For #FensterFreitag here's a window in a street in #Bergen, #Norway with a bit of a character staring out. Please don't feel threatened by her; she's completely armless.
#Mannequin #Travel #Photography #TravelPhotography #WindowFriday #Window #TerriblePun #ICanOnlyApologise
#icanonlyapologise #terriblepun #window #windowfriday #travelphotography #Photography #Travel #mannequin #Norway #bergen #fensterfreitag
Getting back to work means I have to do actual work and not watch sweaty meaty men slap each other.
Thankfully I keep my hands busy braiding while I watch sweet, sexy, violence.
Gotta buy more wood....
#Bdsm #braiding #leather #fetish #wrasslin #kink #kinky #bigmeatymenslappinmeat #floggers #whipwip #terriblepun
#bdsm #braiding #leather #fetish #wrasslin #kink #kinky #bigmeatymenslappinmeat #floggers #whipwip #terriblepun #shitidotomakeabuck
if you want to figure out who farted, put toot and toot together