Check it out, #Docker #Compose support and
#TestContainers at development time in the latest #SpringBoot discussed by @simonverhoeven on Foojay :foojay: Today, with #Java code, samples, and more.
#docker #compose #testcontainers #springboot #java #foojaytip
Looking to enhance the Developer Experience (#DX)? Discover how
@microcksio and #testcontainers can be embedded in your Inner Loop for easy unit-testing and #API #contract-testing.
I just published part 2 of a series on this topic.
#dx #testcontainers #api #contract
🎉 We are officially announcing the free Tescontainers Desktop app! It reflects of 8+ years of working on Testcontainers: listening to - and taking to heart - our community and doing our best to ensure a great experience for local development. Read more :
Check out @sivalabs on Foojay :foojay: Today and learn how you can use #Testcontainers Desktop app to simplify your testing and local development workflow!
Running Kafka Servers With Testcontainers in Node.js
#javascript #nodejs #testcontainers #kafka #kafkajs
Running RabbitMQ Servers With Testcontainers in Node.js
#javascript #nodejs #testcontainers #rabbitmq #amqplib
Any people using #TestContainers in #dotnet with GitHub actions? How are you sharding tests to have a good balance on the performance and not utilising too many resources?
Fake it until you `make it`. API integration testing with #WireMock and #Testcontainers. Check out the recording of the Java.IL presentation by @asciidwarf:
Now we provide Java, Golang and Python integrations, more to be added soon! Would WireMock on Testcontainers be interesting to you? What features would you like to see there?
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an #testcontainers #pilz @sparsick 🎉🎉🎉
Big update to the Python WireMock library! Enhanced support for standalone instances and feature alignment, preview support for #Testcontainers Python integration, and new documentation. Read on to discover what's the hiss:
Testcontainers with OpenAPI - API integration testing with a contract-driven mock server
Published on #GeekCulture
#testcontainers #openapi #api #testing
#testing #api #openapi #testcontainers #geekculture
Check out the new WireMock module for #Testcontainers Go! This module allows provisioning the WireMock server as a standalone container within Golang unit tests. It brings the full power of WireMock Java to the modern #Golang ecosystem 🚀
This is all it takes to create the Docker image on the fly and use it in my test.
The image is built from my Dockerfile, a container is created, and then I start it to verify the signature and check the expected output in the container logs.
Thanks #Testcontainers 🤩
Столкнулся с занятным багом в процессе причесывания #ci. Чуть не поругался в девопсами.
Суть - есть репка с микросервисом, в ней есть 2 тестовых проекта (модульные и иньеграционные). На ci запускались только модульные, в процессе причесывания прописал запуск интеграционных.
Первый ран - все зеленое. Поправил readme - все интеграционные тесты красные. Wut?!
Полез разбираться, оказалось #testcontainers не может поднять resource reaper. Запустил еще раз - все зеленое. Wut?!!
Выявил закономерность - часть агентов имеет #docker мажорной версии 20, остальные - 23. Так вот на 20 версии - тестконтейнеры не стартуют. Такой вот неожиданный баг
Want to test your Go applications with real dependencies using Testcontainers for Go?
Here is a quick hands-on video demonstrating how to test a Go application using PostgreSQL with Testcontainers for Go.
#SpringBoot 3.1 and #Testcontainers are a great match for having a "Clone & Run" Developer Experience.
I can not say it often enough, #Testcontainers is a game changer... for testing and development.
If you own a #springboot project that offers autoconfiguration for certain technologies and would like to integrate #testcontainers via `ServiceConnection`, please ping me!
Just found this simple but neat trick in the #testcontainers code to provide fluent APIs in abstract classes. By using the self method only a single cast needs a SuppressWarnings. Gonna steal that.. 🏴☠️
Volles Haus mit @kiview und #testcontainers! Danke an #adesso für Räumlichkeiten und Catering!