Global News BC: Most Canadians ignorant of Air India bombings, nationโs deadliest terror attack: poll #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NationalDayofRemembranceforVictimsofTerrorism #airindiaterrorattack #AngusReidInstitute #AirIndiaBombings #AirIndiabombing #AirIndiaattack #airindiapoll #TerrorAttack #AngusReid #AirIndia #Canada #Crime #World #Poll
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #nationaldayofremembranceforvictimsofterrorism #airindiaterrorattack #angusreidinstitute #airindiabombings #airindiabombing #airindiaattack #airindiapoll #terrorattack #angusreid #airindia #Canada #crime #world #Poll
I am not talking about a specific belief. I am talking about the protection of someone to hold a belief.
#free #book Worldwide
#radicalization #terrorism #terrorist #terrorattack #belief #beliefs
#free #book #radicalization #terrorism #terrorist #terrorattack #belief #beliefs
#ElPaso #DomesticTerror #Pandemic #ElGranPadrino #Venezuela #Politics #ChangeinElPaso #LasSancionesSonContraElPueblo #TaylorSwift #walmart #TerrorAttack #GregAbbott We need to enact change in El Paso after this latest attack. Just 2 years after the Walmart attack in El Paso, the city is grappling with terror again. Paso
#gregabbott #terrorattack #walmart #taylorswift #lassancionessoncontraelpueblo #changeinelpaso #Politics #Venezuela #elgranpadrino #Pandemic #domesticterror #elpaso
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to convene Israel's Security Cabinet on Saturday evening following the two Jerusalem terror attacks over the last 24 hours.
#Israel | #TerrorAttack | #Jerusalem
#jerusalem #terrorattack #Israel
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to convene Israel's Security Cabinet on Saturday evening following the two Jerusalem terror attacks over the last 24 hours.
#Israel | #TerrorAttack | #Jerusalem
#jerusalem #terrorattack #Israel
#Israel #MDA #Terrorattack
Magen David Adom
At 10.42 a call was received at MDA's 101 Emergency Call Center to a shooting terror attack in Maalot Ir David in #Jerusalem.
*Initial reports only!!!* 2 victims on scene. Updates to follow.
#terrorattack #jerusalem #israel #mda
Germany: 32-year-old suspected of preparing 'Islamist-motivated' attack
#Iranian #terrorattack #cyanide #ricin #Nordrhein-Westfalen #Ruhr
#ruhr #Nordrhein #ricin #cyanide #terrorattack #iranian
Imagine if an old #Arab had walked into a #Jewish shop, shot and killed 3 and injured many more.
How would the world media react to it?
How much time would it take for every world leader to #condemn the action and call it for a terrorist act?
But in #Paris, the #terrorist is an old #French man, and the victims are of #Kurdish origin.
This #Hypocrisy makes me sick.
#TerrorAttack #Paris10 #Politics #DoubleStandard #Europe
#europe #doublestandard #politics #paris10 #terrorattack #hypocrisy #kurdish #french #terrorist #paris #condemn #jewish #arab
[size=150]Twitter failed to detect upload of Christchurch mosque terror attack videos[/size]
Another failed thing happening at the bird.
#newzealand #christchurch #terrorattack #Birdsite
Twitter failed to detect upload of Christchurch mosque terror attack videos
Another failed thing happening at the bird.
#newzealand #christchurch #terrorattack #Birdsite
2 US citizens injured in Jerusalem during deadly terror attack, ambassador says
#Jerusalem #UScitizens #terrorattack
#jerusalem #uscitizens #terrorattack
Video shows moment of attack on Jerusalem bus stop
#Jerusalem #TerrorAttack #Israel
#jerusalem #terrorattack #Israel
Reported that the Palestinian Terrorists remain at-large following the Twin Bus Centre Bombings. 1 Israeli child killed. 22 Wounded. Active Manhunt underway.
#Jerusalem #Israel #PalestinianTerritories #TerrorAttack #News #BreakingNews
#breakingnews #News #terrorattack #Palestinianterritories #Israel #jerusalem
#News #Update #Israel #Jerusalem #Terrorattack 22 injured one killed. by
Steffen Seibert German Ambassador in #Israel:
Tweet zitieren
Steffen Seibert
36 Min.
A morning of terrible news: My thoughts are with the victims of the terror attacks in Jerusalem & their families. Those responsible must be brought to justice. I also utterly condemn the abhorrent abduction of the dead body of an Israeli from Jenin hospital by Palestinian gunmen.
#news #update #israel #jerusalem #terrorattack
#Israel #Jerusalem #Anschlag #Bericht #Update #News #Terrorattack Nicht der Terrorismus, den wir in letzter Zeit kennen: Anzeichen, die auf eine mรถgliche Verbindung zu ISIS hindeuten
#israel #jerusalem #anschlag #bericht #update #news #terrorattack
I basically sympathize with the planned measures of #AntiTerror package, but especially the #PreventiveDetention I see legally problematic.
Of course, society should be considered effective #Dschihadisten protected!
But nevertheless, protected by means that 1) are constitutional and 2) can not also be used against sceptical citizens who legitimately criticize government and society and want appropriate changes.
The line is narrow there!
#Austria #Vienna #TerrorAttack
#austria #PreventiveDetention #vienna #terrorattack #antiterror #dschihadisten
Yesterdays #TerrorAttack in #Vienna was not the first on this scale, but definitely the worst in 35 years, then the attack at Schwechat Airport.
I am living in #Vienna and though not really shocked, I see
yesterdays #TerrorAttack absolutely incomprehensible, I'm angry and sad about yesterday.
My condolences to all the dead and get well soon to the injured!