@pandasarentbears @bookstodon I would say A Spell for Chameleon by #piersanthony or The Sword of Shannara by #TerryBrooks
Pt 2 of my #reading #books list, focused on #fantasy and #scifi authors I enjoy:
#tolkien #BenAaronovitch #GuyAdams #JodiTaylor #PatriciaMorrison #John Birmingham #JohnRingo #EricFlint #DavidWeber #DavidDrake #LarryCorreia #LEModesitt #TaylorAnderson #TravisTaylor #KatharineKerr #RaymondFeist #TomKratman #DavidGemmell #Dragonlance #StephenDonaldson #NaomiNovik #RMMeluch #DavidEddings #KevinHearne #TerryBrooks #KatherineKurtz #RobertJordan #StephenLawhead #TadWilliams #JackCampell #SMStirling
#reading #books #fantasy #scifi #tolkien #benaaronovitch #guyadams #joditaylor #patriciamorrison #john #johnringo #ericflint #davidweber #daviddrake #larrycorreia #lemodesitt #tayloranderson #travistaylor #katharinekerr #raymondfeist #tomkratman #davidgemmell #dragonlance #stephendonaldson #naominovik #rmmeluch #davideddings #kevinhearne #terrybrooks #katherinekurtz #robertjordan #stephenlawhead #tadwilliams #jackcampell #smstirling
Any fans of the following #authors lurking around? If so, I'd love to connect!
#authors #terrybrooks #jeannekologridis #tolkien #geroger #judedeveraux #robertjordan #bramstoker #annerice
Who are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own, etc. #Bookstodon. Some of mine:
#bookstodon #edgarriceburroughs #michaelmoorcock #jimbutcher #piersanthony #RASalvatore #brandonsanderson #terrybrooks
Snagging the idea from someone else. =]
What are 5-7 of your favourite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other. Etc. Here are some of my current favorites (this may change from time to time):
And I'm stopping there because there are WAY too many more that I want to add. ::laughs::
#sciencefiction #fantasy #authors #books #caitlinmoran #madeleinelengle #alixharrow #LisaKlein #gregorymaguire #neilgaiman #terrybrooks