This is the 'Spreading Hexagons' tessellation, by Eric Gjerde.
I folded it from 200gsm watercolour paper coated with cyanotype chemicals.
It sat outside almost five days.
Long exposure pushes cyanotype blue into a golden-greenish blue instead.
I like how the edges of the folds have described a multiplicity of hexagons.
Origami is cool.
#blueprint #cyanotype #hexagon #EricGjerde #metamorphogram #origami #tessellation #origamitessellation #tessellated #curiosity #justcurious
#blueprint #cyanotype #hexagon #ericgjerde #metamorphogram #origami #tessellation #origamitessellation #tessellated #curiosity #justcurious
Sometimes you make things for sheer curiosity.
I've been trying tessellated origami forms for a while. This one is appealing as it is easy to fold and fun to play with.
I folded it from a sheet of watercolour paper coated with cyanotype.
It went outside for a day or so.
When developed, it looked like the final picture.
So now I know. Curiosity sated. Until next time.
#blueprint #cyanotype #metamorphogram #origami #tessellation #origamitessellation #tessellated #curiosity #justcurious
#blueprint #cyanotype #metamorphogram #origami #tessellation #origamitessellation #tessellated #curiosity #justcurious