"U.S. planning test reactor to run on weapons-grade uranium.
Use of highly enriched fuel in civilian reactor would contravene decades-old #nonproliferation policy"
#SMR #nuclear #NuclearPower #proliferation @sts #TerraPower
#nonproliferation #SMR #nuclear #nuclearpower #proliferation #terrapower
#TerraPower 鈉冷快中子反應爐
» 無核廢料、防缺電 楊文科拋研究推動「小型核電廠」 | 聯合新聞網 https://t.co/CcVGceX25c // 科學園區相當適合,目前正在收集相關資料中,這樣小型的核電模組在國外很多地方都有,不僅不必處理核廢料議題,也是穩定的供電來源,將著手研議。
#BillGates-backed #nuclear #powerplant delayed without Russian fuel
The fuel in question, which is essential to the 345MWe #TerraPower #Natrium being built in #Wyoming, is called high-assay low-enriched uranium (#HALEU), and is enriched up to 20%
#BillGates #nuclear #powerplant #terrapower #natrium #wyoming #haleu
The 10 biggest funding rounds for Pacific Northwest startups in 2022 - Venture capital investment in Pacific Northwest startups dropped 35% year-over-ye... - https://www.geekwire.com/2022/the-10-biggest-funding-rounds-for-pacific-northwest-startups-in-2022/ #agilityrobotics #terrapower #firstmode #zapenergy #startups #echodyne #highspot #ispot.tv #funding #group14 #convoy #fabric #svante #powin
#powin #svante #fabric #convoy #group14 #funding #ispot #highspot #echodyne #startups #zapenergy #firstmode #terrapower #agilityrobotics
TerraPower warns of 2-year minimum delay for launch of demo reactor due to Russian invasion of Ukraine - Instrument-laden loops at TerraPower’s lab are used to test how molten salt would flow t... - https://www.geekwire.com/2022/bill-gates-backed-terrapower-warns-of-2-year-minimum-delay-for-launch-of-demo-reactor/ #sustainability #nuclearenergy #nuclearpower #climatetech #terrapower #funding
#funding #terrapower #climatetech #nuclearpower #nuclearenergy #sustainability
Bill Gates-backed nuclear demonstration project in Wyoming delayed because Russia was the only fuel source
#nuclear #energy #gates #billgates #terrapower #uranium #russia #ukraine
#nuclear #energy #gates #billgates #terrapower #uranium #Russia #ukraine
I don’t understand the Mastodon design decision to not allow you to search for words. Maybe it is more complicated technically in a federated network. I was looking for nuanced discussion about #TerraPower delaying the #nuclearreactor in #wyoming with respect to our policies on #uraniiumdevelopment, but not finding it here. I want to make Mastodon work so I can fully flee Twitter!
#uraniiumdevelopment #wyoming #nuclearreactor #terrapower
Coal to Nuclear Transition to Decarbonize the Grid - We love big projects here at Hackaday, and one of the biggest underway is the deca... - https://hackaday.com/2022/09/22/coal-to-nuclear-transition-to-decarbonize-the-grid/ #advancednuclearreactor #smallmodularreactor #energytransition #electricitygrid #electrification #terrapower #science #nuclear #coal
#coal #nuclear #science #terrapower #electrification #electricitygrid #energytransition #smallmodularreactor #advancednuclearreactor
Betidanik zentral nuklearren aurkako iritzia izan dut, oraindik gazteetan mila kotxetan ikusitako pegatinak gogoratzen ditut. Gaur egun ez dakit non lortu daitezkeen.
Honen harira badirudi energia nuklearrarekin berriro dabiltzala #TerraPower delakoarekin.
Ez dakit nola ere, Bill Gates -en informazio batzuk irakurtzen topo egin dut https://www.terrapower.com/people/bill-gates/ webgunearekin.
Bill Gates ez da munduko tiporik onena izango eta Windows -ekin erabilitako trikimailu monopolistikoak ez dira (1/2)
#TerraPower nuclear reactor in a coal town #GreenNewDeal.
#ClimateCrisis + #climateTech = #climatefinance
#terrapower #greennewdeal #climatecrisis #climatetech #climatefinance
#TerraPower nuclear reactor in a coal town #GreenNewDeal.
#ClimateCrisis + #climateTech = #climatefinance
#terrapower #greennewdeal #climatecrisis #climatetech #climatefinance