Sijie Liang · @SijieLiang
149 followers · 1153 posts · Server

One of the most successful and popular Terran cultural exports in the galaxy is martial arts. Research done by 精武體育會 The Jing Wu Athletic Association indicates that an estimated 50 billion people across the galaxy practice and participate in at least one Terran martial art, in varying degrees. However the UGMAA (Union of Galactic Martial Arts Associations) claims the number might be much higher at around 60 billion, if including Terran adaptions of extraterrestrial martial arts such as Nyoongar Qüjmananax (Srereqaxese wrestling)

Pictured: 暗殺拳 Ansatsuken practitioner Ghōrun Qaxār teaching a children's class at Sammo Hung Memorial Park in 新臺山 New Toisan.

#theterrans #terrans #scifi #alien #drawing #random #art #spaceopera #scene #kungfu #martialarts #ansatsuken #科幻 #外星人 #畫畫 #藝術 #亂 #功夫 #武術 #暗殺拳

Last updated 1 year ago

Floaty Birb · @floatybirb
100 followers · 1155 posts · Server

The were also intended to be more morally gray and less squeaky clean than the utopian Federation or similar scifi polities. Terran governments are mostly corrupt and authoritarian and most of their soldiers are prisoners drafted and given guns (implying a large and ominous carceral state).

is a shade darker than , but a shade lighter than . Like B5, its sort of like our shitty present, which at least seems to make it relatable.

#terrans #startrek #starcraft #babylon5 #warhammer40k

Last updated 1 year ago

Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1272 followers · 2918 posts · Server