#TerrorOfHemasaurus co-op does have a design flaw. You finish a level by walking to the Exit sign at the right edge of the side-scrolling level, and once you meet the requirements to go, if one player walks to that exit spot they get stuck there and can't move anymore. Once the other player goes to the exit the level ends. You're still going to win the level, it just immobilizes one of the players until the other joins them. #videogames
#videogames #terrorofhemasaurus
I've had a lot of fun playing #TerrorOfHemasaurus on #PlayStation. The writing and social commentary are hilarious and spot on and the #Rampage style arcade action is very satisfying. #videogames
#videogames #rampage #playstation #terrorofhemasaurus
I put up thoughts on three dang games this morning!
#LoneRuin is an atmospheric twin-stick shooter: https://geektogeekmedia.com/geekery/reviews/lone-ruin-switch-review-roguelike/
#VengefulGuardianMoonrider is a 16-bit action platformer: https://geektogeekmedia.com/geekery/reviews/vengeful-guardian-moonrider-retro-indie-action-review/
#TerrorOfHemasaurus is a Rampage-like with a funny story: https://geektogeekmedia.com/geekery/reviews/terror-of-hemasaurus-switch-review-rampage/
My brain and fingers are mush.
#videogames #review #gaming #terrorofhemasaurus #vengefulguardianmoonrider #loneruin
Oh man, found my new favorite smash'em up. So satisfying. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1016180/Terror_of_Hemasaurus/
#videogames #terrorofhemasaurus #steam #smashysmashy
2022 was the best year for games in many years. Here's 17 reasons why: "The Best Video Games Of 2022."
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#BestGamesOf2022 #BestGamesOfTheYear #BestGamesOfTheYear2022 #BestVideoGamesOf2022 #BestVideoGamesOfTheYear #gaming #games #VideoGames #HorizonForbiddenWest #GhostwireTokyo #TinyTinasWonderlands #SniperElite5 #DiabloImmortal #Stray #Rollerdrome #MetalHellsinger #GodOfWarRagnarok #TheCallistoProtocol #TerrorOfHemasaurus #HighOnLife
#bestgamesof2022 #bestgamesoftheyear #bestgamesoftheyear2022 #bestvideogamesof2022 #bestvideogamesoftheyear #gaming #games #videogames #HorizonForbiddenWest #ghostwiretokyo #TinyTinasWonderlands #SniperElite5 #diabloimmortal #stray #Rollerdrome #metalhellsinger #GodOfWarRagnarok #TheCallistoProtocol #terrorofhemasaurus #highonlife
Though it's a lot like an old school arcade game we could mention, "Terror Of Hemasaurus" adds new menace to this rampage. Here's the link to my review: https://paulsemel.com/terror-of-hemasaurus-review/
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#TerrorOfHemasaurus #TerrorOfHemasaurusReview #gaming #games #VideoGames #TerrorOfHemasaurusXboxOne #TerrorOfHemasaurusXboxSeriesX #TerrorOfHemasaurusXboxSeriesS #TerrorOfHemasaurusPS4 #TerrorOfHemasaurusPS4Review #TerrorOfHemasaurusPS5 #TerrorOfHemasaurusSwitch #TerrorOfHemasaurusPC #Rampage #ArcadeGame
#terrorofhemasaurus #terrorofhemasaurusreview #gaming #games #videogames #terrorofhemasaurusxboxone #terrorofhemasaurusxboxseriesx #terrorofhemasaurusxboxseriess #terrorofhemasaurusps4 #terrorofhemasaurusps4review #terrorofhemasaurusps5 #terrorofhemasaurusswitch #terrorofhemasauruspc #rampage #arcadegame
Happy Monday all! Just checked out a few new indie games on xbox, #TerrorofHemasaurus & #VampireSurvivors abolutel blasts! well worth playing people!
#terrorofhemasaurus #VampireSurvivors