@LDH_Fr un peu de pub pour #Tesa découvert via un #KS sur l’organisation des travailleurs en syndicat. https://store.tesacollective.com/ mais c’est en anglais.
Już mamy wspaniały plakat koncertu #TESA (LV, post-hardcore / experimental) • #APORIA (screamo / hardcore) na @adapulawska autorstwa Bie Bielecki!
Będziemy bardzo wdzięczni za udostępnienie i zaproszenie znajomych i przyjaciół. Widzimy się na koncercie! 🎶 squ.at/r/98ws
#poster #plakat #koncert #concert #warsaw #warszawa #posthardcore #experimental
#tesa #aporia #poster #plakat #koncert #concert #warsaw #warszawa #posthardcore #experimental
Report by Laura Murphy links Chinese companies to forced labor camps in Xinjiang and shows the automakers that use their supplies. The companies listed in the report are major participants in the global supply chain for auto, raising the likelihood that automakers like Volkswagen, Honda, Ford Motor, General Motors, Mercedes-Benz Group, Toyota and Tesla have sold cars containing components from forced labor. #Honda #Ford #Volkswagen #tesa
#HumanRightsViolations #mining
#mining #humanrightsviolations #tesa #volkswagen #ford #honda
Report by Laura Murphy links Chinese companies to forced labor camps in Xinjiang and shows the automakers that use their supplies. The companies listed in the report are major participants in the global supply chain for auto, raising the likelihood that automakers like Volkswagen, Honda, Ford Motor, General Motors, Mercedes-Benz Group, Toyota and Tesla have sold cars containing components from forced labor. #Honda #Ford #Volkswagen #tesa
#HumanRightsViolations #mining
#mining #humanrightsviolations #tesa #volkswagen #ford #honda
Selvaggia Lucarelli, atmosfera tesa a Ballando | Ci sarà anche lui: i due si odiano #selvaggia #lucarelli #atmosfera #tesa #ballando #sarà #odiano #25agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2sxMi5pdC8yMDIyLzA4LzI1L3NlbHZhZ2dpYS1sdWNhcmVsbGktYXRtb3NmZXJhLXRlc2Etc2ktb2RpYW5vLw==
#25agosto #odiano #sarà #ballando #tesa #atmosfera #lucarelli #selvaggia
Il Kenya elegge presidente William Ruto in una giornata tesa #kenya #elegge #presidente #william #ruto #giornata #tesa #16agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmFub3ByZXNzLml0L2FydGljb2xvL2lsLWtlbnlhLWVsZWdnZS1wcmVzaWRlbnRlLXdpbGxpYW0tcnV0by1pbi11bmEtZ2lvcm5hdGEtdGVzYS8zODI0MDMv
#16Agosto #tesa #giornata #ruto #william #presidente #elegge #kenya
Caduta di Draghi, mano tesa di Putin e madri assassine – SE7TE+ – Visione TV #caduta #draghi #mano #tesa #putin #madri #assassine #se7te+ #visione #25luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly92aXNpb25ldHYuaXQvY2FkdXRhLWRpLWRyYWdoaS1tYW5vLXRlc2EtZGktcHV0aW4tZS1tYWRyaS1hc3Nhc3NpbmUtc2U3dGUv
#25luglio #visione #se7te #assassine #madri #putin #tesa #mano #draghi #caduta
Just ordered two copies of this new game from TESA, one for me and one for Food2Power:
Petrolio, mano tesa dall’Opec+ che si impegna ad accelerare la produzione - Il Sole 24 ORE #petrolio #mano #tesa #dallopec+ #impegna #accelerare #produzione #sole #4giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWxzb2xlMjRvcmUuY29tL2FydC9wZXRyb2xpby1tYW5vLXRlc2EtZGFsbC1vcGVjLWNoZS1zaS1pbXBlZ25hLWFkLWFjY2VsZXJhcmUtcHJvZHV6aW9uZS1BRTlFMjhjQg==
#4giugno #sole #produzione #accelerare #impegna #dallopec #tesa #mano #petrolio
Petrolio, mano tesa dall’Opec+ che si impegna ad accelerare la produzione - Il Sole 24 ORE #petrolio #mano #tesa #dallopec+ #impegna #accelerare #produzione #sole #3giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWxzb2xlMjRvcmUuY29tL2FydC9wZXRyb2xpby1tYW5vLXRlc2EtZGFsbC1vcGVjLWNoZS1zaS1pbXBlZ25hLWFkLWFjY2VsZXJhcmUtcHJvZHV6aW9uZS1BRTlFMjhjQg==
#3giugno #sole #produzione #accelerare #impegna #dallopec #tesa #mano #petrolio
Elon Musk a gamba tesa contro lo smart working: cosa ha scritto ai manager di Tesla #elon #musk @elonmusk #gamba #tesa #smart #working #scritto #manager #tesla @tesla #1giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWxwcmltYXRvbmF6aW9uYWxlLml0L2Nyb25hY2EvZWxvbi1tdXNrLWdhbWJhLXRlc2EtY29udHJvLXNtYXJ0LXdvcmtpbmctbGV0dGVyYS1tYW5hZ2VyLXRlc2xhLTIzNTIwNi8=
#1giugno #tesla #manager #scritto #working #smart #tesa #gamba #musk #elon
A gamba tesa, ministro Esteri siriano attacca tutti: dagli Usa alla Ue, passando per Turchia e Israele #gamba #tesa #esteri #siriano #attacca #passando #turchia #israele #19maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWxwcmltYXRvbmF6aW9uYWxlLml0L2VzdGVyaS9hLWdhbWJhLXRlc2EtbWluaXN0cm8tZXN0ZXJpLXNpcmlhbm8tYXR0YWNjYS10dXR0aS11c2EtdWUtcGFzc2FuZG8tdHVyY2hpYS1pc3JhZWxlLTIzNDA0My8=
#19maggio #israele #turchia #passando #attacca #siriano #esteri #tesa #gamba
Es gibt #Montageklebeband, z.B. von #Tesa.
Damit kann man z.B. #Spiegel an die Wand kleben, statt sie festzubohren.
Den kann man rückstandslos wieder abziehen und hält auch in Feuchträumen, also wohl auch draußen bei Wind und Wetter.
#spiegel #tesa #Montageklebeband
New game on the way from the TESA cooperative: Strike!
Looking forward to playing Space Cats Fight Fascism tonight with @appleseed @natstein and others.
#games #boardgames #antifascism #cooperation #TESA
#tesa #cooperation #antifascism #boardgames #games
Climate change impeding the fight against fascism:
"You're getting this email because you pre-ordered Space Cats Fight Fascism. To make a long story short: some of our materials were destroyed in transit to our fulfillment house during the California wild fires.
"But here's the good news: we worked our tails off to overcome these hurdles, replacing the parts that were lost in the fires. And we believe the games and expansions are shipping next week, via priority mail."
Why are rats always the rats? On balance, wouldn't cats be as inclined to fascism as rats? Certainly they are harder to organize...
#Coopoly, from #tesa Tools for Education and Social Change (hey, they should be on social.coop!)
#education #tomoiku #play
#coopoly #tesa #education #tomoiku #play