On Wed, Dec 14, 2022, at 4 p.m. EST, #24HourNation hosts a free #webinar that will bring attention to the use of #fentanyl in nightlife industries.
It will also help you know what to do to help save lives.
#NighttimeEconomy #Night #Bars #Clubs #ASAPFoundation #Narcan #NarcanSavesLives #SaveMoreLives #TestYourDrugs #StaySafe #DontLetThemTestYou #DontFnDie #ASAPYams #FENTFree #TestingKits
#testingkits #fentfree #asapyams #dontfndie #dontletthemtestyou #staysafe #testyourdrugs #savemorelives #narcansaveslives #narcan #asapfoundation #clubs #bars #night #nighttimeeconomy #fentanyl #webinar #24hournation
Have you been able to learn how the testing works? Do they use a microscope to look at the cell and identify it?
#COVID19 #coronavirus #testingkits