Steering failures are Tesla’s new federal safety worry - Enlarge / There's already one open federal safety probe into whether or... - #teslamodelysteeringproblem #teslasafetyinvestigation #teslasteeringfailure #teslamodel3 #teslamodely #teslarecall #teslasafety #tesla #cars
#cars #tesla #teslasafety #teslarecall #teslamodely #teslamodel3 #teslasteeringfailure #teslasafetyinvestigation #teslamodelysteeringproblem
An AI generated images of Car brands in some animal taken form..
Mercedes or Tesla..
#teslamodely #mercedesbenz #stopvoringme
El TESLA MODEL Y es el coche más vendido del MUNDO y os doy los 5 motivos por los que creo que ha sido así, teniendo en cuenta que uno de eso 267,200 coches es el mío 😜 #Tesla #TeslaModelY
Tesla derrumba la financiación del Tesla Model Y en España.
Only four midsize SUVs score good rating in IIHS rear-seat safety tests - Enlarge / The Tesla Model Y earned a good rating in IIHS' rear seat pro... - #insuranceinstituteofhighwaysafety #chevrolettraverse #fordmustangmach-e #toyotahighlander #volkswagenatlas #crashtesting #fordexplorer #jeepwrangler #subaruascent #teslamodely #roadsafety #cars #iihs
#iihs #cars #roadsafety #teslamodely #subaruascent #jeepwrangler #fordexplorer #crashtesting #volkswagenatlas #toyotahighlander #fordmustangmach #chevrolettraverse #insuranceinstituteofhighwaysafety
📈 ¡El Tesla Model Y destrona al Dacia Spring y vuelve a ser el vehículo eléctrico más vendido en España!
El Fiat 500E, el MG4 y el Dacia demuestran definitivamente que los grandes SUV no son el único tipo de vehículo que quiere la gente.
#teslamodely #tesla #teslamotors #daciaspring #dacia #fiat500e #fiat #fiat500 #mg4 #mg #cupraborn #cupraelborn #cupra #seat #estatisticas #ventas #somosgaia #movilidadsostenible #movilidadelectrica #vehiculoselectricos #vehiculoelectrico #sostenibilidad
#teslamodely #tesla #TeslaMotors #daciaspring #dacia #Fiat500e #fiat #fiat500 #mg4 #mg #cupraborn #cupraelborn #cupra #SEAT #estatisticas #ventas #somosgaia #movilidadsostenible #movilidadelectrica #vehiculoselectricos #vehiculoelectrico #sostenibilidad
Tesla is recalling 3,470 Model Y crossovers for second-row seat fix - Mistorqued bolts may need to be fixed in some Model Y second rows. (cre... - #safetyrecall #teslamodely #teslarecall #tesla #cars
#cars #tesla #teslarecall #teslamodely #safetyrecall
Os 10 automóveis 100% elétricos mais vendidos em janeiro na Europa.
#teslamodely #DaciaSpring #VolkswagenID3 #VolkswagenID4 #Fiat500e #volvoxc40 #SKODAENYAQiV #Peugeote208 #audiq4etron
#teslamodely #daciaspring #volkswagenid3 #volkswagenid4 #fiat500e #volvoxc40 #skodaenyaqiv #peugeote208 #audiq4etron
Tinha visto esta noticia no outro dia de um #tesla Y com menos de 7 dias na mão do proprietário o volante soltou-se. Mas quis esperar para ver se era treta mas afinal é mais do que o esperado. Bastante mais...incluindo a Tesla dizer que não encontrou qualquer defeito, não conformidade ou problema coberto pela garantia. #teslay #teslamodely
Tesla raises Model Y prices after Treasury says it counts as an SUV - Enlarge / Tesla Model Y electric vehicles in a lot at the Tesla Inc. Gi... - #teslamodelytaxcredit #teslapriceincrease #teslamodely #cars
#cars #teslamodely #teslapriceincrease #teslamodelytaxcredit
🙏 thoughts and prayers
RT @preneh24
@elonmusk @TeslaOwnersWW @BLKMDL3 Family was excited to receive Tesla Y delivery on 1/24/2023. Was driving on highway and all the sudden steering wheel fall off, was lucky enough there was no car behind and I was able to pull on devider #SafetyFirst #Fixit #TeslaModelY #help
#safetyfirst #fixit #teslamodely #help
RT @preneh24
@elonmusk @TeslaOwnersWW @BLKMDL3 Family was excited to receive Tesla Y delivery on 1/24/2023. Was driving on highway and all the sudden steering wheel fall off, was lucky enough there was no car behind and I was able to pull on devider #SafetyFirst #Fixit #TeslaModelY #help
#safetyfirst #fixit #teslamodely #help
RT Family was excited to receive Tesla Y delivery on 1/24/2023. Was driving on highway and all the sudden steering wheel fall off, was lucky enough there was no car behind and I was able to pull on devider #SafetyFirst #Fixit #TeslaModelY #help
#safetyfirst #fixit #teslamodely #help
Steering wheel falls off a new Tesla Y while driving on a highway
RT Family was excited to receive Tesla Y delivery on 1/24/2023. Was driving on highway and all the sudden steering wheel fall off, was lucky enough there was no car behind and I was able to pull on devider #SafetyFirst #Fixit #TeslaModelY #help
#safetyfirst #fixit #teslamodely #help
that's a feature, not a bug
RT @preneh24
@elonmusk @TeslaOwnersWW @BLKMDL3 Family was excited to receive Tesla Y delivery on 1/24/2023. Was driving on highway and all the sudden steering wheel fall off, was lucky enough there was no car behind and I was able to pull on devider #SafetyFirst #Fixit #TeslaModelY #help
#safetyfirst #fixit #teslamodely #help
@klgn @holm Så på et tidspunkt FDM skrive, at så længe kWh-prisen ikke var over 5 kr. så kunne det som tommelfingerregel svare sig med el bil med de nuværende brændstofspriser. Lader hjemmefra med boks fra OK og det fungerer bare. Primært nat når billigst. Forleden for 20 kr fra 20% til 100%☺️
Er selv stærkt begejstret for vores #TeslaModelY. Virkelig et fantastisk køretøj, som jeg ville ønske Elon koncentrerede sig om i stedet for SoMe😉
Håber de nye priser vil sætte yderligere skub i markedet.
Member 'Sunshine Speed' put together a list of Model Y configs that qualify for the 2023 Federal Tax Credit #tesla #modely #teslamodely
📬 Tesla-Relay Attack: Model Y in Sekunden entsperrt und gestartet
#Hacking #Hackangriff #JosepPiRodriguez #NFCSchlüsselkarte #ProxmarkRDV40RFIDTool #RelayAttack #Schwachstelle #TeslaModelY
#teslamodely #schwachstelle #RelayAttack #ProxmarkRDV40RFIDTool #NFCSchlüsselkarte #JosepPiRodriguez #hackangriff #hacking
This Tesla owner uses his car to mine Bitcoin and ... #tesla #elonmusk #teslamodel #teslamotors #teslamodels #spacex #model #cars #ev #bmw #car #teslamodelx #teslaroadster #electriccar #teslalife #audi #electricvehicle #electric #porsche #teslamodely
#Tesla #ElonMusk #teslamodel #teslamotors #teslamodels #spacex #model #cars #ev #bmw #car #teslamodelx #teslaroadster #electriccar #teslalife #audi #electricvehicle #electric #porsche #teslamodely