgterrain #PaperTerrain
Ich hab hier übrigens noch einen Glamourshot von meiner inzwischen fertig bemalten Seeschlange für euch.
Die Bühnenbauer der Arena sind zufrieden und machen Feierabend.
Hoffe meine lieben Spieler*innen haben damit Spaß. 😁 Ich hatte ihn beim Basteln jedenfalls. #DSA #pnpDE #terrainbuilding #scratchbuilding #terrain #Piratenrunde
#dsa #pnpde #terrainbuilding #scratchbuilding #terrain #Piratenrunde
Ein Wochenende Arbeit an meiner kleinen Kampfflotte für die Arena. Die im Finale Stehenden werden gegen eine "Seeschlange" und deren Besatzung anzutreten haben.
Es ist weiterhin viel zu tun, die Farben sind gerademal die Grundfarben. Da fehlen noch alle Akzente. Aber für heute ist Feierabend. 🤪
#terrainbuilding #scratchbuilding #terrain #pnpDE #Piratenrunde #DSA #ttrpg
#terrainbuilding #scratchbuilding #terrain #pnpde #Piratenrunde #dsa #ttrpg
I've done so little hobby work this week, only these little markers. But they're cute so it's ok. #3dprinting #terrainbuilding
Another little project today. Decided our games of #gaslands needed some more chaos. Not my most detailed work but there's a lot to be said for making a cardboard wedge and just gluing leftovers to it.
#modelmaking #terrainbuilding #warmongers #gaslands
Some #TerrainBuilding from a few sessions ago, the ruins of an ancient city in the jungle where the PCs were ambushed by giant spiders.
#ttrpg #ScratchBuilt #StarWars #Starship #SciFi #TerrainBuilding finished! Welcome aboard the Nightsister! PEW PEW PEW!
Against the lighter background you can see how dark she actually looks (previous picture was reflecting a lot of light and against a dark background).
#ttrpg #Scratchbuilt #starwars #Starship #scifi #terrainbuilding
#ttrpg #ScratchBuilt #StarWars #Starship #SciFi #TerrainBuilding step 13. Finishing Touches.
I drybrush all the gunmetal parts with brushed steel color paint. I paint over the cockpit windows with clear nail polish to make them nice and shiny.
#ttrpg #Scratchbuilt #starwars #Starship #scifi #terrainbuilding
#ttrpg #ScratchBuilt #StarWars #Starship #SciFi #TerrainBuilding step 12. Painting.
I drybrush most of it with gunmetal. I paint over some areas with red. I leave the cockpit windows black, paint the cockpit window frames with brushed steel color. The swivel turret is now in place.
#ttrpg #Scratchbuilt #starwars #Starship #scifi #terrainbuilding
#ttrpg #ScratchBuilt #StarWars #Starship #SciFi #TerrainBuilding step 11.
Blackbombed everything with black spray paint. Some styrene has been welded on with special plastic model glue as well. It sticks to mod-podge and also to other plastic bits.
#ttrpg #Scratchbuilt #starwars #Starship #scifi #terrainbuilding
#ttrpg #ScratchBuilt #StarWars #Starship #SciFi #TerrainBuilding step 10.
More paneling added. Some is laminated cardstock cut to shape. Mod podge covers all foam so it can be primed.
#ttrpg #Scratchbuilt #starwars #Starship #scifi #terrainbuilding
#ttrpg #ScratchBuilt #StarWars #Starship #SciFi #TerrainBuilding step 9.
Copied this technique from #Cosplay videos I've seen. Used masking tape to make a template to make a perfect fit for my paneling over an area.
#ttrpg #Scratchbuilt #starwars #Starship #scifi #terrainbuilding #cosplay