Yeah, it totally tracks with the #TESCREAL mindset, too. I can only echo @Nonya_Bidniss's recommendation:
@timnitGebru and @xriskology's research into the fascistic ideals building up to this, laid out on @davetroy's podcast is a must-listen IMO.
Oh nein!
Ö1 bespricht gänzlich unkritisch das neue Buch von Will MacAskill, der nicht nur EA ist, sondern mittlerweile auch die Radikalisierung zum Longterministen vollzogen hat.
Die neue radikalisierte Generation von EAs empfiehlt übrigens 80% der Spenden für die Bekämpfung von Existential Risk(!) auszugeben + nur 5% gegen den Klimawandel, enough said.
#tescreal #EffectiveAltrusim #EA #ExistentialRisk #ClimateChange #MacAskill #cult #ö1
#o1 #cult #MacAskill #ClimateChange #existentialrisk #ea #effectivealtrusim #tescreal
The Future of Life Institute (weird TESCREAL cultists) has directly moved from open letters asking for "development pauses" for "AI" to producing podcasts talking about magical, perfect solutions to challenges.
"What if everyone got a unicorn that pooped chocolate bars?" is a question you can talk about while stoned and have a lovely time but pretending that this is helpful (or realistic) in any way is painfully dumb.
Another great opinion piece on AI an the lure of #TESCREAL #transhumanism #effectiveAltruism: as religion.
“When we put all these ideas together and boil them down, we get this basic proposition:
1. We may not have much time until life as we know it is over.
2. So we need to place a bet on something that can save us.
3. Since the stakes are so high, we should ante up and go all in on our bet.
Any student of religion will immediately recognize this for what it is: apocalyptic logic.”
“Silicon Valley’s vision for AI? It’s religion, repackaged.”
#tescreal #transhumanism #effectivealtruism
Add it to your queue:
Dave Troy (@davetroy) Presents
Understanding #TESCREAL with Dr. Timnit Gebru (@timnitGebru) and Émile Torres
When I was an #S&TI analyst studying human performance modification my focus included topics related to #transhumanism. Today I look at TESCREAL ideas as generally both silly and harmful. This podcast will give you some background on this weird sphere well populated by white male billionaire eugenicists.
I've thought about this for a bit, and I've decided that I don't want to be sacrificed so that a trillion video game characters can be happy. Please put me on the #TESCREAL opt-out list.
@danlyke A lot of the ideologies in the #TESCREAL acronym amount to the same thing, arrived at from different pedagogical approaches. Namely, that society should approach humanity as a computer science problem, adjust timelines until they suit our desired outcomes, and then insist on our priorities being resourced (e.g. bed nets, runaway AGI) because we obviously understand this better than you do.
#Longtermism #TESCREAL #AGI: "The warnings I articulated in 2019 and 2021 are no longer merely hypothetical. What we’re seeing now is exactly what I worried could happen in the years to come. It didn’t take long for my predictions to prove accurate. When leading TESCREALists argue that existential risks are the “one kind of catastrophe that must be avoided at any cost,” to quote Bostrom with italics added, one shouldn’t be surprised if members of the community start talking about the use of force, military strikes, or targeted killings to reduce the supposed “existential risk” of AGI.
I do not know how this ends, but what’s clear from history is that many utopian movements, embracing a kind of “utilitarian” reasoning, have left a trail of destruction behind them. Will this time be any different? It depends on whether the power and influence of the TESCREAL movement continues to grow, and right now, the trendlines are ominous."
At the heart of #TESCREAL-ism is a techno-utopian vision of the future in which we become a new species of “enhanced” posthumans, colonize space, subjugate nature, plunder the cosmos for its vast resources and build giant computers floating in space to run virtual-reality simulations in which trillions and trillions of “happy” digital beings live. The ultimate aim is to maximize the total amount of “value” in the universe.
‘Before It’s Too Late, Buddy’
This is what happens when you spend two years unmasking a well-funded Silicon Valley “apocalypse cult.”
by @xriskology
"This scenario is eerily similar to what Yudkowsky is advocating: military actions that could cause a genocidal nuclear catastrophe, if necessary to keep the techno-utopian dream alive."
#TESCREAL #Longtermism #EA #EffectiveAltruism #Yudkowsky #AGI #AGIPanic #ExistentialRisk #Bostrom #Häggström #Musk #SiliconValley
#SiliconValley #Musk #haggstrom #bostrom #existentialrisk #agipanic #agi #yudkowsky #effectivealtruism #ea #longtermism #tescreal
On that note though, fascism is rapidly reforming today into that of a technologist cult. #TESCREAL to put a finer point on it. And they'll present their engineering as education itself, which isn't true, and they'll masquerade as enlightened and highly intelligent. They aren't. But just goes further to show how readily adaptable fascism is.
I became interested in Musk less than a year ago + the first thing I stumbled upon were his alarming ideologies. I am baffled + irritated that Farrow has left out #tescreal.
Maybe he prefers critique from white cis dudes?
"It is difficult to say whether Musk’s interest in A.I. is driven by scientific wonder and altruism or by a desire to dominate a new and potentially powerful industry."
This article is completely missing Elmo's #TESCREAL ideologies.
A good article on the #TESCREAL movement (without using the term)
How Musk, Thiel, Zuckerberg, and Andreessen—Four Billionaire Techno-Oligarchs—Are Creating an Alternate, Autocratic Reality | Vanity Fair https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/08/musk-thiel-zuckerberg-andreessen-alternate-autocratic-reality
Want to help create a collective vision of resistance to the elitist domination of the future?
Join us 26 Sept at Acud Macht Neu in Berlin for "Trolling AI Doomerism & Longtermism" meetup.
Philosopher and scholar Emile P. Torres (@xriskology) will lead the debate.
Learn more and secure your spot now: https://dnlb.org/ai
#ai #longtermism #tescreal #future #transhumanism #elonmusk
also the trace to #Fox isn't that much of a surprise.
#tescreal #ancientaliensdebunked #fox