Jviens juste de voir, vous pouvez tester gratuitement Teso (the elder scoll onlinez) jusque demain :
Je teste ce soir, là il faut trop chaud pour ⌨️🖱
Si ca me plait ya moyen que je reste, t'as pas besoin d'une healeuse par hasard 😜?
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The Elder Scrolls Online
Secondo giorno di gioco, ho impostato la qualità grafica su "ultra" nonostante la mia scheda video abbia più di dieci anni e visualizzo tutto perfettamente.
La mancanza di sottotitoli in italiano è peggiorata dall'assenza di sottotitoli in inglese quando non si sta parlando direttamente con un personaggio; riesco a capire parte di quanto detto, ma non tutto.
Le istanze delle missioni non sono private, perciò ⤵️
#tes #tesonline #TheElderScrolls #TheElderScrollsOnline
The Elder Scrolls Online
Quando mi sono registrato, ho inserito un'email sbagliata, perciò non ho potuto ricevere l'email di attivazione dell'account.
Ieri ho contattato l'assistenza clienti spiegando il fatto, stanotte alle 3 mi hanno risposto. Oggi a mezzogiorno con un rapido scambio di email per confermare che l'account appartenesse effettivamente a me mi hanno corretto l'indirizzo email, ed ho potuto effettuare l'attivazione.
Sono molto soddisfatto dalla loro assistenza.
The Elder Scrolls Online in regalo su Epic Games Store
👉 https://gomoot.com/the-elder-scrolls-online-in-regalo-su-epic-games-store/
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Hermie Mora (we're friends, he doesn't mind me calling him that) looks so faaaabulos in photos! Look at his tentacles gleam! I must ask him what his routine is; the Ink of a Abbysal applied nightly perhaps?
Thank you to #Bethesda_ANZ for this amazing limited state to celebrate the launch of #Necrom! Jump in and say hullo to Hermie in person!
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Thank you #bethesda_anz for this absolutely awesome Hermaus Mora Mug, celebrating the release of the latest chapter for the #ElderScrollsOnline - #Necrom! Explore Apycropha and find out what the Daedric Prince of Knowledge needs of a mere mortal!
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RT @daevath
19 jule 2020 i posted this #tesonline fanart on Tumblr. Now in 2023 I see my art… in ESO crown skin called MERCYMOTHER'S BODY ART (why Almalexia? It's Sotha Sil here)
Do you see ANY difference?
@TESOnline , hello. It's my art but I'm not even mentioned??
#ESOFam #TESOnline They've lowered the cooldown on the stablemasters from 20 hours to 15hrs 50mins?!?! Outstanding!
Just got this really awesome picture of two of my Khajiit characters from ESO - Athra (who, of course, I have in costume form) and Tsalsha-Ko.
He's an orphan raised by Breton Nobles on a remote isle who had to escape to the continent after the last of his adoptive parents (father) died.
She's a skilled Templar warrior/healer from the Skyrim region.
Surprisingly, they hit it off rather well together.
🎨Virna White (FA) - https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51181902/
#eso #tesonline #khajiit #artwork
Just had this done by the amazing @englidottir (same name on Twitter). It’s Iri T’Bel in all her Bosmer glory! #ESO #ESOFam #ElderScrollsOnline #tesonline
#tesonline #elderscrollsonline #esofam #eso
Aunque siempre digo que mi príncipe daédrico favorito es Sheogorath, Clavicus Vile gana bastantes puntos PERO solo por tener a Barabas 🐕
I got Ember and she is hilarious! I didnt want a companion at first but when i saw Ember i melted. And as im stamina i need a sorceress. Meow Em! 🥰 #ESO #TESOnline
Während des Events habe ich erst nur "Archivist" verstanden und war - verständlicherweise - unglaublich gehyped 😄 Schade, hätte auch gut zu den gezeigten Skills gepasst. #TESOnline
RT @TESOnline_de@twitter.com
Wir freuen uns, die Veröffentlichung eines eurer größten Wünsche anzukündigen: einer neuen Klasse. Hier kommt der Arkanist, eine ganz neue Art, #ESO zu erleben, und unsere siebte spielbare Klasse.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TESOnline_de/status/1618551199908732929
#shadowovermorrowind #eso #tesonline
At some point when I can focus on the game, Iri T’Bel will make a reappearance.
Bosmer Nightblade | Elder Scrolls Online | PCEU
#teso #tesonline #esofam #eso #elderscrollsonline
"La has liado parda" de las mejores localizaciones en un videojuego 😂😂 #TESO #ESOFam #TESOnline
#ESO | #ESOTavern | #TESOnline | #ElderScrolls | #ElderScrollsOnline | #RPG | #Roleplaying | #Games | #Gaming | #Playstation | #MMORPG | #Fantasy
Nathan Brazil is perhaps the “main” at the moment.
#eso #esotavern #tesonline #ElderScrolls #elderscrollsonline #rpg #roleplaying #games #gaming #playstation #mmorpg #fantasy
#ESO | #ESOTavern | #TESOnline | #ElderScrolls | #ElderScrollsOnline | #RPG | #Roleplaying | #Games | #Gaming | #Playstation | #MMORPG | #Fantasy
Garth Alpha Seven (Garth A7, GA7) is a Factotum Conduit that just may have the consciousness of Nathan Brazil.
Nathan Brazil is a homage to Jack L. Chalker’s Nathan Brazil. He’s probably insane.
#eso #esotavern #tesonline #ElderScrolls #elderscrollsonline #rpg #roleplaying #games #gaming #playstation #mmorpg #fantasy
#ESO | #ESOTavern | #TESOnline | #ElderScrolls | #ElderScrollsOnline | #RPG | #Roleplaying | #Games | #Gaming | #Bethesda
After attaining the four Companions, there should be an option to skip initial quests, since these are account wide. If doing their quest line it would make sense you cannot summon them.
#eso #esotavern #tesonline #ElderScrolls #elderscrollsonline #rpg #roleplaying #games #gaming #Bethesda
#ESO | #ESOTavern | #TESOnline | #ElderScrolls | #ElderScrollsOnline | #RPG | #Roleplaying | #Games | #Gaming
Before coffee…
#eso #esotavern #tesonline #ElderScrolls #elderscrollsonline #rpg #roleplaying #games #gaming