Nottingham Gaussfest
Tesla coils, Wimshurst machines, Van de Graaff , Jacobs ladders generators and all sorts of high voltage demonstrations. (plus a pair of beam engines)
Please register to visit (or if you have something HV to demo)
Please boost for coverage and redistribute to your networks.
#gaussfest #tesla #TeslaCoils #HighVoltage #electronics #makers #wimshurst #VanDeGraaff
#vandegraaff #wimshurst #makers #Electronics #highvoltage #teslacoils #Tesla #gaussfest
Nottingham Gaussfest (Teslathon) registrations for visitors and exhibitors are now open.
This year it will be held on Saturday 4th November
Visitors will see demos of high voltage equipment.
Exhibitors with any high voltage equipment, teslacoils, electro static, n'stuff welcome.
Please boost for coverage and redistribute to your networks.
#teslacoils, #highvoltage #electronics #sparks #gaussfest #electrostatic #wimshurst #vandegraaff
#vandegraaff #wimshurst #electrostatic #gaussfest #sparks #Electronics #highvoltage #teslacoils
Nottingham Gaussfest registrations for visitors and exhibitors are now open.
This year it will be held on Saturday 4th November at Papplewick Pumping station.
Exhibitors with any high voltage equipment, tesla coils, electro static, distribution etc welcome.
Please boost for coverage.
#teslacoils, #highvoltage #electronics #sparks #gaussfest #electrostatic #wimshurst #vandegraaff
#vandegraaff #wimshurst #electrostatic #gaussfest #sparks #Electronics #highvoltage #teslacoils
#introduction [2/2]
#HV is also a big hobby of mine. I've built several #teslacoils, and currently run a detector for Besides, I'm trying to degoogle my life, and run a bridge relay for @torproject. I like listening to #metal and #rock music. Oh, and I also enjoy #darkhumor a lot 😈
#introduction #hv #darkhumor #teslacoils #metal #rock
shocking tesla coil battle...
#animatedgif #shocking #battle #teslacoils #teslacoil
shocking tesla coil battle...
#animatedgif #shocking #battle #teslacoils #teslacoil