Dit kaartje van de etappes van de #TourDeRomandie mag geklasseerd worden onder #TerribleMaps . Zo'n etappekaart mag gerust wat gedesignd zijn, maar dit resultaat schiet zijn doel wel ver voorbij
Just checking, but I see this correctly:
This map in The Guardian only shows places where test-positives have been found, instead of a (by all means if needed: dichotomised) result for all tests that were conducted?
Those two may be the same, but in that case that would have been news in itself, would it not?
Sounds like a case for @TerribleMaps
#terriblemaps #environment #diagnostictests
#MapFailbruaryChallenge Map 1: non-mapping software
Who doesn't ❤️ a treasure #map?
Made in PowerPoint with MS clip art.
#MapFailbruaryChallenge #map #terriblemaps #MapFail
From today's @hrbrmstr drop #190 (https://dailyfinds.hrbrmstr.dev/p/drop-190-2023-02-01-everything-is), a #TerribleMaps challenge: #MapFailbruaryChallenge https://jeremy1269.wixsite.com/mapfailbruary
Would be fun to track this tag to see what appears :-)
#terriblemaps #mapfailbruarychallenge
A comprehensive map of all countries that use the MMDDYYYY date format
H/T #TerribleMaps on BirdSite
Painful map (glad I'm living in Europe) (stolen from reddit, sorry)
#maps #terriblemaps #trains
#Railway #map of #Antarctica
(from #TerribleMaps)
#railway #map #antarctica #terriblemaps