Test-Driven Development is a bit like daily exercise. We know it's good for us, but putting it in practice requires so much damn willpower. In his talk at RubyHACK 2018, David Brady outlines a helpful way to think about TDD by locating it within the quadrants of "Behaviour known/unknown" and "Implementation known/unknown". (Spoiler: It's quadrant 2.)
#Ruby #Coding #SoftwareEngineering #TestDrivenDevelopment #TDD
#Ruby #coding #softwareEngineering #testdrivendevelopment #tdd
New blog post: "Test-driven"
Why Test-Driven Development is an investment that pays off.
#development #testdrivendevelopment #Ruby
🔄 Switch on Red in Ping-Pong – In TDD? Switch roles every time a test fails. Keeps you in the loop for every Red-Green-Refactor cycle, enhancing your overall TDD skills. #TestDrivenDevelopment #RoleSwitching
#roleswitching #testdrivendevelopment
[Tutorial] Learn Go with Tests
Traducendo "Guile Hacker Handbook" ho scoperto l'esistenza di questo libro.
È appunto un manuale sul linguaggio Go basato sul Test Driven Development (TDD).
Non ho ancora avuto modo di iniziarlo ma, come confermato anche dall'autore, è adatto anche a principianti con conoscenze di base (variabili, cicli, funzioni ecc.)
Buona lettura 😉
#programmazione #golang #testdrivendevelopment
Saturday MP Show #10: Finally get a System Tests Working for the Standard Ruby Linter ToDo Bug
I get my system test working but the problem is it works so well that it still passes even after I re-introduce the bug when it should have failed. Crap!
Question you want answered in a future video? Pair on a problem? Constructive feedback? DM me or email ask@saturdaymp.com.
#systemtesting #ruby #standardrb #rubocop #testdrivendevelopment #saturdaympshow #saturdaymp
#systemtesting #ruby #standardrb #rubocop #testdrivendevelopment #saturdaympshow #saturdaymp
#testdrivendevelopment #scheme #tdd
I continue to watch @jamesshore and @jitterted build their role-playing game with #ChatCPT, #Java, and #React. Despite having no Java knowledge, I love spending three hours at a time watching these two pair. I keep recommending the stream to my team not as an example of writing code but as a how to pair program. Check out the whole playlist. It is worth it.
#chatcpt #java #react #tdd #testdrivendevelopment #pairprogramming
Friendgineers: Tests don't just test different things, they also have different purposes.
#friendgineers #testing #testdrivendevelopment
There's a pattern of Not Invented Here Syndrome when people put a catchy name in things.
But these fundamentals lead directly to #TDD etc.
"The test design should be made at the same time as the design decision."
#tdd #nih #testdrivendevelopment #software #development
Generating implementation code with AI is one thing...
But generating unit tests with #AI is on a different level. This should actually be illegal!
#ArtificialIntelligence #TDD #UnitTest #LLM #TestDrivenDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #tdd #unittest #llm #testdrivendevelopment #softwareEngineering
RT @scottkeckwarren
This is a gental reminder @phptek is going to be happening May 16-18 in Chicago this year! There's still time to register and if you come you get to see me present on #staticCodeAnalysis and #testDrivenDevelopment .
#staticcodeanalysis #testdrivendevelopment
This is a gental reminder @phptek is going to be happening May 16-18 in Chicago this year! There's still time to register and if you come you get to see me present on #staticCodeAnalysis and #testDrivenDevelopment .
#staticcodeanalysis #testdrivendevelopment
🚀 New chapter added to the Guile Hacker Handbook ! 🚀
This is a book to learn Guile in a #TestDrivenLearning style 👽
⬇️ Check it out ⬇️
🇫🇷 🇬🇧 jeko.frama.io
The Guile app tutorial is making a new step forward.
How do you feel about the « Fix it! » experiment ?
#gnu #guile #scheme #lisp #testDrivenDevelopment #tdd #fuctionalprogramming #learnToCode #CodeNewbie #100DaysOfCode
#100daysofcode #codenewbie #learntocode #fuctionalprogramming #tdd #testdrivendevelopment #lisp #scheme #guile #gnu #TestDrivenLearning
@cguess @rysiek @lispi314 If there are incompatibilities between implementations of a cryptographic algorithm, then the test vectors won't match. The whole purpose of having published test vectors is to catch implementation mistakes.
When you have a standard that includes a set of "input X yields output Y" and your implementation of the standard gives some other output, then one or the other at least is OBVIOUSLY wrong. Both may be wrong, but they aren't both right.
I have found that writing unit tests for exceptionally complex projects has forced me to change how I approach my work in some cases. This post talks about how I write prototypes of code to hash out how a project will work quickly, as a part of my design process.
#Productivity #programming, #ProjectManagement, #TestDrivenDevelopment, #WebDevelopment
#productivity #programming #projectmanagement #testdrivendevelopment #webdevelopment
as I try to pace myself from simply applying to every job I can possibly find I thought this might be a good time to put down some of my thoughts on #testdrivendevelopment in #golang and how I approach building an api and hopefully there's an idea or two in here that's new to someone.
anyway, I have more I want to say on this, it badly needs a rewrite, but not tonight.
#testdrivendevelopment #golang
Fast, Independent, Repeatable, Self-validating and Timely. These are the five guidelines of F.I.R.S.T., introduced by Robert C. Martin, that describe the very basic qualitative characteristics for solitary tests. However, there are also other guidelines that are very important as well. For more information: https://leanpub.com/writing-maintainable-unit-tests
#tdd #testdrivendevelopment #unittests #unittesting #softwaredesign
#tdd #testdrivendevelopment #unittests #unittesting #softwaredesign
One more test added to emacs-srfi64 !
I can run the inner most suite at point.
Bigger challenges on the way.
#emacs #guile #scheme #srfi64 #testDrivenDevelopment #test #tdd
#tdd #test #testdrivendevelopment #srfi64 #scheme #guile #emacs
Jeudi à 12h45 : Démo live de @elmlang
en #TestDrivenDevelopment sur la chaîne d’@art_developpeur
avec @Tarcaye
! On va se tenter le kata Morpion et parler d’outside in, tdd as if you meant it, refactor, prog fonctionelle ❤️🚀🧑💻
I would be remiss if I did not mention that I am on my second draft of this program. The first draft went far, far worse. I wrote a lot of code that ended up at an impasse where I actually had #roles and #classes in conflict. After starting over and adopting an approach resembling #testdrivendevelopment I find that I can proceed with more confidence and better results, even in a familiar language and toolset. And after some significant #RTFM I understand #Perl #Moose a little bit better.
#moose #perl #rtfm #testdrivendevelopment #classes #roles