"Oh, obvious," said Granny. "I'll grant you it's obvious. Trouble is, just because things are obvious doesn't mean they're true."
Wyrd Sisters, Terry Pratchett
Los paralelismos entre las obras de Terry Pratchett y la vida real son atemporales.
Cómo me recuerda lo que le está ocurriendo a Twitter (sin la parte del robo, creo).
I'm making my way through the #DiscWorld series. I'm on book 5 of 40 something. I'm really enjoying it. #TerryPrachett has joined #NeilGaimen for my top favorite authors.
#discworld #terryprachett #neilgaimen
crossword puzzle: Egyptian god with a crocodile head
me: .... Offler?
#discworld #terryprachett #brainrot
El lunes me terminé de leer #ElColorDeLaMagia de #TerryPrachett y todavía no supero ese final TAN ABIERTO. Es que está para hacer daño. Ese hombre sabía completamente lo que estaba escribiendo en cada momento. Y sabía perfectamente cómo hacer que me pase la semana obsesionada queriendo comprarme #LaLuzFantástica y #Rehechicero teniendo más de 20 novelas y 40 mangas por leer en la estantería. Se me acumulan las cosas que quiero hacer por disfrutar y no tengo tiempo de ellas por culpa de las obligaciones. Ojalá viviese en Mundodisco o en la imaginación de ese señor, que claro está que era soberana. Y su sentido del humor... Increíble. Además, tras tanto tiempo y se sigue sintiendo como una novela actual. Se cuestiona muchas más cosas de las que se suelen cuestionar en estos géneros. Era un hombre listo.
#elcolordelamagia #terryprachett #laluzfantastica #rehechicero
What is good background music for reading Discworld books?
Had an awesome dream about an amazing story. woke up at some point still sleepy as f***!
Managed to write down "Murder from the future".
Yep, that's all I have to work with.
I know there's a Pratchett feeling, given that I'm reading Mort, it's no surprise. But little else.
Anyhow, Mery Christmas folks and happy holidays.
#Dream #Writing #WritingCommunity #TerryPrachett #Idea #Murder
#dream #writing #writingcommunity #terryprachett #idea #murder
@homeindorset Thanks for this. I just re-read that for the umpteenth time - a Yuletide tradition for me. And that quote is a fave. I used to say #TerryPrachett was my favorite living author, and I miss him very much indeed. Be well, thanks again.
@jeky - An absolutely wonderful book, if I remember it correctly. #TerryPrachett was such a brilliant author! I love most of his #Discworld books.
One thing I look forward to after a lifetime of #Depressive episodes is catching up on #books I didn't #read that I would have
I didn't discover #TerryPrachett until I was in my 40s. Do you know how much #DiscWorld there is for me to explore now that I feel like reading again?!
So. Many. Books.
Plus, now I'm learning there are movies coming out? And now I have grandkids to share them with. #CatchingUp while I feel well, accepting I will almost certainly feel poorly again, but that too will pass.
#depressive #books #read #terryprachett #discworld #catchingup
@Nikkileah Loving how much I'm seeing #TerryPrachett on these lists, he deserves all the love and more.
@davidr I have read the #TerryPrachett Death novels and two of the Witches series but so many more waiting for me to enjoy! Not familiar with #ConnieWillis or #GregEgan - thank you
#terryprachett #conniewillis #gregegan
Just gonna tusk interests by hashtag. #GoodOmens #DoctorWho #TerryPrachett #discworld #mars #ScienceFiction #RetroRadio #landscapes #bokeh #hyperphantasia #Xminus1
#goodomens #doctorwho #terryprachett #discworld #mars #sciencefiction #retroradio #landscapes #bokeh #hyperphantasia #xminus1
Some hashtags to get things going.
#books #RobertAntonWilson #sciencefiction #TerryPrachett #modesitt #neilgaiman
#coffee #coffeechat #v60 #thirdwave #aeropress
#dogs #DogsOfMastodon #airedaleterrier #airedaleterriers
#music #interpol #iliketrains #blackkeys #pavement #indie #postrock #blues #nickcave
#books #robertantonwilson #sciencefiction #terryprachett #modesitt #neilgaiman #coffee #coffeechat #v60 #thirdwave #aeropress #dogs #dogsofmastodon #airedaleterrier #airedaleterriers #music #interpol #iliketrains #blackkeys #pavement #indie #postrock #blues #nickcave
Some hashtags to get things going.
#books #RobertAntonWilson #sciencefiction #TerryPrachett #modesitt #neilgaiman
#books #coffeechat #v60 #thirdwave #aeropress
#dogs #DogsOfMastodon #airedaleterrier #airedaleterriers
#music #interpol #iliketrains #blackkeys #pavement #indie #postrock #blues #nickcave
#books #robertantonwilson #sciencefiction #terryprachett #modesitt #neilgaiman #coffeechat #v60 #thirdwave #aeropress #dogs #dogsofmastodon #airedaleterrier #airedaleterriers #music #interpol #iliketrains #blackkeys #pavement #indie #postrock #blues #nickcave
Just gonna tusk interests by hashtag.
#goodomens #doctorwho #terryprachett #discworld #mars #science #retro #landscapes #bokeh #hyperphantasia #x
5-7 of my favorite authors for #bookstodon, why not:
#bookstodon #marthawells #terryprachett #cjcherryh #louisepenny #dickfrancis #rickriordan #andrenorton
@faithfulpundit For me it was because it *was* the last - something to be savoured when the time was right, not to be devoured eagerly like some cheap bottle of red on a curry night with friends. #TerryPrachett