I also noticed the #Tesla price. Is it possible Musk is repeating old behaviors - forcing tesla stock down so he can buy it back cheap? #TeslaTanks
#tesla #teslatanks #teslaspacextwitter
I also noticed the #Tesla price. Is it possible Musk is repeating old behaviors - forcing tesla stock down so he can buy it back cheap? #TeslaTanks
#tesla #teslatanks #teslaspacextwitter
Ark Invest CEO Warns Fed’s Actions Could Lead to 1929-Like Great Depression — Elon Musk Agrees - The CEO of investment management firm Ark Invest has warned that if the Federal Re... - https://news.bitcoin.com/ark-invest-ceo-warns-feds-actions-could-lead-to-1929-like-great-depression-elon-musk-agrees/ #cathiewoodgreatdepression #arkinvestmentmanagement #elonmuskgreatdepression #arkinvestceocathiewood #1929greatdepression #teslaspacextwitter #greatdepression #federalreserve #fedratehikes
#fedratehikes #federalreserve #greatdepression #teslaspacextwitter #1929greatdepression #arkinvestceocathiewood #elonmuskgreatdepression #arkinvestmentmanagement #cathiewoodgreatdepression